Super Monk

Chapter 4070

It is very difficult for a big country like Tang and Chu to change, so Zhao Fugui and Zhao Fugui did not venture to go to Tang or Chu, but chose a small country between Tang and Chu, Chen.

The state of Chen is not big, but a few cities are located between the Tang and Chu states. They are in a difficult situation. There is a danger of overthrowing the state at any time. The people here are unstable and the nobles are worried. It is a good place to spread Mohist theory.

Chen Guo, Fengcheng, just after dawn, before the sun completely appeared under the horizon, an ordinary looking middle-aged man in hemp clothes hurried out of the city.

At first, the middle-aged man bowed his back, but after walking for a while, his manner changed greatly, as if he was a little superior.

This middle-aged man is Tian Jian, the servant of the famous Tian family. Today, he went to the bamboo forest outside the city to explore something.

Fengcheng is not as big as the capital of Tang and Chu, but also has tens of thousands of registered residence. Now it has some demeanour of big cities.

In today's troubled times, such a city naturally has many troubles. As a man in charge of Fengcheng's public security, the owner of the Tian family has so many natural affairs that he can't be disturbed by ordinary trifles.

However, just half a month ago, a group of people came to Chen Guofeng city. These people were giving lectures in the bamboo forest outside the city. Originally, Tian Heng received a report from his servants and didn't care about it. Now, these people are gaining momentum and can't be ignored.

Nowadays, in the world war, people everywhere publicize their own doctrines. This is not a great thing. There are such people in all countries, but many doctrines simply can not form enough influence. However, their doctrines seem to be different. Tian Heng heard that from scholars to poor people, more and more people have come to listen to them.

Tian Heng can't ignore this matter, so he can only send trusted servants to inquire about the situation and see what's going on in Zhulin.

Before leaving Fengcheng, many people who knew Tian Jian stopped to salute him, which greatly satisfied her self-esteem.

Although he is only a servant, he is also a servant of the Tian family. How dare ordinary people not respect him? However, as he gets closer to the bamboo forest, this situation soon disappears.

Everyone who went to the bamboo forest was in a hurry. No one looked at Tian Jian more. Everyone was in a hurry, as if they were afraid of missing something. They walked very fast.

"Are these guys going to the bamboo forest to listen to lectures?" Tian Jian's face changed. The situation here seems to be more serious than the owner expected.

In the bamboo forest outside the city, a group of people gathered in circles. There were at least dozens of people. These people sat in the middle of them. In the middle of them sat a woman in white with snow. The woman had a cold look, noble temperament and exquisite appearance. Even in the palace of Lord Chen, there was absolutely no such woman.

I'm afraid that the Baosi of the war drama Marquis Zhou you wang in the past can't match, Tian Jian thought to herself.

It's no wonder that so many people came here again. Tian Jian thought so. However, he turned around and found that the people sitting around didn't show any frivolous look. Obviously, they didn't come here because of the beauty of the woman. Seeing their looks, they were more concerned about what the woman said.

"Today we continue to talk about the Mohist theory. The woman who talked about the Mohist theory said that Tian Jian was a little anxious when she heard that she didn't start from the beginning. He was afraid that he didn't hear the beginning, and it was not easy to understand what these people were talking about.

The woman in the middle of the crowd soon began to give a lecture. After listening for a while, Tian Jian's face suddenly changed. What this woman was talking about was practicing kung fu. What they were talking about was not only theory but Kung Fu.

As a trusted servant of Tian Heng, Tian Jian naturally learned some skills. His strength is not so good. This skill is his talent. But I didn't expect that someone here would openly explain and teach them. It's incredible.

How can these people do this? All the skills are treasured by those noble families. They will never take them out easily. How can these people, how dare they just take them out and teach them?

He Tian Jian was taught only when he was a cow and a horse. Why did these people get taught so easily? What do they do? They deserve it, too?

Tian Jian looked around and found that there seemed to be some people around who were just broken aristocrats. They were sure that they could practice faster and get things done more easily.

The more she listened, the more angry she was. Why can these people hear the teaching of Gongfa? How can they learn Gongfa? But those around them are happy, everyone wants to firmly engrave every word in their heart.

After listening to Tian Jian for a period of time, the teaching of Gongfa was finally over. The woman surrounded in the middle finally began to talk about something beyond Gongfa, which was called Mohist by that woman, the essence of Mohist theory.

But after listening for a while, Tian Jian was even more angry. What does it mean not to fight against injustice? What is universal love? Those poor people deserve universal love?

But after listening for a while, dongdongtian Jian was very happy. Combined with his own situation, he felt that the Mohist School's theory was made for the poor people.For a moment, she was angry and overjoyed. Tian Jian didn't think that there was such a theory in the world that he hated deeply and loved deeply.

"The wars between the vassals often make it difficult for the poor to survive. Only by universal love and fighting without righteousness can these problems be solved!"

The woman sitting in the middle continued.

Zhao Fugui sat around, cross legged to observe these people in front of him. They have been in the state of Chen for more than half a month. During this time, they did not try to see King Chen, because King Chen is not like Bole Jun.

Although bolejun was cruel and cruel, he had a reputation as a courteous and virtuous corporal on the surface. But king Chen didn't have time to do it on the surface, so Zhao Fugui didn't try, otherwise they would be driven away directly.

Zhao Fugui and his colleagues are going to do a little work first and gather some prestige. If they have a relatively big reputation, they can get twice the result with half the effort and have a great chance of success.

At present, the situation is pretty good. Zhao Bo and others have been running around to tell us that more and more people come to listen to Mohist theory every day, and every day there are people who spontaneously help Mohist propaganda and guide others to attend lectures. Compared with them, they will soon attract the attention of Chen Guogao.

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