Super Monk

Chapter 4019

"Do you want xuanhuang Linglong tower?" Zhao Fugui has a smile on his face. It's really interesting that he wants xuanhuang Linglong pagoda.

If we only talk about the Qi of the earth, these guys can barely find a reason. They say that the Qi of the earth was given to he Yue by the secret society of Kunlun. On this basis, they can tell Zhao Fugui all the Qi of the earth. But what's the reason for xuanhuang Linglong pagoda?

"Yes, after all, he Yue is a member of our Kunlun secret society. We don't care if you kill him, but you have to compensate us. Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda is regarded as compensation!" The silver mask should have said.

"Do you think you can let me hand over xuanhuang Linglong pagoda and earthly Qi in a few words?" Zhao Fugui looked at the silver mask and asked.

"I don't think it's easy to practice. Zhao mythology can stand out from the disaster of heaven and earth. It's not easy to practice to the present level. It's better not to waste your life!" Said the silver mask.

"It seems that you have investigated me!" When Zhao Fugui heard the title "Zhao myth", his eyes flashed and he said coldly.

"Zhao mythology was the number one in the tianbang at that time, suppressing the characters in the whole Zhenwu circle. Our Kunlun secret society has a long history, and several characters died in the hands of Zhao mythology at that time. How can we not understand Zhao mythology?" Said the silver mask, with a hint of sarcasm.

After all, before the great change of heaven and earth, tianbang suppressed the world, and no one in Zhenwu circle could beat it. But after the great change of heaven and earth, the so-called tianbang strongmen became worthless. Even the real fairies appeared, and the tianbang strongmen were nothing.

"In that case, if you want xuanhuang Linglong pagoda and the Qi of the earth, you can take it by yourself." Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Well, Zhao Shinhua is not afraid of death, so we Kunlun secret society will satisfy you today!" The silver mask patted the palm of the hand directly, and suddenly other people in black robes and also with silver masks came out of the ruins.

The number of these people is dense, one is two, three, four, one is also wearing black robes and silver masks, and they walk out of the ruins. The number of these people is dozens.

Moreover, these people walk in silence, like ghosts. When they were hiding before, even Zhao Fugui didn't find them. These people really have some secrets.

After these people appeared, they directly gathered in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes, but instead of starting, they waited for five people with golden masks on their heads to appear.

Five people with golden masks came out of the crowd and appeared in front of Zhao Fugui.

The five elders of the Kunlun esoteric order, except the highest level of the order, do not know what their identities are under the mask. But everyone knows that these are the top fighting forces of the order.

"Hand over the Qi of the earth and the xuanhuang Linglong tower, please don't be me!" One of the people with a golden mask said indifferently.

"You are not enough!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

The weakest of these people with silver masks is also the realm of celestial beings, and the strongest has even reached the middle stage of Jinxian. The weakest of these five people with gold masks is Jinxian Da Yuanman, and the strongest is the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

With such strength, the Kunlun secret society is absolutely superior to the ordinary school, and even equal to the Xianmen school after the great change of heaven and earth.

Moreover, with the strength that they have gathered now, not to mention dealing with the strong man who is just a little round, even against the strong man who was in the early stage of the great Luo Jinxian, the strong man who was in the early stage of the great Luo Jinxian also had to run in confusion. As for the middle stage of the great Luo Jinxian, he might be able to escape at some cost.

It's about that the strong in the later period of Da Luo Jinxian can fight against these dozens of Jinxian and the strong in the early period of Da Luo Jinxian. Without such strength, there is no place to die.

With such strength, they are qualified to ask for the spirit of the earth and the xuanhuang Linglong pagoda even if they are full of spirit and secret treasures.

Because Zhao Fugui has powerful supernatural power, they also have powerful supernatural power, Zhao Fugui has secret treasure, they also have secret treasure, but there are many of them, and their strongest one has even entered the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, so they think Zhao Fugui can never be their opponent.

If Zhao Fugui didn't want to die, he would have to hand over xuanhuang Linglong tower and the Qi of the earth.

"Arrogance A man with a golden mask suddenly burst into a rage and yelled, "kill him for me!"

At the command of the man with the golden mask, those people with the silver mask began to move. These people with the silver mask were like regular army, or three or four, or five people as a group, forming a three talent, four phases and five elements array, forming a group to fight together.

Under the same strength, these Kunlun secret orders are much more powerful than ordinary monks. Maybe they can even exert twice or even triple their strength.

It can also be seen from this that these secret orders of Kunlun have a big plot. If they succeed in the future, they will occupy many positions of immortals.

In the face of such an attack, Zhao Fugui's face was expressionless and stepped out directly. The terrible sound burst suddenly sounded, which was like the thunder in the clear sky.Just for a moment, Zhao Fugui appeared in front of those people with silver masks. Without using any magic method, Zhao Fugui directly punched out.


In front of Zhao Fugui's fist, there are several silver masks that make up the Sancai array. When Zhao Fugui blows down with one fist, these people with silver masks burst in an instant, directly into a mass of blood fog.

Zhao Fugui is like a tiger into a flock of sheep. When he blows out, there will be a cloud of blood. No matter whether he is an immortal or a friar in the early and middle stages of Jinxian, once Zhao Fugui tries his best, the friars of this level can't stop him.

"Damn it A Kunlun secret cult president with gold masks roared. These silver masks are the elite of the Kunlun secret cult. If you know Zhao Fugui is powerful, you will not call them together, but the elders of the Kunlun secret cult must not watch these silver masks die like pigs and dogs.

With a roar, the head of the secret order of Kunlun, wearing a golden mask, immediately swelled. In the blink of an eye, his clothes were torn, and mysterious patterns appeared on his bare skin. All those patterns were the secret patterns of the witches. The elder of the secret order of Kunlun had the blood of the witches.

It's also possible that he is a wizard himself.

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