Super Monk

Chapter 4207

All the Dharma, such as the dream bubble, the small arrow from the nail headed seven arrow Book flew out, all the bright lights were broken, smashed and annihilated, a terrible crack appeared in an instant, and this crack began to devour everything as soon as it appeared.

Everything in Xumishan begins to disappear. Liantai, Jinhua, and thousands of Buddhas disappear at the same time. Zhao Fugui doesn't care whether he directly killed the Zen master Zhisheng by nailing his head with seven arrows. If Zhisheng doesn't have a life-saving treasure, he will be seriously injured by this arrow, and he is ready to leave in a flash.

But at the moment when Zhao Fugui just left, his eyes suddenly turned dark, and he saw a big bag suddenly open, just like a huge black hole, engulfing the ten directions and three realms.

It's the inborn human bag of the future Buddha. It's the treasure of Maitreya Buddha. I didn't expect that this magic weapon is now in the hands of Zhisheng. Maitreya Buddha is really the next one.

The congenital human race bag is also a congenital magic weapon, and it is more powerful than the three treasures Ruyi and the seven arrow book. This thing is a congenital treasure, which engulfs Zhao Fugui as soon as it appears.

Zen master Zhisheng's face is pale. There is an irreparable crack on Jin's body. However, his face smiles a little. He reaches out and grabs the bag of congenial race. He grabs the bag and is about to turn Xiangyun back to Dabei temple. But his face suddenly changes. He reaches out and shakes the bag of congenial race.

Zen master Zhisheng shook his hand, and a black smoke came out of the bag. There was nothing in it.


Zen master Zhisheng's face is ugly. In order to capture Zhao Fugui this time, Dabei temple has deployed the highest standard of combat power. Except for not asking Maitreya Buddha to do it in person, Dabei temple has already poured out. However, even so, it failed to take Zhao Fugui. On the contrary, it let Zhao Fugui knock down his golden body. If he didn't have a Buddhist relic in his hand, maybe just now He was killed directly.

I didn't expect that even so, I still couldn't catch Zhao Fugui.

Although several other people in Dabei Temple didn't understand why they spent so much effort to arrest Zhao Fugui, they didn't dare to ask any more questions. They rushed after him. This was the decree of Maitreya Buddha himself, which they could question at will.

Zhao Fugui appears on the jiutiangang wind and frowns. It's not normal for Maitreya Buddha to catch him in such a big battle. Even if there was a conflict between Zhao Fugui and Maitreya Buddha before, he would not do so. After all, the fight between Taoism, Buddhism and Demons has reached a very critical period. There's no need to spend so much effort on him.

Moreover, Maitreya Buddha, even if he is not a big man on the other side, has at least reached the legendary level. He can see the future to a certain extent, but he may not be able to see all the future, too far away.

If that's the case, Maitreya Buddha has no reason to fight against Zhao Fugui. Because it is the middle ages, Maitreya Buddha may not be able to see the distant future and see the conflict between Zhao Fugui and him. If he can't, there is no reason to fight against Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui doesn't understand the problem, but fortunately, facing the pressure of Buddhism, Maitreya Buddha is not very convenient to do it in person. Otherwise, the strength of Maitreya Buddha in medieval times is still at its peak, which may not be so easy to deal with.

In addition, in this era, Beiluo was there, but Zhao Fugui couldn't see Beiluo, because with the later strength of Beiluo, there were no images and no traces of the three worlds.

The powerful people want to be really detached. They do subtraction and empty. Why is the sense of existence of Sanqing getting weaker and weaker after their journey to the west? In short, Sanqing's strength is slightly inferior to that of Tathagata, but after the journey to the west, their strength is slightly inferior, but their realm is even higher.

On the other side, in front of the mausoleum, the overlord looked at the old man sitting at the entrance of the mausoleum.

"Your sword has profound meaning. It has legendary potential in the future, but now it's a little short of fire. Why do you have a mantis here? If you get out of the way, I'll save your life. When you step into the legend, you'll come to me again and try to be a master! "

Said the overlord, looking at the old man.

"Advance is death, retreat is death, just follow your heart!" The old man stroked his sword and said faintly.

"What a pity!"

The overlord shook his head, then grasped the knife and cut it out. This knife was not in the slightest momentum, but just a light one. But at the moment when the knife came out, a Thunder Dragon appeared.

The old man sitting in front of the passage looks like an old man with no waves. He just pops up the sword edge in an instant. The sword edge suddenly turns into two, two into four, four into eight, and the sword is split and endless.

The light of the sword dispersed and fused, and finally contacted with the Thunder Dragon. Then the light of the sword dispersed and disappeared, and the huge thunder dragon was annihilated in silence.

"Not bad!"

The old man sitting in front of the passage stood up quietly and stepped back a little.

"The next knife is my six cuts to destroy the world, all Buddhas will be destroyed, and Lingshan will be destroyed!" The overlord looked at the old man coldly and said.

He didn't do it immediately after he finished, obviously to give the old man some time to react. This is also because the overlord did not regard the old man as the enemy of life and death, otherwise it would not be the case.This is also the pride of the overlord.

The old man looked at the overlord with a dignified look, and his Dharma body began to become transparent, which seemed to complement his own sword, no self, no it, which has surpassed the extreme of Kendo in the world.

"What a pity!" The overlord sighed. If the old man didn't come too early, he would be qualified to fight with him when he became a complete legend. But now the old man is just an incomplete legend. Even if he has such Kendo, it's not enough to challenge the overlord.

"Heart sword!"

From the sword of the heart, the sword of no self, no other, this sword cut out, not surprising, but the long sword cut through the void collapse, everything began to collapse and annihilate, the strong man behind the overlord looked ugly, when the old man had reached such a state, originally the old man even had to fall behind him half a step.


The master of the Gestapo said "yes". Then he slowly drew his sword. In an instant, the light of the sword devoured everything. The strong man and Su Daji were stabbed and couldn't open their eyes. They couldn't see clearly the center of the light of the sword and the light of the sword.

They only felt that every inch of the void around them had been cut to pieces, and they could only do their best to protect themselves. They were shocked. This was almost the battle of the legendary power. When the light dissipated, the old man's face was pale, and even the sword in his hand was almost lost.

However, the overlord of the world was indifferent, and it was just one of the six cuts to destroy the world.

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