Super Monk

Chapter 4066

Zhao Fugui directly took Ruan Lingyu and Jiang Caiwei into the hall. The hall was relatively simple. In this era, except for those noble families, most of them were relatively simple.

The hall is divided into two columns, about 20 or 30 people kneeling on their knees. These people knelt on the straw mat in the hall. When they saw Zhao Fugui and them coming in, they all turned their heads and looked at them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mr. Zhao I just said!" Zhao Bo led several people into the hall, and then talked about Zhao Fugui's Mohist ideas in bolejun mansion.

"We agree with what Mr. Zhao said, but now there is a strict hierarchy among the countries, and none of them can choose the poor people regardless of their status. On the other hand, we have little study and no knowledge. Even if the Lord is willing to choose the poor people, it is difficult to choose one of the hundreds or thousands. I don't know if Mr. Zhao has a solution?"

Zhao Bo said.

"In the final analysis, it's the education problem of the poor. Nowadays, the aristocrats are extravagant. They eat nine cauldrons and cook nine cauldrons. They build all kinds of buildings and build palaces. Some people even spare no money for longevity. If they can change the extravagance of the aristocrats, they can ask for less things that can't be asked, and put these wasted money into education, it will be solved easily."

"The poor are not as good as the noble's children, but without education, it is difficult to produce talents!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Mr. Zhao, many nobles in this world are descendants of immortals, and they believe in ghosts and gods very much. They believe in the way of immortality. It's very difficult for them to change." A man with a short beard arched his hand and said.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes turned, he remembered that this was the world after he became a God. Although those great figures disappeared, there were still many descendants of immortals.

"In ancient and modern times, most of the people who can become immortals and gods have made great contributions to pacify the troubled times and restore order. For example, when King Wu conquered Zhou, he also became a group of gods to fight against tyrants. It can be seen that becoming immortals and gods is not to seek immortality, nor to build luxurious tombs."

"Those nobles are extravagant, they waste money, they want to live a long life, they don't know how many people they have killed. Isn't that different from the real life?" Zhao Fugui said, "to promote the interests of the world, to eliminate the harm of the world, to respect ghosts and gods with clear will!"

Nowadays, the situation of this world is different from that of the main world. The Mohist theory still needs to be changed to make it more in line with the world of ghosts and gods, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out.

"How to open education now?" The man with the short beard continued.

"In fact, as long as you open up your skills to the poor to practice, those who can succeed will naturally be talents. You don't need too many other things at all!" Zhao Fugui said.

Nowadays, education in this world is actually the cultivation of skills. As for word recognition, it's really not very popular. Otherwise, oral and psychological transmission will not last for so many years.

"Open the teaching of Gongfa?" The people in the hall were stunned. It seemed that they had taken a big step, but because of this, they felt that it seemed that a door had been opened in front of them.

However, it seems that this kind of practice has appeared among countries.

"Mr. Zhao, if you really open up the practice according to what you said, so that everyone can practice, then if there are villains who make trouble, won't they harm countless people? I'm afraid there will be more disputes then! " Said a man in a black robe with a sword across his knees.

"There is some truth in what this gentleman said, but now the chaos in the world starts from the dispute among the vassals, and the dispute among the vassals is the source of the chaos in the world. These vassals only know how to love themselves, but they don't know how to have universal love, which leads to constant disputes in the world!"

"If there is a dispute, the poor will not be able to fight, and the common people will not be able to defend themselves." Zhao Fugui said.

After Zhao Fugui finished, he saw many people in the hall show thoughtful expressions. Obviously, these words have made them have some feelings.

"Do you think our Mohist theory can calm down the troubled times?" Zhao Fugui asked after the victory.

When Zhao Fugui asked this question, the hall seemed a little quiet, and the scene once became a bit awkward. Nowadays, there are a hundred schools of thought contending, and people from all over the world carry out their own theories. Everyone says that they can pacify the troubled times, but who knows who can pacify the troubled times.

However, many of the schools of thought are from top to bottom, unlike the Mohist school, which is from bottom to top. Obviously, they do not touch the pain of the common people, so it is difficult to arouse their resonance.

It is difficult to carry out Mohist theory in the upper class, but it is also very smooth in the lower class, which may not lead to a prairie fire.

"Mr. Chen's talent stirs up the world. Mohist theory will be able to calm down troubled times and return peace. He is just not talented. He is willing to follow Mr. Chen!" In the hall, a cloth clothes suddenly fell to the ground and said to Zhao Fugui.

"A certain person is willing to follow Mr. Wang. Peace is still peaceful in troubled times!"

As soon as someone takes the lead, all the people behind fall to the ground one by one. Zhao Fugui is stunned. It's a little too simple.

No wonder in the past, Zhao Fugui heard people boast that in the 1990s, with a PPT, as long as he could boast well, all kinds of capital wealth immediately swarmed in, and the money was still for fear that you would not want it."Elder martial brother Zhao, accept them. We can't spread Mohist theory. On the contrary, these rangers who draw swords in a rage are the best communicators. The more rangers who recognize our theory, the better for us!" Jiang Caiwei said suddenly.

Zhao Fugui nodded slightly, which is also his idea. A large number of people can make a great impact, especially in troubled times.

A few days later, with the setting sun, several Rangers in bolejun mansion had a meal and left bolejun mansion in a hurry. Seeing that there was no one left or right, they walked around quietly for several times, and then rushed to a big house.

When they got near the big house, the Rangers could not help but lighten their steps and quietly went into the house and found a place to kneel down.

This big room is full of people, including Rangers, door guests, scholars, businessmen, ordinary people and even some soldiers.

These people look at the center with serious looks, even with a bit of piety. Luo Dingkun, who is really sitting cross legged in the middle, is his turn to give a lecture today.

Luo Dingkun was cheated to the south before the great change of heaven and earth, and later worked as a lecturer. He was much more powerful than Zhao Fugui in brainwashing.

What Luo Dingkun is talking about today is Tao Te Ching. Heaven and earth are not benevolent. They regard everything as their cud dog. Countries are in chaos. Brainwashing is not enough. They have to take out some dry goods.

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