Super Monk

Chapter 4241

"Yaochi water and flat peach?" Zhao Fugui saw the things in the wooden box and said in surprise.

Then his brow immediately wrinkled. He didn't know what the flat peach and yaochi water in the wooden box meant. He didn't know what the Qing emperor meant when he gave them to the descendants of wuzhuangguan.

This kind of flat peach is of great use to the strong below, but it is of no use to those on the other side. Why did the Qing emperor give it to the descendants of wuzhuangguan?

Zhao Fugui frowned and looked at the peach with a puzzled look on his face.

"Flat peach!"

As soon as Ao Qing and AO Jing saw the things in the wooden box, their faces suddenly showed an expression of surprise. For these two dragon girls who have not yet become the climate, flat peaches are very good things. In the past, even when the heaven was still there, not every fairy had a chance to eat flat peaches.

"Martial uncle, this flat peach is useless to me. My nephew once ate ginseng fruit. The ginseng fruit of wuzhuangguan is better than flat peach!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Since it's from the elders, you can take it!" Zhao Fugui shakes his head and says that this is the cause and effect of the Qing emperor and the Wuzhuang temple. Zhao Fugui is not interested in undertaking it, not to mention a peach.

"Well, thank you, martial uncle!" Zhang Xuan didn't doubt that there was him. He nodded and put away the wooden box. Then he said, "uncle, since you've come all the way, why don't you come to our place as a guest?"

"Today, the descendants of our Wuzhuang temple are still living in anonymity outside jiuchongtian!"

"Jiuchong tianwai?"

Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

"Yes, it's jiuchongtianwai!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head and said, "when the heaven fell, thirty-three heaven was destroyed. The root of thirty-three heaven turned into thirty-three dinghaizhu. Later, one of them was acquired by a God. It saw that the heaven and earth were broken, the demon clan was rampant, and it could not bear that the Terran was destroyed. So it used this dinghaizhu to transform the world again!"

"In the end, it took advantage of this realm to attract the Terrans, and moved many Terrans, including our Wuzhuang temple!"

There are also such things. It's definitely not a simple character who can play a part in the world after the fall of heaven, but also provide living space for the human race. Maybe it's also a powerful character.

"I don't know who this spirit is?" Zhao Fugui asked, is it related to the fact that the Qing emperor sent this wooden box to the descendants of wuzhuangguan?

"It's an old mother without birth, so we call this heavy heaven the heaven without birth!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Unborn mother?" Zhao Fugui's face changed in a flash, and he was also the unborn mother. Luo Jiao worshiped the unborn mother. Since the end of the robbery, the unborn mother has been extremely active. Now the Qing emperor's affairs involve the unborn mother, which is probably not a coincidence.

Zhao Fugui is very clear that there are coincidences in the world, but if there are too many coincidences, it must not be a coincidence.

Zhang Xuan and AO Jing are the reincarnation of the golden boy and jade girl in yaochi, and the unborn mother is actually the queen mother of the west, which is well documented. Later, Zhang Xuan reincarnated and became the successor of Wuzhuang temple, which is most likely arranged by the queen mother of the West. The queen mother of the West has flat peach in her hand, and now it involves ginseng fruit trees. Flat peach trees and ginseng fruit trees are the supernatural things of heaven and earth, not to mention Wuzhuang One of the outlooks was so coincidentally moved into wushengtian.

How could there be such a coincidence at the end of the day? How could it be that the unborn mother didn't intervene in the affairs of wuzhuangguan? Zhao Fugui is the first one who will never believe it.

The relationship between the queen mother of the West and the unborn mother is about the difference between the main body and the incarnation. But it is said that the queen mother of the West has fallen. That should be to transform into the main body, use the identity of the queen mother of the west to cut off the past cause and effect, and reuse the identity of the queen mother of the west to start the layout.

When Wu Sheng's mother was the queen mother of the west, she didn't become the Tao. She took a key step to become the one on the other side, but not necessarily now. She gave up her identity as the queen mother of the West and sought for space. Maybe Wu Sheng's mother has taken that step and become the real one on the other side.

If this is the case, it may be a confrontation between the two people on the other side. I'm afraid the relationship between the two people on the other side is very complicated, which is not clear in a few words.

It's common for each other to procrastinate and count on each other, but occasionally there are times when they can help each other. This is just a big game. Sometimes they can help each other, but it's actually their own overall situation.

In addition, it is said that the first generation of the emperor in the past also had something to do with the queen mother of the West. The first generation of the emperor was a big man on the other side. In the middle ages, when he suddenly became a big man on the other side, it was a bit weird and frightening. After all, the big people on the other side were not limited by the time, and they were almost immortal. If it involved several big people on the other side, it was possible.

When Keren Huang fell, there was no big event at all, so his fall was hard to understand. When Zhao Fugui recalled these, he felt more and more that there was something wrong with the queen mother of the West.

Later, the unborn mother gave up the identity of Queen Mother of the West. I don't know if it is related to this.

"The inanimate mother has compassion on all living beings, and will guide all living beings into the vacuum hometown when the end of the universe is coming. She is a truly compassionate salvation God!" Zhang Xuan said with adoration, "martial uncle, please come to wushengtian as a guest!"Zhang Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed forward. White lotus blossomed. A white lotus paved road appeared in the void, leading to the unknown space.

Zhao Fugui and Luo Jiao's identity is not very harmonious. What's more, it may be a problem between the two great figures on the other side. He is the key figure of the Qing emperor's success. If he goes to wushengtian, it's not the same as throwing himself into the net?

If the unborn mother has any ideas, it's a real big man on the other side. Even if Zhao Fugui has two pieces of congenital spiritual treasures in his hands, it's hard to go with his strength.

"Nephew, I'm very polite. Originally, I was going to meet my Taoist friends, but now I still have something important to do. I have to wait until I have a chance to go!"

Zhao Fugui immediately found a reason to say.

"Martial uncle, even if it's urgent, going to have a cup of tea won't delay the hiding time. The elders in the family must know the situation of martial uncle over there!"

Zhang Xuan said quickly.

"If it wasn't for the matter, how could I not go? I really have something important to do and I can't delay it!" Zhao Fugui shook his head firmly and said.

"When martial uncle has time, please have a cup of tea!" Zhang Xuan see Zhao Fugui attitude firm, can only helplessly said.

"Sure, sure!" Zhao Fugui quickly hit a ha ha said.

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