Super Monk

Chapter 4217

"I didn't expect you to be a descendant of Daozu. No wonder you are so hard to deal with. It's a pity that no matter who you are, you are dead today!" The supreme demon looked at Zhao Fugui with a ferocious face and said.

Zhao Fugui has three treasures Ruyi in his hand, which is a congenital spiritual treasure and a magic weapon of Tao Zu. In the eyes of the Supreme God, this thing can't fall into someone's hands casually. Since the three treasures Ruyi can fall into Zhao Fugui's hands, this treasure should be given by Tao Zu, otherwise it can't appear in Zhao Fugui's hands casually.

Therefore, the Supreme God believes that Zhao Fugui should be a descendant of Daozu. Only in this way can he explain why three treasures of Ruyi are in Zhao Fugui's hands.

It's a pity that the realm of the supreme demon is still a little lower after all. It doesn't reach the realm of the other side, or at least half step to the realm of the other side. In this way, we can explore the reality and know that the present era is just a trace left by the long river of time. To some extent, it's just an image left behind.

But too God devil can't reach this realm, so he thinks that at this moment is real, can't see all the origin, otherwise he can think of more.

Zhao Fugui has three treasures of Ruyi in his hand. Now, in this era, Daozu also has three treasures of Ruyi. However, the three treasures of Ruyi in Daozu's hand are just the real pictures of Ruyi in this era, between the illusory and the real. This is the same point of all the non sanctified creatures.

Once truly sanctified, the past, present and future will be the same, and all the influence left behind will be separated from the long river of time and traced back to one.

This is also the so-called "three realms without image, ten directions without trace". After real sanctification, there will be no memory of saints in the ordinary human brain. Only a very few powers can solidify this memory and retain it. Real sanctification is not to show it to the world, but to do addition, which will be more and more deeply involved with the world, but more difficult to escape.

If you want to be truly holy, you have to do subtraction and make it empty, which is why Sanqing can't come out after Fengshen. As for the Tathagata, it is the strongest of all the other shore, but it's not the oldest one. In the end, it also wants to find another way to become holy by some other things, which proves that it's not easy to find another way.

The more entangled with the world and the river of time, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. To truly become a saint is to peel off all the traces left at each node of the river of time and finally achieve uniqueness. This is another kind of past, present and future unity.

If we can't do this, we will never be sanctified. This is the reason why the existence of God Luo is so low. But in fact, although the existence of God Luo is very low, it doesn't disappear completely, which also shows a possibility.

That is, although God Luo is sanctified, her sanctification is not perfect, which is why this happens.

The devil's head grows out again. When he finds that Zhao Fugui has three treasures in his hand, Ruyi makes another move. Ruyi is a congenital spiritual treasure. If he can grab the three treasures, he will not hesitate to offend Daozu.

The two men soon started again, almost tearing the world apart. The supreme demon knew that Zhao Fugui had a congenital spirit treasure in his hand, so he was a little more careful. But even so, as Zhao Fugui constantly urged the congenital spirit treasure, soon Sanbao Ruyi would continue to hurt the supreme demon's body.

However, no matter how many times Sanbao Ruyi strikes the supreme heavenly devil, although each time it can severely damage the supreme heavenly devil's invincible body, no matter how many times it is damaged, the supreme heavenly devil's body can always recover quickly under the action of Bosten's heart. Even if Zhao Fugui repeatedly urges Sanbao Ruyi, it can't completely kill the supreme heavenly devil.

Moreover, as the three treasures of Ruyi continue to fight against the supreme heavenly devil, the supreme heavenly devil actually uses the secret magic, and uses the heart of Bosten to pollute the three treasures of Ruyi. After all, the three treasures of Ruyi are congenital spiritual treasures. Although they are not so easy to be polluted, with the passage of time, the three treasures of Ruyi are slightly polluted.

Under the influence of Bosten's heart, the supreme demon is almost immortal, and Zhao Fugui frowns tightly. In this case, it is no longer meaningful to continue fighting. On the contrary, it may be polluted by Bosten's heart.

Although Sanbao Ruyi is a congenital spirit treasure, Bosten is not a good match. Bosten was the Lord of the demon world who could wrestle with the Buddha. In front of such a big man, a congenital spirit treasure doesn't have much sense of security. Even if there is only one Bosten heart in the hands of the supreme devil, Bosten's heart is Bosten's heart anyway.

Zhao fuguimeng raised his hand a little, a little glass Buddha light appeared, a lamp in front of the Buddha, shining through the world, the light of the lamp in front of the Buddha appeared, suddenly dispelled the darkness, then Zhao Fugui stepped out, and his body shape suddenly became illusory.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui wanted to go, the supreme demon suddenly showed a sneer on his face. Then he took a deep breath, and his chest suddenly split again. When the supreme demon's chest split, the heart of Bosten in his chest instantly turned into a dark whirlpool. The whirlpool kept spinning, as if with a great suction, he directly drew to Zhao Fugui.

"Zhao Luo, do you want to go? Ha ha ha, you can't escape in front of me With a grim smile from the supreme demon, the whirlpool of Bosten's heart immediately swallowed Zhao Fugui.Zhao Fugui was directly swallowed by the supreme heaven devil with the heart of Bosten. Bosten's heart kept beating, and then it just closed. The supreme heaven devil's face sneered even more. As long as he was locked in Bosten's heart, Zhao Fugui could not escape.

But the devil's sneering face suddenly became stiff at the next moment, and then the devil's sneering face became stiff.

"I really let the boy run away!" The devil said to himself with a gloomy and ugly face.

It's a great shame for him to escape under his nose.

The supreme demon looked at the darkness with deep eyes. He didn't know how much distance he had penetrated, but no matter how he operated his magic power, he couldn't shine all over Zhao Fugui's position.

Just when the supreme demon was still trying to find Zhao Fugui, Zhao Fugui had already appeared in an oriental pure land with a sword. This Oriental pure land was bright inside and outside, with glass everywhere, shining all over the world, with billions of disasters, covering boundless merits and virtues. Everywhere was full of Zen, full of great brightness, great purity, great realm, and everywhere was perfect I'm not in the way.

This place is the pure land of glass that has been destroyed in the future.

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