Super Monk

Chapter 4273

"Qi Tian Da Sheng?"

Zhao Fugui's eyelids jump. The fluffy hand is obviously the hand of the great sage of Qi Tian. I don't know if it is the hand of the great sage of Qi Tian. Considering the feeling of incense or having other purposes, he even saves Sha Wujing.

However, Zhao Fugui did not try to stop the great sage of Qi. Now there is no need to fight with the great sage of Qi. Let the great sage of Qi leave with Sha Wujing.


A clear bell rang slowly, and the melodious voice rang through the three circles. Zhao Fugui frowned and calculated silently, and soon calculated some causes and effects.

"It's the yuxu bell. It's the yuxu Palace's bell that wakes up the real world. I just don't know how many big people are waking up under the Sanqing primitive gate!"

Zhao Fugui said to himself, then Yin and Yang appeared at his feet, the Yin and Yang figure rotated, Zhao Fugui's figure gradually sank into the Yin and Yang diagram, then the Yin and Yang diagram disappeared, and Zhao Fugui directly returned to the real world.

As soon as he returned to the real world, Zhao Fugui saw the ringing of the bells in the yuxu palace of Kunlun mountain. Soon after, the virtual shadows of the seals appeared. The seals flew to the top of the yuxu palace and gradually merged into one. Finally, a huge seal was formed. On the seal, two big characters were clearly written, "Fantian".

"The legend of guangchengzi?" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, and then he saw a figure appear under the seal. He stretched out his hand and grasped the seal directly. Then the figure fell to the yuxu palace.

The big seal is Fantian seal. The virtual shadow under the big seal should be guangchengzi. Guangcheng Tianzun of yuxu has come back to life, but I don't know whether his strength has recovered to the peak.

Just at this time, a terrible sword Qi appeared, which swept all over the world and suppressed the world. The terrible sword Qi started from the void, passed through all the world, and directly fell into the yuxu palace. On the sword, there were two simple words, "kill the immortal". Then the sword Qi changed and directly turned into a red robe man.

I didn't expect that this sword was the killing immortal sword in the four immortals killing swords.

"How are you, younger martial brother red sperm?" Guangchengzi said with a smile as soon as he saw the Taoist.

Zhao Fugui looked thoughtful when he saw this scene. In the war of Fengshen, Lingbao Tianzun used the four immortals killing swords to put down the array. Later, the array was broken, and the four immortals killing swords fell into the hands of guangchengzi, Daoxing Tianzun, Yuding Zhenren, and chijing. Later, the four Immortals killing swords were not returned to Lingbao Tianzun, and Lingbao Tianzun didn't seem to tell them Please.

Zhuxian four swords are all powerful weapons of the other side. After so many years, they have made the red sperm understand the mystery of time. Either he is the peak of the legendary nature, or he may even have gone through the other side.

"Elder martial brother guangchengzi's style remains the same, and his strength seems to be more urgent and advanced than before!" Red sperm laughs.

Just when guangchengzi and Chishui exchanged greetings, two more swords rose up and fell directly into the yuxu palace. The two swords were black and white, namely, the trapped immortal sword and the juexian sword.

By using these two flying swords, we can interfere with the time, influence the time, and hide in the tributaries of the time. Although we can't avoid Beiluo's sword completely, we can sleep for thousands of years and recover slowly.

Yuding immortal and Daoxing Tianzun, one smiling, the other cold and proud, seem to have different personalities. After they appear in yuxu palace, they bow their hands to guangchengzi and Chishui.

When Zhao Fugui saw this scene from a distance, his heart moved. It happened that the four of them got the four immortals killing swords. It happened that they survived through the ages. Lingbao Tianzun didn't mention the four immortals killing swords either. It should be said that there was no Sanqing negotiation behind the scenes. After making arrangements, no one believed it.

Just at this time, in the lotus pool in front of the gate of yuxu palace, the chaotic green lotus bears a lotus seed. The lotus seed grows up, and a beautiful young man comes out of it. This young man's breath is so strong that it shakes the whole yuxu palace.

This young man is Nezha, the great God of Santan Haihui. He is also a strong one among yuxu's many disciples, only slightly inferior to Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian.

Nezha, wearing Xuan armor and holding a long gun, turned and walked into the main hall. He arched his hands to all the people in the yuxu palace and said, "I've seen you all

"Where's your master?" Guangchengzi nodded slightly, looking a little gloomy and asked.

Nezha's master is Taiyi immortal. Taiyi immortal hasn't appeared until now. Guangchengzi already has a guess.

"The master was injured and silent in those years, and then the demons in the real world chaos the world. There was a big event that the heaven fell and Lingshan died. He forced his recovery and wanted to turn the tide. Unexpectedly, he could not go against the weather and stop the trend. Finally, he was seriously injured and could not bear the erosion of the long river of time. He sat down in the dark!"

Nezha's eyes were red and he said slowly.

What Nezha said was not detailed, and he didn't say who the enemy was. It seemed that he wanted to deal with the matter by himself. He didn't want to let many martial uncles and uncles fight.

"At that time, elder martial brother Taiyi said that there was a big disaster. If he could survive the disaster, he could see the other side. If he could not cross it, he would be in a sad situation. If he could not cross it, he would not be able to cross it. Elder martial brother Taiyi wanted to gamble on everything, but he didn't succeed in the end!"Red sperm said with a sigh.

It's not only that Taiyi didn't come, but soon yuxu got a lot of information. When the Antarctic fairy died in battle and fell in the sky, he was afraid of leaving his grandson in Lingshan. There was no bones left. Neither of them could come.

"Younger martial brother huanglongzi was influenced by Hunyuan Jindou and Jiuqu Huanghe formation in the battle of Fengshen. Although he forced his way through the killing and robbery, he eventually left hidden dangers, and later he was in the real world!"

He said.

"I just don't know if Wenshu, Cihang and Puxian have escaped the disaster of Lingshan!" Daoxing Tianzun said with a frown after deducing the secret.

With Zhao Fugui's current strength, it's not difficult to hear them. When he heard this, Zhao Fugui's heart moved. He didn't expect that Manjusri, Cihang Taoist, and Puxian Bodhisattva were from yuxu palace, at least once.

Zhao Fugui, a Taoist of Cihang, knows that he was a yuxu disciple and one of the twelve golden immortals. Later, he entered Lingshan and became a great Bodhisattva.

However, Manjusri's Dharma body was trapped in the spirit mountain. Later, it should have been devoured by the supreme Buddha, and it should have been completely seated.

"Brother Manjusri's golden body fell in Lingshan, but he was born in Buddhism. Later, he abandoned the ancient Buddha's position and practiced again to prove the great Bodhisattva. Then he worshipped yuxu's door and cut off the body of heaven. Although his golden body in Lingshan has fallen, it may not be the real fall!"

Guangchengzi said.

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