Super Monk

Chapter 3959

"Miss Huangfu won't want to!" Hongying Niang said firmly.

However, although the words are like this, everything is not sure before seeing Miss Huangfu, so Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo have no objection and follow Zhao Fugui to sneak into shenlei villa.

There is a wedding in shenlei villa today, so the gate of the villa is open, and there is no strict guard. Most of the villa are disciples of Yuedu. It is obvious that Yuedu has already arranged it properly in order to prevent shenlei villa from making any tricks.

The mountain villa is full of happiness, the snow on the ground has been cleared, and the red plum in the mountain villa is as red as blood. If you don't look at the faces of the disciples of shenlei mountain villa, I'm afraid you'll think it's a normal marriage.

"Taoist priest, what are you going to do?" But before Madame Hongying and Mobei Shentuo could react, they saw that Zhao Fugui swaggered directly to the main entrance of shenlei villa.

Didn't you say that you wanted to sneak into shenlei villa? What's the matter with this swagger? Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo look shocked and watch Zhao Fugui walk directly to the main entrance of shenlei villa.

"Who's coming?" Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Fugui came to the gate of shenlei mountain villa, the Yuedu disciple who was at the gate of shenlei mountain villa would shout and ask.

"I'm a layman in the wild. I've heard that Miss Huangfu is getting married today. Congratulations!" Zhao Fugui said with a slight smile. At the same time, the power of the stars in his eyes flashed, and the disciple who blocked the way suddenly fell into a trance.

"Taoist priest, please!" I don't know why. At this moment, the disciples of Yuedu felt that the Taoist in front of them was more trustworthy than his father. Without any hesitation, the disciples of Yuedu immediately turned aside.

The other disciples looked strange, but they thought that although there were not many guests today, there were indeed some guests who wanted to curry favor with Yuedu. Maybe these people were just like this, so although they felt strange, they didn't stop them.

Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo look at Zhao Fugui at a loss. They wave back to them and let them enter shenlei villa.

Is it all these months that the disciples have known Zhao Fugui, or is it some secret skill? Hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo couldn't understand what was going on. They could only follow Zhao Fugui nervously to shenlei villa.

Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo follow Zhao Fugui all the way into shenlei villa. All the disciples in the villa, whether they are Yuedu disciples or shenlei villa disciples with bitter hatred, seem to turn a blind eye to the three of them, as if they should have been here without any abnormality.

Hongying Niang and Mobei Shentuo watched Li Mu walk all the way to the main hall, but they were not questioned by anyone. For Hongying Niang and Mobei Shentuo, this is something they simply can't understand.

But Zhao Fugui did take Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo all the way to the main hall of shenlei villa. By this time, more than a dozen "niangs" had gathered in the main hall of shenlei villa.

These people are all from shenlei mountain villa, but they are obviously carefully selected by Yuedu. Those who want to make trouble, or want to stand out for Huangfu family, will not appear here.

When Zhao Fugui, Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo came to the main hall, these people gathered in a few small circles to whisper in the main hall. The atmosphere in the hall was quite awkward.

However, when Zhao Fugui, lady Hongying and Mobei Shentuo appeared, these people immediately stopped talking.

Seeing Zhao Fugui talking to Madame Hongying of Mobei Shentuo, someone's face suddenly changed in the hall. Madame Hongying had been to shenlei villa twice before, so someone in shenlei villa recognized her.

"It's hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo. Why are they here?" Someone said in horror.

Niang Hongying and Shentuo Mobei are also well-known figures in the river and lake. This month, they are married to shenlei mountain villa. Niang Hongying and Shentuo Mobei are firmly opposed to the marriage. They have also spoken in the river and lake to destroy the marriage.

But now hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo ran here in a big way. It didn't look like they came secretly.

Is it the red tassel empress and Mobei God camel see the moon are powerful, things can not be for have given in? In the hall, all of them looked at Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo in astonishment. They couldn't understand what was going on.

Many people in the hall exchanged their eyes. They saw that Yuedu disciples not far away from the hall didn't doubt the appearance of Mobei Shentuo and Hongying Niang, so they hesitated and didn't shout.

"Who is that Taoist? Mobei Shentuo and Hongying Niangniang are behind him. They are like his followers Others soon discovered the situation between Shentuo Hongying Niangniang and Zhao Fugui in Mobei.

"Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo are both famous figures in the world. How can they be young followers? What's the origin of this Taoist priest?"

"Isn't he a disciple of morality?" The people in the hall were shocked by this.The moral real person in the moral concept used to be Huang fulie's best friend, and he was also one of the top four Dharma protectors in the world.

If the real moral person also comes, I'm afraid today's situation will be a bit troublesome.

The people in the hall whispered, but Zhao Fugui, lady Hongying and Mobei Shentuo ignored them. Instead, they went through the main hall and continued to walk inside.

"Stop, what can I do for you?" But before Zhao Fugui, lady Hongying and Mobei Shentuo entered the main room, they were stopped.

In front of the main room, there were seven or eight men and women, all of whom were not very old. Some of them were armed with weapons. The speaker was a young man with an iron spear and a disciple of shenlei mountain villa.

"We want to see Miss Huangfu!" Hongying Niang said eagerly.

"Lady's wedding is just around the corner. You can't meet people casually!" The young man said disdainfully.

"Zhang Cui, you are a wolf. When the master of Huangfu villa saw that your parents died miserably and were young and lonely, he specially took you back to the villa and took you as a disciple to teach you martial arts and supernatural powers. Now you are living in Yuedu. That's how you repay the elder Huangfu?" Red Ying Niang said angrily.

This young man, Zhang Cui, is the youngest disciple of shenlei mountain villa. He is also the last disciple that huangfulie received before he went crazy to enter Zhenwu's tomb. I didn't expect Zhang Cui to eat inside and outside.

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