Super Monk

Chapter 3988

Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda stands in front of the giant hand of the Golden Dragon. Outside the pagoda, the bright golden light blooms, and bursts of rich golden light almost turn into substance.

"Dang!" The huge golden palm slapped on the xuanhuang Linglong tower. The golden light on the xuanhuang Linglong tower suddenly darkened. After holding on for a few breath, it began to collapse quickly, but it was enough time.

When he Yue roared, the gasification of the earth made a heavy shield in front of him. Just in a moment, the Golden Buddha's giant palm slapped on the shield.

"Bang!" There are lots of cracks on the shield made up of earth Qi. He Yue opens his mouth and utters a scream, spewing out a mouthful of blood mist. The organs of the golden immortal Dharma body have been smashed under the great power of this palm.

He Yue screamed, turned around and wanted to run away, but he just flew a few feet away, and his whole body exploded instantly, directly burst into blood fog.

Although it didn't fall directly, the terrible power fell on he Yue through the shield composed of the air of the earth, which directly shattered he Yue's body.

He Yue was just like the golden immortal he had killed before. The whole Dharma body was shattered, and even the spirit could not escape.

At this time, the giant palm of ten golden dragons in mid air finally knocked down xuanhuang Linglong tower, and the giant palm fell down to Zhao Fugui.

One of the top ten golden dragon envoys is indeed the cultivation of the Hunyuan Daluo golden immortal. If the strong one in the Daluo realm, with Zhao Fugui's current strength, it would not be so easy to knock down the xuanhuang Linglong tower.

Only a strong man in the early period of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian could knock down Zhao Fugui's xuanhuang Linglong tower with one blow. It seems that none of the top ten Jinlong envoys are simple figures.

In the face of the giant palm that the Golden Dragon envoy continued to fall, Zhao Fugui showed a sneer on his face. With a move, xuanhuang Linglong tower and the air of the earth that was about to disappear were caught by him at the same time.

The air of the land seems to have its own consciousness. As soon as he Yue dies, he wants to escape. Once he lets the air of the land escape, it will not be so easy to find it next time.

Zhao Fugui looks cold and fierce. His mind moves. The Buddha's Dharma body condensed in mid air has already set out the starting form of the third form.

The third form, the birth of Thousand Buddhas, is equivalent to the Third Avenue of the three thousand Avenue, and the fourth form, the extinction of Ten Thousand Buddhas, is equivalent to the first avenue of the three thousand Avenue, which is the beginning of the three thousand Avenue.

The Tathagata Dharma phase in the mid air shows the start of the third form of the Tathagata palm. The Golden Dragon outside the water moon cave suddenly makes the heart surge with a palpitation, which seems to be an extremely dangerous feeling.

In mid air, a pair of huge eyes gathered together. The eyes looked at the Tathagata Dharma phase and the xuanhuang Linglong tower in Zhao Fugui's hand. It seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then the huge palm slowly dissipated.

Because this golden dragon envoy had a sense of crisis in the face of Zhao Fugui. It seemed that some mysterious feeling made him feel that he might not be the opponent of this golden immortal.

The third form of Buddha's palm should be able to block it. After all, with Zhao Fugui's current strength, I'm afraid it can't bring the power of Thousand Buddhas into full play. But if Ten Thousand Buddhas disappear after the birth of Thousand Buddhas, even if it is already Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's early cultivation, it may not be able to resist it.

He Yue has the Qi of heaven and earth in his body, but there is no such treasure in his body. If the Qi of earth is in his hand, he is not afraid. But the key is that although he has the strength of Hunyuan realm, he does not have that kind of congenital treasure in his hand. I'm afraid he may not be able to resist the extinction of the fourth form of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Even if the extinction of Ten Thousand Buddhas was urged by a monk in the golden Wonderland, what's more, there is xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in the hands of this monk, which is the treasure of Tao.

He Yue has the spirit of the earth, and the monk has the xuanhuang Linglong pagoda. Is this the reason why Daozu didn't want he Yue to testify to daoda, so he wanted to take away the spirit of the earth in advance?

Even with the cultivation of the Hunyuan realm, we may not see him often. We have no idea what he is thinking. A xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, coupled with the air of the earth, is a reflection of him.

After all, it was not strong enough in the early days of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was a full circle and a half step Immortal King, he would have a chance to listen to the Tao under the throne of Daozu and be taught face to face.

These thoughts in the mind of this golden dragon envoy, he did not dare to ask what happened to the ancestor. It's better to ask less about the matter involving Daozu, otherwise he may not know when to die.

"How dare you, friar, kill people in the Golden Dragon hall!" The Golden Dragon envoy had already given birth to the idea of shrinking, but on the surface he still wanted to maintain his dignity, he said with a roar.

"Isn't it irresponsible to kill people in this water moon cave today?" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Hum!" The Golden Dragon emissary gave a cold hum, and his face was a little ugly. The magic eye in mid air gradually disappeared, and a cloud covered the sky of Shuiyue cave again.Today, he Yue is not responsible for killing people in this water moon cave. He Yue proposed to him and got his consent. Since he Yue is not responsible for killing other monks, other monks are not responsible for killing him in this water moon cave today.

It's impossible. Because he Yue is a Kunlun disciple, he has no responsibility to kill other friars, and other friars have responsibility to kill him. Although the core disciples of Kunlun have all kinds of privileges, the fairness on the surface should be strictly observed. After all, it has to reflect the selflessness of the Taoist.

Even if the five disciples of the duanzu Temple of the Kunlun sect were the ancestors of the water, they would be able to maintain justice.

And now there are so many golden fairyland friars waiting outside Shuiyue cave. Even if Zhao Fugui doesn't have xuanhuang Linglong tower in his hand, he can't kill Zhao Fugui. It's so cold that so many golden fairyland friars outside Shuiyue cave will have to punish him.

The Golden Dragon disappeared, the exit of Shuiyue cave opened again, and Zhao Fugui came out directly from Shuiyue cave. When the friars outside Shuiyue cave saw Zhao Fugui walking out of Laidun, they were stunned. Before, a golden immortal escaped seriously, but how could Zhao Fugui walk out intact.

"He Yue, did he fail in the robbery?" A group of friars waiting outside Shuiyue cave looked at Zhao Fugui and murmured.

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