Super Monk

Chapter 4210

When the overlord stopped, he felt that his Sabre suddenly sank. It seemed to become heavy. His face sank and he stopped.

The overlord turned around and looked at Zhao Fugui as if he were looking at a dead man, which could affect his Dao. This shows that Zhao Fugui has mastered Dao, and the overlord disdains to control Dao at all, because he has his own Dao and Dao.

It's too hard to kill the overlord. The most talented person in the middle ages is not so easy to die. Otherwise, there is no need for those big people who are close to the other side to plan and calculate on him. However, it is not too difficult for Zhao Fugui to delay the overlord.

The question now is whether the old man can stop or kill the strong man and Su Daji holding the huge axe once Zhao Fugui drags down the overlord. However, this problem should not be very big. Although the old man and Su Daji holding the huge axe are not weak, they are not his opponents because of the strength shown by the old man just now.

As soon as the old man nodded his head, Zhao Fugui immediately started. He suddenly shook his sleeve robe, and the wide sleeve robe suddenly expanded. In a twinkling of an eye, the whole sleeve robe became dark, like a curtain of heaven, with the feeling of blocking the sky.

"Heaven and earth in the sleeve!"

The vast sleeve robe instantly envelops the overlord. The universe in the sleeve is really a magic power, and it can often cross the ranks to close the enemy. However, closing the enemy and trapping the enemy are two different things. If you can close the enemy into the sleeve robe, you may not be able to trap the enemy.

The broad and incomparable sleeve robe flashed in an instant, and the overlord was included in the sleeve robe in an instant. At the moment of being included in the sleeve robe, Zhao Fugui's figure flashed and disappeared in the same place. When Zhao Fugui's figure appeared again, he had already appeared on the river.

Zhao Fugui's figure just appeared on the river. His sleeve robe exploded instantly. Just as his sleeve robe burst, Zhao Fugui had stepped into the bottom of the river.

At this moment, many eminent monks in the Dabei temple on this river are searching for Zhao Fugui, among them, the Zhisheng Zen master with Maitreya's bag is at the front.

Zhao Fugui knew that Dabei temple would not let him go so easily, and he would certainly search everywhere nearby. Even if he was a real wise saint, he would not think that Zhao Fugui would be pulled into the unknown mausoleum in such a short time, and could bring out the overlord.

"Bald ass, grandfather is here. If you have the ability, you can catch me!" Zhao Fugui's voice rang out and constantly echoed in the ears of Zhisheng Zen master. Zhisheng Zen master's divine sense spread and locked Zhao Fugui in an instant.

"Don't act rashly!"

As soon as Zen master Zhisheng's eyes sank, he stopped several Bodhisattvas who were about to rush down. Zhao Fugui had already run away, and now he suddenly spoke out. It must be a conspiracy. Instead of going down to find out the situation, he might as well do it in midair.

With these words, Zen master Zhisheng threw the bag in the direction of Zhao Fugui, and then directly dropped it in the direction of Zhao Fugui.

In the end of the Dharma era, the bag could bring believers directly into the bag and into the Buddhist kingdom.

Seeing that Xumishan's treasure bag is shrouded, Zhao Fugui is not surprised but happy. He throws out his sleeve fiercely. Just as Zhao Fugui throws out his sleeve, his broad sleeve burst.


Zhao Fugui's sleeve was cut by a bright light, and the terrible light poured out like moonlight, tearing Zhao Fugui's sleeve in an instant.

"To die!"

The overlord looks cold and his voice is cold, like frost. Originally, he cherished Zhao Fugui and the old man's talent, but now he is taken into his sleeve. It's like losing his face. It's like losing his face. It's a killing opportunity in the overlord's heart.

But as soon as the voice of the overlord fell, the white lotus flowers were in full bloom before his eyes, and the overlord's face suddenly changed?

"Maitreya, how dare you hit me!"

The overlord burst into a rage, the momentum spread, directly rushed into the congenital race bag, the lotus inside the race bag appeared ripples, let the congenital race bag delay for a moment.

Just at the moment when the bag of congenital race was delayed, the purple thunder burst out in an instant, and a terrible knife awn cut directly out of the sky, and cut the sky in reverse in an instant. When one knife cut out, the sky should be divided into two, and the bag of congenital race should also be divided into two.

Dao Guang burst into the bag of congenital race in an instant, cutting through countless prohibitions, tearing up layers of boundaries, trying to find the gap of the bag of congenital race. But the bag of congenital race is the treasure of congenital race after all. Even with the hegemony of the world, it can't break through the limitation of the bag of congenital race for a while.

Dao Guang collided with congenitally, and there was a short stalemate.

Zhao Fugui said in secret that the overlord basically didn't deal with all the great figures of this era. Otherwise, he, the most amazing and brilliant figure in the middle ages, would not have been killed in the end.At this moment, Zen master Zhisheng and other eminent monks of Dabei temple are shocked. Isn't Zhao Luo shrouded in the bag? How did you become the overlord? They didn't want to provoke the middle ages, when they had few rivals.

The Buddhist heart of Zen master Zhisheng suddenly fluctuates. This fluctuation is an opportunity. Zhao Fugui's figure appears again. Lei Zufa Xiang, who is terrifying, blows down the six character mantra with one blow and breaks it in an instant. Zen master Zhisheng's flower blossoms slowly and fails to stop Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's figure flashes and disappears without a trace.

As soon as Zhao Fugui rushed out, he immediately followed the spirit left in the mausoleum and rushed to the mausoleum. He wanted to see what the secret was in the mausoleum.

The sword light constantly impacts the inborn race bag. The inner race bag is constantly fluctuating, as if it is shrouded in a dragon. Once some sword light rushes out, the overlord can immediately change his shape and directly rush out of the inborn race bag.

This is a great disaster for Dabei temple. If Maitreya Buddha didn't show up in person, it would be the end of Dabei temple. Several Bodhisattvas and wise Buddhist monks look ugly, but the eye bag will be broken. Once the overlord is out of trouble, the explanation is not clear.

Then we have to let Maitreya Buddha solve it.

"Bless the six character seal of Dharma, seal the overlord temporarily, and ask the Buddha to solve it!" Zen master Zhisheng said in a panic.

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