Super Monk

Chapter 4222

In Longtai, Zhao Fugui and others have all entered the grand array. In the middle ages, Buddhism was at its peak, and the edge of the Tathagata was almost over the Sanqing Dynasty. Until the end of the journey to the west, the edge of Buddhism weakened.

However, at this time, the journey to the West has not started, Buddhism has not been suppressed, and the glazed pure land still has a lot of face. It's very easy for the moon Bodhisattva to come forward and borrow the dragon and Taiwan array in the face of the weakened descendants of the emperor.

"If you have a chance, see you later!"

When the green emperor's relic is put into the array, the moonlight Bodhisattva gives Zhao Fugui a little bow. Then the whole array is immediately urged. In a twinkling of an eye, Zhao Fugui's several people disappear in the array.

In the twinkling of an eye, an infinite sea of stars appeared in front of Zhao Fugui. In the sea of stars, there were stars all over the sky, and the river of time fluctuated. In the twinkling of an eye, it began to pass quickly. But just at this time, a giant hand, which seemed to be composed of countless stars, appeared from the depths of the sea of stars and directly grabbed Zhao Fugui.

Seeing this giant hand, Zhao Fugui's face changed. This is the other side's hand. It is obvious that the other side wants to stop the Qing emperor's hand. This other side's hand is most likely Amitabha.

Amitabha was obviously very upset that Zhao Fugui had ruined his affairs, so he took action when Zhao Fugui was ready to leave medieval times.

Other people in the big array also saw this giant hand. Luo Yin's face showed a look of great fear. With their strength, they have not even stepped into the legend. There is no means to resist the attack of the other side. Zhao Fugui's face is also not good-looking. Although he has some means, the attack of the other side is not so good to resist.

Just as Zhao Fugui was about to make a move, he directly urged two pieces of congenial Lingbao, even if one was taken away. At the moment when Zhao Fugui was ready to make a move, a handful of floating dust appeared from the stars and directly hit the giant hand composed of stars.


The floating dust hit the giant hand, and an invisible wave appeared. The array maintained by the green emperor's relic suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and the whole array began to collapse. In a twinkling of an eye, someone began to fall into the river of time.

In the infinite sea of stars, in the blink of an eye, the giant hand composed of stars was broken up by the floating dust, and then the floating dust also disappeared. The floating dust blocked the giant hand, but the big array had collapsed in an instant.

Amitabha's hand is blocked. It's the same one from the other side. Only the one from the other side can stop the one from the other side. This one should be one of the three Qing Dynasties. I'm afraid that one of them only took the hand in the face of the Qing emperor.

However, although Amitabha's hand was blocked, Zhao Fugui could not easily bear the aftereffect of the other side's attack. Dazhen collapsed directly in the aftereffect of the other side's hand, and Zhao Fugui fell into the river of time.

The long river of time is surging. Even if there is only a little gap between the past and the future, there will be a huge gap between the time we fall into and the world.

Zhao Fugui couldn't determine where and where others fell. He only felt that he fell into the river of time. Then he began to be washed away by the river of time. The scenery in front of him was constantly changing. Zhao Fugui immediately sacrificed xuanhuang Linglong tower and protected his whole body with xuanhuang Linglong tower. When xuanhuang Linglong tower protected his whole body, the scenery in front of him could freeze .

When the scene in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes was completely frozen, he found that he did not return to the future, but appeared in a world similar to ancient times. This world is not like ancient times or medieval times, just like ancient times, but different from the ancient times in Zhao Fugui's memory and history books.

In the past, the Chen family in Shendu has always been a place where dragons and snakes mingle. There are a lot of rumors, people come and go, and there are a lot of martial arts people. But now it's getting worse year by year. There are fewer martial arts people who come here to drink and eat tea. Many tables are empty, no one is sitting down, and the whole shop is deserted.

"Ah, it's worse every year than every other. Now the situation is so bad!" The shopkeeper stood in front of the shop and sighed. He had already begun to think about transferring the shop back to his hometown.

"Shopkeeper, how can our business be so bad?" A new guy asked with a blank face.

"You've just come from the country, and you don't know what's going on here!" The shopkeeper sighed, and then said, "this matter has to start from a few years ago. Three years ago, the golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea suddenly appeared. He sent a half step legend level strong man to spread a message, saying that he invited the world's strong Dharma practitioners to discuss major issues. That's half step Dharma practitioners!"

"Do you know what a half step body is? Half step Dharma body is half step nature. There is a vast amount of power in the body. There is a cave in the body. That power is not what ordinary people can guess! "

"What happened then?" The man's face was blank. He came from the countryside and didn't know it was a big event for the strong.

"Later? Who dares not to come to the invitation of the half step Dharma strongman? Who can not go? Those who are strong in Dharma also want to find a way to become a half step legend, or even a legend. Why are they willing to go The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "but who can think of it? Once these powerful people have gone, they never appear again!"

"As soon as those who are strong in Dharma body go away, they never appear again. Some people say that they were imprisoned in jinbie island. Some people say that they were killed by all the people in jinbie island. But no one knows what happened, because jinbie Island disappeared later, which has become the biggest mystery today!""Now all the Dharma bodies in the world have disappeared, and the most powerful ones in the world are only the great masters. There are many great masters with great influence, and they are escorted by magic soldiers. Before they have much influence, the other powers are different. They all have their own calculations and ideas. Therefore, the world is in chaos, and all the major schools recruit troops one after another. But those who have talent can enter the world as long as they pass the assessment School, cultivate the supernatural power of the world

"Now that everyone has a chance to be like a dragon, do you think those warriors will still hang out with those who have no future in the tavern? There is no such thing as scamps. Do you think our business will be good? "

"So it is!" Man nodded thoughtfully and said.

"If I'm not old, I'm going to make a breakthrough in this world." The shopkeeper said, "if those Dharma practitioners really die in the East China Sea, you say that if you can find what those Dharma practitioners left behind, there will be a chance to rise from the sky!"

The shopkeeper said with a yearning face, but when he saw the same expression on the man's face, he immediately glanced at him and said, "forget it, you'd better save more money and send it to your old mother in the countryside."

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