Super Monk

Chapter 4234

Zhao Fugui's eyes twinkled. He forced jiuzhuan Xuangong to resist. As soon as the black robed man's anger smothered, he stopped and listened to him coldly.

"You are not Ananda. If you are Ananda, even if you have only one avatar, you can't be so weak!" The black robed man looked at Zhao Fugui coldly and said.

The magic Buddha Ananda is one of the two most outstanding disciples of Lingshan Buddha. After the extinction of the Tathagata, he is one of the masters of the pure land. He is qualified to be the successor of the Buddha. Even if he is only a separate person, he should not only have this strength. Because of his own characteristics, Ananda should at least have some legendary characteristics.

"In a way, I'm Ananda, but I'm not really Ananda!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, "Ananda reversed the Thousand Buddhas formation and attacked JIAYE secretly. Finally, he became a demon Buddha and landed on the other side."

Zhao Fugui's words are casual, but it's not different to hear them in the ears of people in black robes. It's no wonder that Ananda's reputation is not obvious now. It only exists in the word of mouth of some characters. It turns out that Ananda has become a magic Buddha and proved his position on the other side.

As a result, legends are gradually decreasing, and some of the great people on the other side have a weak sense of existence to the extreme, which is also a sign that they are really moving towards the ultimate detachment.

"And then? What happened to the Buddha The man in black asked eagerly.

"Later, Ananda was suppressed by the Buddha himself, and was suppressed in the depths of Lingshan mountain!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Buddha? Did the Buddha do it himself? " The black robed man was startled and said in shock. When he said Buddha, his tone was complicated, and there seemed to be some special emotion in it.

Zhao Fugui frowned and had some other guesses about the identity of the black robed man.

"Yes, the Buddha seems to have proved the truth. He directly suppressed the evil Buddha!" Zhao Fugui definitely nodded and said.

Buddha took the fruit of Jianmu and used it to form the final fruit of Tao. But obviously, there is something wrong with the fruit of Tao. Otherwise, the legend of Buddha in this world will disappear completely. It has long been separated from this world. Since he has not been separated from this world, it shows that Buddha has not really achieved the ultimate fruit of Tao.

After a long time, Zhao Fugui continued to say, "I once saw Ananda in Lingshan. He wanted to rebirth me as a Taoist symbol, but it didn't succeed. But Ananda seems to have a tendency to break away from the seal of the Buddha."

"Although the Buddha is strong, but the magic Buddha Ananda has arrived on the other side after all, and the Buddha can't seal it forever!"

The black robed man nodded solemnly and said slowly, "do you want to know the details of Lingshan battle?"

"If it's convenient for you to say it, it's OK to listen to it!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"In those days, heaven and earth changed greatly, heaven fell, and Lingshan also changed. Knowing that the Buddha was not there, Yaosheng suddenly led many great saints to fight Lingshan. At that time, in Lingshan, we had golden winged Mirs and Peacock King Ming, who led the rebellion of the demons accepted by Buddhism. JIAYE and Ananda were ordered to set up the Ten Thousand Buddhas array. At that time, Amitabha and the ancient Buddhas of the Western Paradise also fell in the air I want to do it

"Bodhi ancient Buddha and Amitabha Buddha are both great figures on the other side. Originally, they had two hands, and it was difficult for the fairy goddess to deal with them. But at this critical moment, Ananda suddenly reversed the Ten Thousand Buddhas formation, attacked and killed Kaya, dragged the pure land of Lingshan mountain and countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and great saints into the eternal darkness!"

"At that time, Amitabha Buddha and Bodhi ancient Buddha did not want to be contaminated by the eternal darkness, and just thought could not stop the reversal of the Ten Thousand Buddhas array, so they withdrew their hand. Later, at the cost of sacrificing himself, the great sage of Qi Tian pierced Lingshan with a golden cudgel and created a pure land under the Ten Thousand Buddhas array. He bought time for the demon sage and gave the demon sage a chance to escape from Lingshan with a few great saints! "

"I also took this opportunity to seize this chance to escape from Lingshan. I don't know what happened later."

Said the man in black slowly.

Zhao Fugui stares at the black robed man, who obviously conceals some things, but these things may directly involve the secrets of some other important people, so the black robed man does not say.

But now, Zhao Fugui has some speculation about the identity of the black robed man.

"I listen to your description. I'm afraid you are not a member of the demon clan, but a Buddhist who escaped from Lingshan mountain, right? Only later, when I escaped from Lingshan, I was infected with the evil spirit and the dead spirit, so I became immortal now. Am I right Zhao Fugui looked at the man in black and said.

"Neither dead nor alive?" Black scared people smile, the voice is full of self mockery.

"Well, since you don't deny it, should I call you a universal Bodhisattva or a Bodhisattva of self-consciousness?" Zhao Fugui looked at the man in black and asked slowly.

However, although that's what he said, there is still a doubt in Zhao Fugui's mind, that is, there is another possibility for the black robed man in front of him. He may not be a general sage or a Taoist priest, but a Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet.

Dizang Bodhisattva is one of the four Bodhisattvas recognized by Buddhism, and also one of the four strongest Bodhisattvas. In order to prove the other side of the Tao, he made a great wish that he would not become a Buddha if he went to hell.When there is an accident in Lingshan, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is very likely to help. In addition, what he is good at is to dispel the dead spirit and obsession. In the face of the power of death and filth produced by the reversal of the Ten Thousand Buddhas array, he has a chance to escape by taking advantage of the great sage of Qi Tian to break through Lingshan.

However, this is only a guess. After all, if this guess is true, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet should not be in such a state of immortality and wandering here.

Zhao Fugui was almost sure that the black robed man in front of him was one of the three. After all, there were very few people who could escape from Lingshan at that time, and those who had the strength should be several great bodhisattvas.

"Puxian, Guanyin?" The black robed man murmured to himself, and then said, "the past has become the past, and the present has become the future. I am still alive now. Why care about my past identity?"

It seems that it is unwilling to let people know its former identity with its present state. It acts like a ghost and looks like a demon. This is the biggest irony of every great Bodhisattva.

No wonder Buddha Lingshan hates Ananda so much. Ananda is really harmful.

However, it seems that the black robed man in front of him seems to be a universal Bodhisattva. After all, Guanyin Bodhisattva is a walker around Amitabha Buddha in the West. Since Amitabha Buddha has made a move, even if the self Dharma body is destroyed, as long as the eight treasures pool of merit and virtue is not destroyed, he can be reborn. With Amitabha Buddha, he should not be so embarrassed as the black robed man in front of him.

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