Super Monk

Chapter 3992

"These two points are crucial, but there is a third point!" Zhao Fugui said, "you're new here. When you come to a strange place to eat, you don't even check whether the food is poisonous. You also take your immortal body's anti poison seriously!"

Min Wen Chao and Wu Zhong people's faces suddenly changed. Min Wen Chao and Wu Zhong people are not completely new, they are actually more experienced.

It's just that for the first time, they came to Zhutian world from the three worlds. They instinctively have some superior mentality and look down on the people in Zhutian world. It's like a person who suddenly came to a small county from a first tier big city. They must have some condescending attitude.

This kind of mentality makes them seem a little self righteous. They don't take the people in the universe seriously and don't pay enough attention to them.

This also leads to that they don't do things carefully enough, or even don't think carefully at all, so there are so many mistakes.

"Elder martial brother Zhao, we are immortal. Even ordinary poisons can't hurt us at all. That's why we are careless!" Min Wen Chao explained.

"How do you feel now?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Ah?" Min Wen Chao wanted to stand up, but he found that his hands and feet were soft and he couldn't use his strength at all. Wu Zhong people, Weng Yu and Yuan Ling, had fallen to the ground directly.

"Eh, you can't fall down in zuishen powder. Do you have any ability to resist zuishen powder?" At this time, a confused voice rang.

The shopkeeper who talked with min Wenchao just now came along with a beautiful woman in paper clothes, while the other guests in the inn left and hid in the room.

"You black shop, dare to give us medicine!" Min Wen Chao's face changed greatly. He looked at the innkeeper angrily. He didn't expect that the innkeeper would really give them medicine, and the medicine they gave would also work on his immortal body.

"It's not good for you to be drunk. There is a light sour smell in the dish. If you are more careful, you can detect it!" Zhao Fugui said.

Originally, I thought that the reason why the rest of the people didn't fall down was that they didn't eat the food and wine. But what I said was that they did, but they didn't fall down after eating zuishengsan. Who is this guy? This guy is still very insipid after eating zuishen powder. Who is this guy?

The innkeeper looks a little dull, obviously did not expect this kind of situation, and the beautiful woman in purple has fierce hand, want to subdue Zhao Fugui.

Anyway, it's Zhao Fugui who hasn't been affected by zuishengsan now. As long as Zhao Fugui is subdued, these people can't turn the waves.

"Bang!" The woman in purple is like a butterfly. She claps her hand on Zhao Fugui's body in an instant, but she feels like she claps her hand on some hard gold and iron. She doesn't hurt the enemy at all.

"Body protection skill?" The woman in purple looked surprised and said, "I have some skills. No wonder I dare to inquire about our incense Lord!"

"If he doesn't do it, he is obviously influenced by zuishengsan. Let's take him down and give him to the incense master!" The black faced shopkeeper yelled, took out a dagger from his body and stabbed Zhao Fugui.

At the same time, the woman in purple draws her sword and rushes to Zhao Fugui again. The dagger and the sword stab Zhao Fugui at the same time.

Min Wen Chao's face showed a look of surprise and anger. He wanted to do it, but his spirit couldn't be moved. He couldn't do it at all.

"Dangdangdangdang!" The woman in purple and the shopkeeper with black face attack Zhao Fugui, but the sound of the sound of gold and iron is heard. The woman in purple and the shopkeeper with black face find that their swords and daggers can't hurt Zhao Fugui at all, and they can't even leave any trace on Zhao Fugui's face. This is a bit too powerful.

Min Wen Chao looked at this scene dully. He couldn't believe it.

"Damn it The woman in purple and the black faced shopkeeper saw that they could not hurt Zhao Fugui. The woman in purple suddenly made a sharp look in her eyes. Her sword trembled and stabbed Zhao Fugui's eyes like a snake.

"Dang!" Zhao Fugui lowered his eyes and let the long sword of the woman in purple pierce his eyelids. However, the long sword of the woman in purple not only failed to penetrate Zhao Fugui's eyelids, but even the sword could not bear the power of any other way and broke abruptly.

"I'll do it!" The black face shopkeeper roared. He gathered Qi for the needle and condensed his fingers. He pointed to Zhao Fugui's back heart with his two fingers.

Gathering Qi as a needle can break the hard skill of body protection, which is also the principle of breaking the face with a point.

"Ah But when the black faced shopkeeper's fingers hit Zhao Fugui's back heart acupoint, the black faced shopkeeper screamed fiercely, and two fingers broke abruptly, revealing Bai Sensen's bones. In pain, he kept rolling on the ground.

The woman in purple looked at Zhao Fugui in horror and stepped back.

"Who are you? Is it a man or a devil The woman in purple looked at Zhao Fugui in horror and asked.

They have never met a person who has such a strong body protection skill. This kind of hard body protection skill is not common.It's not that there is no hard body protection skill in the Jianghu, but even if a strong hard body protection skill is attacked, there will be some white marks on his body, not to mention his weak eyes. I didn't expect that Zhao Fugui was attacked, but there was no trace on his body.

This is not human, maybe he is a demon, or a monster in human skin.

As soon as the woman in purple gritted her teeth, she lifted up the black face shopkeeper and was about to run away. But at this moment, two strong winds sounded from their ears.

"Whoosh!" Two peanuts shot directly from the side of the woman in purple and the black faced shopkeeper. In the blink of an eye, they shot deep into the wood on the ground, leaving two deep black holes on the wood.

"Did I let you go?" Zhao Fugui's voice rang and said.

Just two peanuts shot on the floor, leaving two deep holes on the floor. If this shot on people, it would not leave two big holes on people instantly?

The woman in purple and the black faced shopkeeper were all stiff and did not dare to run away.

When Zhao Fugui saw that the woman in purple and the black face shopkeeper were scared, he gave a smile in his heart. If they wanted to escape, Zhao Fugui would not be able to stop them. After all, this task requires Zhao Fugui not to take the initiative, but now the woman in purple and the black face shopkeeper have been completely scared and have no courage to escape.

Sometimes once people lose courage, they are even more timid than a chicken.

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