Super Monk

Chapter 3957

Zhao Fugui is talking to Mobei Shentuo. A faint figure comes out from the snow beside him. This figure has a strange smell, and even melts into the snow. Before he moves, even Zhao Fugui doesn't notice that there is someone lurking under the snow.

"Be careful!" With a cry of surprise, lady Hongying saw that Zhao Fugui's sword light slipped and a touch of blood suddenly bloomed. Her figure suddenly froze in mid air, and then fell heavily into the snow. The drops of blood bloomed like plum blossoms in the snow.

"Whoosh!" Almost at the same time, a strong crossbow appeared directly from the dense forest and shot at Zhao Fugui's eyes in an instant. Zhao Fugui's fingers flicked on the strong crossbow.

The crossbow shot back in an instant, and then a shrill scream sounded in the dense forest. Another figure fell from a tree covered with snow.

After shooting fingers to kill people, Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo take a deep breath and have a new understanding of Zhao Fugui's strength. These are all the elite dead men of Yuedu. Unexpectedly, they are not even as good as local chickens and wagons in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes.

"The blood falls like plum tonight, I don't know how many plum blossoms there will be!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

I don't know why hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo only feel cold all over, as if the "rustle" of the cold wind has penetrated their thick clothes, into their bodies.

"Taoist priest, this way!" Mobei God camel found his voice slightly trembling, he pointed to a direction, three people in the snow continue to move forward.

"In the moon capital, the eighth General of the moon devil is the strongest under the Lord of the moon capital?" Zhao Fugui asked as he walked.

Although Mobei Shentuo and Hongying Niang wondered why Zhao Fugui didn't even know these common sense things among the nine capitals, they didn't dare to ask more questions. They would answer whatever Zhao Fugui asked.

"Taoist priest, there are four Dharma protectors on top of the Eight Generals of the moon demon. The four Dharma protectors are the master of the moon capital. The grandson of wuliangjian is like jade!" Mobei God camel respectfully said.

Zhenwu world regards strength as its honor, and Zhao Fugui's strength is naturally respected. Even the Shentuo in Mobei was older than huangfulie in Yuan Dynasty, but he also called huangfulie his predecessor.

"What are the four Dharma protectors of Yuedu?" The three continued to walk towards the darkness. From time to time, the light of the sword suddenly rose, and then the blood red plum blossom bloomed, which made the darkness return to silence again. There was Zhao Fugui, and even no chance for Hongying Niang and Mobei Shentuo to fight.

"The first two of the four Dharma protectors, the first one and the second one, are strong masters. They have already been able to produce the interaction between heaven and man, and have the power to catch the wind and seize the mountain. The third Dharma protector and the fourth Dharma protector are inferior in strength. They are called the half step master, but their strength is far higher than that of the eighth General of the moon demon! " Mobei God camel said.

Master? This master must be different from the master of the world before the great change of heaven and earth. The master here may be a fake golden immortal, that is, the fighting power is similar to that of the golden immortal, but his life and magic power are far worse than that of the real golden immortal.

As for master banbu, it's estimated that his combat effectiveness is equal to the level of Tianxian Da Yuan man. As for the moon demon eight, it's going to be a little worse. If so, the combat effectiveness of monks in this world is not too bad. After all, Jinxian has dozens of statues.

"If we meet four Dharma protectors, I'm afraid we can't get into Raytheon villa. Fortunately, senior Huangfu also has some old friends. Even if there are only one or two of them, the four Dharma protectors can't stop them. If we want to stop them, I'm afraid Gongsun Ruyu will have to do it himself!" Said Madame Hongying.

"What about Gongsun Ruyu's strength?" Zhao Fugui thinks that if Huang fulie's so-called best friends wanted to make a move, they would have made a move long ago. They haven't made a move until now. Even if there are more than ten or twenty best friends, it's good to have one or two.

This is the so-called people walking in the tea cooler. If huangfulie hadn't gone crazy to enter Zhenwu's tomb in those years, I'm afraid that he would have responded to all of them. If he only had to send a post, I'm afraid that these close friends would have flocked here, at least hundreds of them.

"The masters of the nine capitals are all great masters of cultivation, but Gongsun Ruyu has just stepped into the realm of great masters. He is behind the masters of the nine capitals, and he is not one of the strongest masters of the nine capitals!" Said Madame Hongying.

"It's not the most powerful ones in the nine capitals. Are they not interested in the position of Yuan emperor?" Zhao Fugui asked at the same time.

"We are also very strange about this. The nine capitals are powerful, and the most powerful of them are very interested in becoming the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty this time. After all, if they can get the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, even if they can't wipe out the world, they will be very beneficial in the disputes of the nine capitals." Said Madame Hongying.

"Although Gongsun Ruyu has great ambition and secretly cultivates the dead, in fact his strength is not optimistic. After all, it is said that he has just stepped into the realm of great master, and it is difficult to compete with other powerful masters of the nine capitals!"

"Gongsun Ruyu's strength may not be as it is said, but at the crucial moment of fighting for the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, he rashly forced the thunder god villa and caused public indignation all over the world. This may not be a plan to retreat for advance. After all, if he did so, I'm afraid it would be more difficult to get the throne of Yuan emperor! ""If so, it would be equivalent to giving up the fight for the throne of the Yuan Dynasty. He may have given up the Yuan emperor's position in exchange for the acquiescence of the other nine capitals. Gongsun Ruyu has his own plan! " Zhao Fugui thought a little and said.

This is just a small trick, which can be seen by a little analysis. However, both Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo are not good at scheming. They didn't expect this at all. Now they are analyzed by Zhao Fugui, and their eyes are suddenly widened.

"So it is!" Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo murmur that it's no wonder that this month they are forced to marry Leishen villa, and the other Jiudu people have not voiced their support or opposition. It turns out that the Lord of Jiudu has already reached a tacit agreement.

But at this time, a strong Dao Qi suddenly came from the distance, and a figure was like electricity, which urged the Dao Qi to cut down on Zhao Fugui.

"Be careful!" Zhao Fugui faces the man sideways, and the faces of Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo change greatly. They shout and remind each other, but they want to stop them, but they slow down.

At this moment, the light of the sword flashed again in front of them. The attack man's knife gas burst and interfered with Zhao Fugui's light. At the same time, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand and stabbed Zhao Fugui's heart.

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