Super Monk

Chapter 4251

Zhao Fugui made a decision, and then he stretched out his hand to move forward a little bit. In a flash, the lights were shining like bright stars. Then those lights were condensed one by one, and finally 20 bright golden balls were formed.

These spheres are bright and mellow, they are dinghaizhu, but they are not real dinghaizhu, they are the mirage of dinghaizhu, and then one by one dinghaizhu begins to fade, in the blink of an eye, some dinghaizhu disappear, and these disappeared dinghaizhu have been taken away by other big figures.

Zhao Fugui condensed the illusion of these dinghaizhu with causal line, and the disappeared dinghaizhu has been isolated from the cause and effect by the great people who got them.

Therefore, the illusion of dinghaizhu will disappear. In the hands of those powerful people, Zhao Fugui can no longer maintain the cause and effect of these dinghaizhu.

However, those disappeared dinghaizhu are also part of the obvious causal characteristics. After all, it is impossible that no other great person has ever searched for dinghaizhu in recent years.

A part of dinghaizhu, which is relatively easy to find, may have already been obtained by those big men, but these dinghaizhu with less obvious cause and effect lines may not be necessary. Those who are legendary and created the other side would not have gone out of their way to find them if they were not for the purpose of rebuilding the heaven.

Other people except those who are easy to get Ding Haizhu are not so easy to get, which gives Zhao Fugui some opportunities to find Ding Haizhu.

Zhao Fugui condenses the illusions of the remaining Ding Haizhu, and then continues to infer directly from these illusions. Soon those Ding Haizhu suspended in front of his eyes begin to change. Some Ding Haizhu's light begins to dim, and others become hazy. It seems that there are layers of fog obscuring Ding Haizhu, making those Ding Haizhu dim Hazy.

In the end, only two dinghaizhu are still shining, only a little dim. With Zhao Fugui's hand, the two dinghaizhu fly to his eyes.

Other dinghaizhu with dim light either have dim causal line or are in a special place. Although they are not obtained by other powerful people, it is difficult to calculate their position. Only these two dinghaizhu with the same light are not obtained by other powerful people, and their position is not special. They can be found with Zhao Fugui's strength.

"This one, then!"

Zhao Fugui looks at the dinghaizhu in front of him and reaches directly to one of the points. His hand is on the dinghaizhu. The dinghaizhu is in full bloom. Then the bright golden light envelops Zhao Fugui. Layers of light and shadow begin to change. Zhao Fugui jumps directly into the light and shadow and escapes into the empty sea of stars.

The world is much bigger than imagined. There are countless stars in the universe. There are all kinds of life in all kinds of strange planets, and even there are not many lives on some planets.

Not knowing how long later, a huge red star appeared in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes. This huge star is like the sun, emitting endless light and heat. But now this huge fireball has begun to collapse, because it has been captured by a black hole that is too dark to describe.

That black hole turns slowly, just like a terrible cosmic monster is slowly devouring this huge and terrible fireball.

Or, from a certain point of view, black hole itself is also a kind of life, which depends on how to define "life". Maybe for some beings, black hole is indeed a cosmic monster, a kind of life, a kind of monster.

Zhao Fugui's face was a little bit ugly when he saw the black hole. No wonder the dinghaizhu was not taken away, but it fell into the black hole.

"I didn't expect to break into the black hole one day. It's really interesting!" Zhao Fugui looked at the slow rotation of the dark hole, said to himself.

Even if he didn't study for long, Zhao Fugui knows the horror of black holes. It's said that this thing can't escape even light. Obviously, it's not so easy to break into.

However, at present, Zhao Fugui is not without the confidence to break into something like a "cosmic monster". When he reaches out his hand and lifts it, a little golden light suddenly appears. The golden light shows the appearance of xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, and then the xuanhuang Linglong pagoda gradually becomes larger, completely showing the appearance of golden pagoda.

The golden pagoda envelops Zhao Fugui, and then Zhao Fugui steps out and suddenly appears in the black hole. There is no sound and light in the black hole, only endless silence and darkness. However, the whole black hole is not unchanging, but changing slowly and firmly.

Change rotation, while slowly changing while slowly rotating, firm change rotation, always maintain a certain operation.

After entering the black hole, the golden light outside xuanhuang Linglong tower changed to a certain extent, which seemed to be stirred by some unknown force. Zhao Fugui felt that the top of xuanhuang Linglong tower was extremely heavy, not like a mountain, but like a star. However, Zhao Fugui was still determined to move forward and slowly walked to the depth of the black hole.

In the black hole, there is chaos in time and space, and the river of time is distorted. There is no up and down, left and right, Southeast and northwest. All the concepts of time, direction, and even perception are distorted, and even the concept of distance disappears here. But Zhao Fugui is still moving forward. I don't know how long after that, a dark circle suddenly appears in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes Something like a ball.At the same time, in the golden light of xuanhuang Linglong tower, a long sword with a terrible thunder suddenly appeared. As soon as the long sword appeared, it immediately cut on the black ball.

In an instant, the black ball was cut out of a gap, and a faint light appeared in the gap. The light was swallowed by the black hole as soon as it appeared from the black ball, but at the moment when the crack appeared, Zhao Fugui's body flashed and entered the black ball.

As soon as Zhao Fugui rushes into the black ball, the light and shadow in front of him will change instantly, and the time and space will become more and more chaotic. If Zhao Fugui is not strong enough, he will probably be lost in the chaos.

I don't know how long ago, Zhao Fugui's eyes suddenly shine, in front of a cloud shrouded, full of fairy haze, Zhao Fugui carefully looked at the mountain, suddenly found something wrong.

There seems to be a familiar feeling in this mountain. As soon as Zhao Fugui frowns, he suddenly reacts that this is Kunlun mountain where the queen mother of the west is located?

The queen mother of the west is also the golden mother of yaochi, now the unborn mother. In other words, there are two sides of the queen mother of the west, which is the incarnation of her. However, Kunlun mountain used to be the Taoist center of the queen mother of the west, but Kunlun Mountain is not only the Taoist center of the queen mother of the West. Yuxu Palace used to be in Kunlun Mountain, which is the Taoist center of Yuanshi Tianzun.

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