Super Monk

Chapter 3996

"In ancient times, when gods and demons came into the world, hundreds of families were rampant, and people, gods, immortals, demons, demons, and other nationalities lived together. Gods, immortals, demons, demons, and many other nationalities left behind countless descendants, magic skills and immortal soldiers, which made the world go through countless years of chaos!"

"Now, the world is in chaos again, Qin lost his deer, the world is driven by it, the four sides of the beacon fire has risen, and the rebellion army volunteers emerge in an endless stream!"

"In this world, those who get nine tripods get the world!"

"The main task is to go to Daxia, rescue Du Jiuzhen, the leader of the Buyi army, and assassinate Zuo Qiuhan, the leader behind the scenes."

The main task soon appeared on the jade plate of the people's record of merit, and then the light of the Dharma array at Zhao Fugui's feet lit up, and soon several people disappeared in the hall of the Taoist temple.

Beside a small river, several men in cloth clothes and armour are anxiously circling in place.

"What's the matter with asking for a magic talisman? Doesn't it mean asking for a magic talisman can invite Shangxian to help? Why hasn't Shangxian appeared yet? " A middle-aged man anxiously said.

"I don't know. We have no choice? Let's have a try! " Another younger man said helplessly.

"Boom!" At this time, a dull thunder sounded in the dry land, which shook the fields and even lit up half of the sky.

It was like a silver snake in the sky.

A few men in cloth clothes and armour gape at this scene. The story of immortals and demons in the world has been handed down to this day, but it has never been interrupted. Until now, all kinds of people who have the blood of immortals and demons have emerged in endlessly.

Are these the people who serve the real gods and demons? Otherwise, how can they be born in response to the thunder and emerge from the thunder?

"God!" However, these people often heard the legend of immortals and gods, and saw the blood of some immortals and gods. One by one, they quickly reacted and fell on the ground one after another to kneel down to several figures that appeared in the thunder.

"Several immortals are willing to appear in response to the mantra. We are very grateful to you. Thank you very much Several men kowtow one after another and say respectfully.

"Get up, don't be polite!" Zhao Fugui said that every time they entered the heaven world before, they all sneaked in quietly, trying not to arouse suspicion. But they didn't expect that this time they were so grand, and they were born in response to thunder. For a while, they also felt a little strange.

"Thank you, immortal!" Several people kowtow respectfully again, then quietly looked at a few people, and slowly got up from the ground.

"Who are you?" Jiang Caiwei asked.

"Tell Shangxian that we are from the Buyi army, and I'm Fang Shou, one of the leaders of the Buyi army. Because my elder brother Du Jiuzhen is trapped in the summer, we have nothing to do, so we will invite the magic talisman. I hope you don't blame me!" Fang Shou said in a hurry.

"You said Du Jiuzhen is the prime minister Du Jiuzhen?" Luo Dingkun asked cautiously, this world said that there must be no person with the same name, don't get the task to the end but get the wrong person, that became a joke.

"Yes, Shangxian!" Fang Shou said with surprise and joy. Unexpectedly, even a few immortals knew his elder brother's name.

"This time we are here to help Du Jiuzhen, the prime minister. Please tell us more about Du Jiuzhen's being trapped in the summer!" Jiang Caiwei said.

"Yes, Shangxian!" Head Fang respectfully said, "since decades ago, the emperor has no way, and the world is in chaos. We as ordinary people can only eat with grass and mustard. We don't know how many people died in the famine disaster, so we can only rise up!"

"It was at that time that my elder brother Du Jiuzhen began to form the Buyi army and vowed to make peace with the world. Later, our Buyi army and the imperial army fought several times. Every time, my elder brother would charge in front of us, and his power gradually increased. If it hadn't been for the rise of wars all over the world, I'm afraid the imperial court would have sent a large army and strong men to wipe us out. "

"This time, my elder brother heard that Zuo Qiuhan, the dragon of blue blood, had recruited a group of strange people and wanted to completely destroy our Buyi army. When he heard the news, he wanted to find out!"

The war in this world is different from that in the main world. The descendants of demons and demons in this world have no fault, so their war is closer to fighting alone, or fighting with a small group of elite.

Once the leader or several of our generals are killed, the rest of the troops will easily break up, so the so-called strange people that Zuo Qiuhan recruited are the key.

"But there are so many experts in Daxia city that we can only drag him down. So he decided to go to explore alone. After all, our Buyi army also has many secret agents in Daxia city. But I didn't expect that on the third day when my elder brother entered the city of Daxia, Zuo Qiuhan suddenly ordered the blockade of the city, isolating the inside and outside. We tried our best, but we still didn't get the news from my elder brother! "

"If it wasn't for the appearance skills of several of us, we would have been in the mansion city by now. Now we can only invite the magic talisman to burn. I hope a few immortals can help us! " Fang Shou said, "if several immortals can save my elder brother, we will have a big reward!"Zhao Fugui exchanged his eyes and was ready to continue pretending to be an immortal. Anyway, they didn't know much about the world. As an immortal who hasn't lived in the world for a long time, it's not normal that they don't know many things in the world.

"I haven't been here for a long time. There are still many things I don't know. What are the strengths of your elder brother Du Jiuzhen and Zuo Qiuhan?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Report back to Shangxian, we divide the world's experts into two levels and eighteen grades, nine grades of human level and nine grades of earth level. The nine grades of human level still belong to the category of human, while the earth level has the power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, which is close to a real immortal. It is said that there is a heaven level above the earth level, but we haven't seen it. It's called the real God and the real devil!"

"Several of us are first-class, while my elder brother is ninth class. So is Zuo Qiuhan, but Zuo Qiuhan has a supernatural blood and is powerful. He is not his opponent. In addition, he has attracted many strange people, so he is more difficult to deal with!" Fang Shou said.

Zhao Fugui and Jiang Caiwei exchanged their eyes. In this way, the terrace should be a fairyland. Then, the world should be regarded as a world of high martial arts or high demons. The strong here are not weak.

"Then who is the spy your elder brother Du Jiuzhen went to see in the city this time?" Jiang Caiwei asked.

"That spy is Wang Fu, nicknamed Wang Mazi. He is a distant relative of my elder brother. Because of the support of our Buyi army, he once became a well-off businessman in Daxia city. It's convenient for him to get in touch with the high-level officials in Daxia city and get information!"

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