Super Monk

Chapter 4072

Chen Guozhu glared at Zhao Fugui, and even pressed his sword with one hand. The guards in Chen's court also had the same expression. The guards glared at Zhao Fugui one by one. As long as Chen Guozhu gave orders, they would attack him.

"Mr. Zhao really knows the situation of other countries like the palm of his hand, but now we and other small countries are in danger. I don't know what way Mr. Zhao can save us?"

After half a sound, Chen Guozhu slowly spits out a mouthful of turbid air, releases the hilt, and says in a deep voice.

Zhao Fugui was not surprised at the change of Chen Guozhu's attitude. If he had no interest in Mohist theory and didn't feel that there was anything to use, then Chen Guozhu would not have seen Zhao Fugui.

If you think that Mohist theory has no value at all, you can either directly expel it if you don't see it. Does Chen Guozhu still have time to specially call Zhao Fugui and tell them that Chen doesn't need their theory? I'm afraid Lord Chen should not be so idle.

"I know that in the state of Chen, there are many nobles who want the king to attach himself to Tang and Chu, and merge his territory into one of them, but the king must not do so!"

"If the state of Chen was incorporated into the Tang and Chu dynasties, those nobles could continue to be nobles, but could the king still keep his title? I'm afraid that in order to completely annex the state of Chen, Tang Chu may find a reason to get rid of the king at any time! "

Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

Chen Guozhu was silent. It was because of this worry that he didn't agree to the request of some nobles and merged Chen into Tang and Chu.

Hundreds of years ago, the king of the whole country surrendered, and there were no one who died well. Chen Guozhu didn't want to follow their lead.

"Please teach me!" Chen Guozhu's attitude had some obvious changes, he said.

"Chen's current crisis is not just one, but three!" Zhao Fugui said, "first, Chen's national strength is weak. In today's international disputes, weakness is both the original sin and the error. Second, improper foreign relations often lead to conflicts with other small countries, which is not conducive to mutual assistance. Third, he only made an alliance with Chu and detested Tang Dynasty

"Mr. Zhao's words are different. If I want to be attached to both Chu and Tang, I'm afraid that the first country to be destroyed in the two countries will be Chen." Chen Guozhu shook his head and said.

"No, I mean to ask the Lord to tell the world that there will be no more unjust wars and that the world will be ruined. At that time, the world will surely praise the king. Please go to the state of Chu in the Tang Dynasty and explain the disadvantages of the unjust war in person. I hope that the two countries can sign a truce. If the two countries can have a truce, the state of Chen will be safe and sound! "

Zhao Fugui said.

"The hatred between Tang and Chu is deep. How can they form an alliance by listening to me in a few words?" Chen Guozhu shook his head and said.

"Even if they could not form an alliance, the state of Chen could also serve as a buffer between Tang and Chu. Tang and Chu had been fighting for a long time and had already cut off contacts, leading to the cut off of trade routes. However, both Tang and Chu were big countries. They needed a lot of goods, and they had many things of their own, but they didn't. businessmen pursued profits. If Chen could serve as a neutral place, the things of Tang and Chu could be exchanged with each other Circulation

"This is not only beneficial to Chen Guoguo, but also beneficial to Tang and Chu. At that time, in order not to cut off the trade routes, they can get goods without their own country. Neither Tang nor Chu will easily let Chen into chaos, so Chen can naturally be preserved at that time!"

Zhao Fugui continued.

"But if that is the case, I will personally carry out this policy. If someone in the middle of Tang and Chu criticizes me, I'm afraid I will give them an excuse to launch a crusade!"

Chen Guozhu said hesitantly.

In fact, he also thought this method was good, but he still had some scruples. Even if it was beneficial to the Tang and Chu States, he was afraid that there would be a lot of criticism in the Tang and Chu states.

"Why do you need to implement this matter in person? Just abolish the tariff of the two countries, and merchants will naturally rush to Chen state!" Zhao Fugui said.

"If we want to abolish tariffs, how can we support the growth of China's national strength?" Chen Guozhu couldn't help saying.

"Nowadays, most of the customs duties of the state of Chen fall into the hands of the feudal lords. How many can they fall into the hands of the king? It's just chicken ribs. It's useless to keep them. It's a pity to abandon them. It's better not to have them! " Zhao Fugui said.

"If the tariff is abolished, the state of Chen will surely become a gathering place for merchants. At that time, there will be countless money and grain in circulation in the state of Chen. Once there are people and a lot of money and grain in circulation, how can the state of Chen not be rich? Although the tariff path is abandoned, it will certainly enrich other sources of money and food, and the people will be rich and the country will be strong. "

"The merchants make their profits, the people sell their goods, the people come and go, the shops, the wine shops and the inns are no longer abandoned. Is there any reason why Chen Guo is not strong?"

Chen Guozhu's hands trembled and stood up fiercely. The countries of this era have understood that money and food are the foundation of a powerful country. Without money and food, it's useless to be resourceful.

However, few of the countries can think of the development of merchants to fill the national treasury, agricultural countries only think of a variety of land and grain.

When you don't understand it, it's like seeing flowers in the fog. Once you understand it, it's like opening the veil, and it's immediately clear."Mr. Zhao is a great talent, really a great talent!" Chen Guozhu deeply admire, said excitedly, his eyes seem to be Zhao Fugui re opened a door.

This is the inequality of information. Zhao Fugui and his colleagues have seen the situation after the development of Commerce, but now people in these countries have not seen it. They know that agricultural food is the foundation, but they don't know that there are other ways to make the granary full of food.

"At that time, even if some people in the Tang and Chu dynasties are dissatisfied, the king can get rid of the fact that you have not personally participated in the business. What's wrong?" Zhao Fugui arched his hand and said.

"When the state treasury of Chen is full and the troops are powerful, if the state of Tang and the state of Chu want to invade again, they will lose their troops and defeat their generals. Think about it a lot!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao has a point, a point!" Chen Guozhu excitedly said that although the land is few and the people are few, if he has enough money and food, he can naturally gather more soldiers and build more armour. At that time, even if the Tang and Chu countries want to destroy Chen, it will not be so easy.

If the state of Chen was not so easy to destroy, they would have to consider one or two when they launched a military expedition. In the long run, the state of Chen may not be able to become a big country.

"Mr. Zhao is really a great talent. Chen Guoxing is lucky to be able to spread Mr. Chen's theory. It's God's blessing. I don't know if Mr. Zhao would like to be the great master of Chen?" Chen Guozhu excitedly came down, took Zhao Fugui's hand and asked.

"Even so, I dare not refuse!"

Finally, there's progress.

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