Super Monk

Chapter 4236

Looking at the sea under his feet, Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed. He hid his breath in the distance and watched the change. Soon the sea rose, and there were aquariums in it.

There are shark monsters, giant lobster monsters, crab monsters, fish monsters, and giant octopus in the aquarium. There are tens of thousands of these kinds of aquarium shrimps and crabs. Day after day, the whole sea is boiling.

There was also a huge tortoise among them, which looked like a floating island.

"It seems that there are so many generals in the East China Sea. What do they want to do?" Zhao Fugui said to himself.

When Zhao Fugui thought about it, his body began to change. In the blink of an eye, he became a handsome Taoist in a Taoist robe. This Taoist had a fresh air and seemed to be a real immortal.

"Prime minister, please stay!"

Zhao Fugui turned into a monk in white, then showed his birth form, appeared directly above the sky of the water people, and said to the giant turtle.

Zhao Fugui infers that this giant turtle should be the Prime Minister of the Dragon Palace aquarium. If it were an ordinary giant turtle, it would not be surrounded by the whole sky of aquarium.

The giant turtle was about to take the shrimp soldiers and crab generals forward. Hearing the words, he suddenly changed into an old man with a carapace on his back. The old man waved his hand and the water race stopped all over the sky.

"I don't know what's important for you to stop me?" Prime Minister tortoise looked at Li Mu carefully. He saw that Li Mu's breath was extraordinary and did not dare to neglect him. He arched his hand and said.

After all, I'm afraid none of the people who dare to show up are simple characters.

"I'm from Xiniu Hezhou. I want to see your dragon king for something important. I don't know where the Dragon Palace in Donghai is?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"What's important? My Dragon King has been bothered a lot recently. If it wasn't for something big, I'm afraid he wouldn't see you! " Prime Minister GUI said more politely.

In front of him, there was a breath leaking out, which immediately made Prime Minister GUI feel frightened. He didn't dare to neglect and hide. After all, in today's world, strength is the best pass, and no one dares to neglect.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was the water god of the East China Sea before the fall of the heavenly court in the past. He was a real dragon of the four seas, and he could become the Dragon King. The strength of the Dragon King of the East China Sea has reached the realm of five clawed Golden Dragon, and the Dragon Palace itself is a treasure. I don't know how many powerful prohibitions there are. If we reach the realm of legend, we don't have to worry about it.

But not to the realm of legend, can not be forced to break, in general, it is best not to break.

"I don't know what's bothering the Dragon King. I happen to have some magical powers. I don't know if I can share the worries for the Dragon King!" Zhao Fugui said in his heart.

"What is it?" Prime Minister GUI hesitated for a moment. Then he turned his eyes and showed some cunning. Then he said, "well, it's not a big thing, but it doesn't look good on the face of Donghai dragon palace. It's OK to say that it's a real fairy!"

"In fact, it was the princess of Donghai Dragon Palace who eloped with a human race a few days ago. The Dragon King was very angry and resentful of this ungrateful human race."

Nowadays, the world is full of demons, and the heaven does not exist. The Lingshan mountain is destroyed. Although the demons have lost many great saints, their foundation is still there. It's the time of great power. The Sihai dragon is the God of water when they have heaven, and the real dragon demon when they don't have heaven. Who dares to abduct their dragon daughter?

"This man is really bold!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Yes, I hate that Zhang Xuan is a remnant evil of the human race. The Dragon King cherishes his talent. When he offended the sea king, he took him in and left him to recuperate in the Dragon Palace. I didn't expect that he seduced the third princess Ao Jing by virtue of his handsome appearance. After the injury, this son eloped with the third princess. I hate that the third princess even took away the third princess Nine princesses, who are dangerous in this world, are so angry that they can't sleep at night. They have been furious for several days

"Now the four sea demon clan has been sent out to arrest him everywhere. Even my old turtle has been sent out!"

"What's more hateful is that Zhang Xuan has become a brother with the king of exterminating the sea, which is eyeing the dragon race in the East China Sea!"

It seems that the East China Sea is not peaceful. I'm afraid that the Dragon King of the East China Sea can't be alone. He has to tolerate the existence of other demons.

"In that case, I can help you a little bit. I have made some achievements in tracking down people!" As soon as Zhao Fugui thought about it, he said that this is a starting point for the situation in the East China Sea.

"Zhang Xuan may be afraid of being tracked, but the two princesses don't think so much about it. If Prime Minister GUI can bring the eight characters of the princess's birthday, I can have a try!"

In fact, Zhao Fugui doesn't care about these things at all. It's not her own business who the Dragon girl likes to talk to. Zhao Fugui doesn't care about these things, but now it happens, so let's borrow it.

"You are indeed a true immortal. I've grown up looking at the princess. I just know the eight characters of the princess's birthday, so I'll tell you!"

The Prime Minister of tortoise was very happy and quickly told Zhao Fugui all the eight characters about the birth of the third princess and the ninth princess.Zhao Fugui nodded slightly, and then began to calculate silently. These things are to calculate the cause and effect, and the eight characters of birth are connected with the source of cause and effect, from which we can calculate some lines of cause and effect and find some information.

"Well?" Soon Zhao Fugui frowned, and the two dragon girls' cause and effect branches went into the void one by one, and disappeared in the void. Zhang Xuan seemed to have some means to hide his calculation.

With Zhao Fugui's current strength, he has some legendary characteristics. Generally speaking, let alone this world, even if the two princesses leave this world and go to other worlds, Zhao Fugui can still figure out something.

Now that's a little interesting.

In that case, it seems more formal.

"Prime minister GUI, the third princess and the ninth princess are now covered by people. I need to find a quiet place to open the altar. When I finish my work, I will go to the Dragon Palace to tell you!"

Zhao Fugui said, anyway, it's a two-way preparation. If you can find the information of the third princess and the ninth princess, you can go to the Dragon Palace directly. If you can't, you can set the location of the Dragon Palace first, and then make plans.

"So good!" Turtle Prime Minister quickly nodded, and immediately told Zhao Fugui the location of the Dragon Palace. "If I don't want to visit the Dragon Palace any more, it must be nearby. You can ask the aquarium nearby!"

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