Super Monk

Chapter 4253

There must be some reasons why Haizhu took him to the demon emperor's hall. Zhao Fugui thought about it and walked to the demon emperor's hall.

The hall of the demon emperor is huge. It's bigger than the most magnificent building Zhao Fugui has ever seen in human history. The heavy and huge bronze gate is carved with intricate and exquisite patterns. Those patterns seem to tell a story, but Zhao Fugui is not particularly clear about the history of the demon tribe. He can't see what the story it tells.

The heavy and huge bronze gate was tightly closed. Zhao Fugui walked over and slowly pushed the huge bronze gate. The huge bronze gate may have had some kind of prohibition, but now the prohibition is broken, leaving only the huge bronze gate itself.


The huge bronze gate was slowly pushed open, and a decadent breath poured out from the crack of the opened bronze gate. This decadent breath has no special flavor, it just has the decadent flavor of time, which is the flavor after the decadent time.

The space inside the demon emperor hall is much larger than what Zhao Fugui saw from the outside. It's like an independent space world, one hall and one world.

But when Zhao Fugui just opened the door of the demon emperor's hall and stepped into the demon emperor's hall, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes. Those eyes were full of arrogance. Zhao Fugui was quite familiar with them. They were the eyes of the overlord. Did the overlord come here?

Is it a retrospection of time that Zhao Fugui entered the black hole and returned to the medieval world again through the black hole, or is it the overlord who followed the demon palace to the present for some reasons?

"It's you

Zhao Fugui saw the overlord, and the overlord also saw Zhao Fugui. However, when he saw Zhao Fugui, there was an unexpected look on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect to see Zhao Fugui here.

The overlord did not expect that he would meet Zhao Fugui, and Zhao Fugui also did not expect that he would see the overlord in the demon emperor hall.

"The demon palace connects the past and the future, implicates the ID, ego, he and I, and can help those who are strong in the legend to connect him and me, go back to the past, reverse the future, and take the most important step to the other side. Unexpectedly, I just came to the demon palace, and you also came!"

"Before stepping into the other side, I didn't expect to meet you again. I didn't understand the connection with you until I stepped into the demon emperor's hall. I didn't expect that the last trace of Lei Zu was on you!"

Said the overlord, laughing.

After listening to the words of the overlord, Zhao Fugui realized that the overlord himself was the incarnation of the ancient Leizu and a chess piece buried by the ancient Leizu. However, he did not expect that under the fall of the ancient Leizu, the overlord, relying on his unique talent, turned against the guest as the master, successfully cut off the connection with the ancient Leizu and became an independent existence.

But the ancient Thor is the past of the overlord, which the overlord can't deny and can't bury. When he wants to impact the other shore, he must go back to the past and integrate the images of the past and the future in the long river of time. In this way, the overlord can't avoid the body of the ancient Thor, and he must face the ancient Thor in the past.

Although the ancient god of thunder has fallen, the overlord needs to go back to all the ancient god of thunder, find the origin of the ancient god of thunder, and make up for his past.

This matter is about to be finished by the overlord. Now only the last trace of the origin of the ancient Thor has not been found. The overlord did not expect that Zhao Fugui would appear at this time. Moreover, Zhao Fugui happens to have the last trace of the origin of the ancient Thor.

Knowing this, Zhao Fugui felt like everything had been arranged. It was just like everything had been arranged.

Is it arranged or is it destiny? It's fate that's responsible for all this?

"In that case, let's fight!"

Zhao Fugui pulled out the supreme sword and said faintly.

He can't give up the last trace of Lei Zu's origin, but he can't give up so easily. He can't give up the last trace of Lei Zu's origin just because the overlord speaks casually.

Friars are against the heaven to change their life. Everything is against the heaven. On this day, the origin of the world and the laws of the world never allow anyone to jump out of their own control. For the world, those on the other side are thieves of the road.

Their so-called possession of the main road is nothing more than stealing the main road and in turn using the main road to interfere in the origin of the world and the operation of the world. To the origin of the world, the ultimate disengager is a big thief who successfully gets rid of all the influences of the world.

If you want to be a thief, you have to climb step by step. You can almost say that the whole world is the enemy in the end. If on the way of climbing, this person comes to ask for something and takes it away, and that person comes to ask for something and takes it away, if anyone wants it, he will give it away. At that time, Zhao Fugui will finally have nothing. So it's not so easy to take something away from him. Do you want it You have to pay for taking things.

"Well, then fight!"

The overlord grabs the sabre. The sabre is like a beating purple lightning. He grabs it in his hand. In an instant, the wind and thunder flash in the demon emperor's hall, full of dark clouds and purple lightning. The dark clouds and purple lightning contain the power of terror to the extreme."When you are defeated, if you hand over the origin of Lei Zu, I will spare your life. If you don't, there will be no legend about you in the future."

Said the overlord of the world.

"If the overlord thinks too much, I may not be defeated!"

Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

Although the overlord is said to be the strongest in the Middle Ages on the other side and the first man in the realm of creation, Zhao Fugui is not easy to provoke. If he does his best, he may not be able to fight against the overlord.

Moreover, according to the legend, the overlord finally fell. The overlord died in the hands of Ananda. Just when the overlord wanted to prove the other side, Ananda, who had not yet become a Taoist at that time, united with several other legends to kill the overlord.

With the strength of the overlord, he was able to escape at that time.

"Then you take my first knife first!"

The swords in the hands of the overlord are twined with purple thunder. The purple thunder is like purple dragons twining on the swords. With the swords of the overlord, they are cut out.

The whole demon palace seems to be shaken by this terrible sword, and the whole demon palace seems to have a feeling of collapse.

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