Super Monk

Chapter 3961

Huang Fu's wife and Huang Fu Yue look at Zhao Fugui in amazement. They seem to feel that Zhao Fugui is right. It's nothing more than losing the car and protecting the commander.

As long as the blood of the Huangfu family is still there, as long as the unique knowledge of the Huangfu family is still there, then the Huangfu family is there. Although shenlei mountain villa is the residence of the Huangfu family, it is not impossible to give up this residence.

Mrs. Huangfu's face showed a hesitant look. After all, she had lived in shenlei mountain villa for decades, and suddenly wanted to give up the foundation of Huangfu's family, which was unacceptable at any time.

But Huangfu's wife is still hesitating. There is a strange light in Huangfu Yue's eyes. She thinks Li Mu's proposal is very good. As long as the Huangfu family is still there and the inheritance of the Huangfu family is still there, the Huangfu family will still be there. It doesn't matter whether there is Leishen villa or not. The Huangfu family will start all over again.

"Madame Huangfu, the only way to settle down in this world is martial arts. There's no other way. If you don't have enough strength, it's the source of disaster. The foundation of the Huangfu family today is no longer what the Huangfu family can keep! "

"Even if there is no Gongsun Ruyu today, there will be Nangong Ruyu and situ Ruyu tomorrow. If the Huangfu family itself is not strong, there will be strong enemies on the outside and rebellious on the inside sooner or later. There will be no exception for thousands of families!"

"But if the strength of the Huangfu family is strong enough, one day miss Huangfu or her descendants will be able to reach the grand master's realm. What they lose today will be easy to get in the future!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "today, only by abandoning the foundation of shenlei mountain villa can Mrs. Huangfu and miss Huangfu not be coerced!"

"Although Yuedu is powerful, there are nine capitals in the world. Madam Huangfu and miss Huangfu may not be able to find a place to settle down!"

"But shenlei mountain villa has been handed down for hundreds of years, and the ancestral hall is here. How can we say that if we give up, we give up!" Said Madame Huangfu with a complicated look.

Before, there was huangfuli in shenlei mountain villa. Huangfuli sheltered their mother and daughter from the wind and rain. Mrs. Huangfu had no ambition to start all over again. She was nervous when she thought of the danger after leaving shenlei mountain villa.

Even Huangfu Yue looks complicated. The ancestral halls of the Huangfu family are all here. The ancestors of the Huangfu family are buried in the back mountain of the villa. Even the clothes tombs of Huangfu lie are also here. If they escape, even if these ancestral tombs will not be destroyed, they will lose their sacrifice.

If so, how could she be worthy of the ancestors of the Huangfu family.

"Miss Huangfu, I heard that you and He Lin, the eldest disciple of the Huangfu family, fell in love with each other. He Lin wanted to marry the Huangfu family by force for the last month. He Lin ran around for you and was killed and robbed. Although he got away by luck, he is missing now. Is it true that Miss Huangfu has forgotten He Lin, and has forgotten to make a vow with him Zhao Fugui continued.

If it wasn't for Huang Fu Yue and He Lin's falling in love, maybe Huang Fu Yue would recognize them as soon as the moon city forced shenlei villa.

Huangfu Yue's face flushed, and then she looked worried. She and He Lin really fell in love. But now he Lin is missing, and she is also worried. If she really married Gongsun Ruyu, how can she stand up to He Lin's fight.

Huangfu Yue's face showed a dull expression, a pair of eyes lost focus, as if recalling the oath of eternal love.

Seeing her daughter's expression, Mrs. Huangfu sighed and did not stop her. Huangfu Yue stayed for a while. Just when she seemed to make up her mind, the sound of gongs and suona suddenly rang. As soon as the faces of Huangfu's wife and Huangfu's wife changed, the people who welcomed her came.

The expression of Huang Fu's wife and Huang Fu Yue suddenly became uneasy, and Huang Fu Yue's face even showed a look of fear.

"Madam Huangfu, Miss Huangfu, please rest assured that no one can enter here today. I know that it's hard for Mrs. Huangfu and miss Huangfu to make a choice. I hope Miss Huangfu and Mrs. Huangfu can decide as soon as possible whether to leave or not to stay in a moment's time! " Zhao Fugui said with a smile and a plain look.

Looking at Zhao Fugui's expression, Huang Fu's wife and Huang Fu's Yue were taken by his confidence and nodded involuntarily.

Huangfu's wife and Huangfu's Yue stare at Li Mu's departure. Huangfu's Yue has already moved his mind. His eyes, which seem to be able to speak, can't help but look at his wife.

Hongying Niang also nodded to Huangfu Yue and hurried out with Mobei Shentuo.

Zhao Fugui walked directly out of the main room and out of the hall without looking at anyone else. He stood directly at the front door of shenlei villa. Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo quickly followed. But when they could see clearly who was coming, Hongying Niangniang and Mobei Shentuo suddenly changed their faces.

"Taoist priest, it's not good. It's the four Dharma protectors of Yuedu. There are two of them. They are the Green Wing blood king and the white eyebrow sword king!" Red tassel empress and Mobei God camel see a person, immediately face a change, surprised said.

In the world of Zhenwu, monks can be divided into nine classes. The entry-level disciples of ordinary schools are the lower nine class monks. Most of the formal disciples can be regarded as eight or nine class monks. The four guardians of Yuedu, such as the king of Green Wing blood and the king of white eyebrow sword, can already be regarded as the third class monks in the whole world of Zhenwu.As for hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo, they are even the fifth rate monks. They are inferior to the fourth rate monks like moon demon eight.

For hongyingniangniang and Mobei Shentuo, qingyixuewang and baimeidaowang are the existence they need to look up to. They can't deal with them at all.

However, for Zhao Fugui, these people are just local chickens and lackeys. If they don't want to expose their strength too early, Zhao Fugui will have solved them before they come to the villa.

Gongsun Jinxiu, dressed in the red bridegroom's clothes, rode a high horse, followed by the green winged blood king and the white eyebrow sword King escorted by Yuedu, and many other Yuedu's disciples, came to shenlei villa.

When they came to the gate of shenlei mountain villa, they saw Zhao Fugui standing in the front hall of shenlei mountain villa from a distance. These people's faces suddenly showed strange looks.

Although Gongsun Jinxiu didn't know Zhao Fugui, as long as they saw Zhao Fugui, they knew that these people were not disciples of Yuedu or Leishen villa.

"Who are you?" Gongsun Jinxiu's face is ugly and shouts. The bride hasn't seen it yet. Has she been pulled out of the top by this Taoist priest with good appearance?

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