Super Monk

Chapter 4282


Lei Zufa Xiang's terrible blow directly hit the Ten Thousand Buddhas array. In the Ten Thousand Buddhas array, the bright golden Buddha light began to shake. Cracks appeared on the gold body of one Buddha, and the array seemed to be unable to support.

But at this time, bursts of the humanitarian power of the Buddha kingdom fell on the gold bodies of these Buddhas. The cracks on the gold bodies of those Buddhas quickly began to recover under the blessing of the humanitarian power. It seemed that they had not been shaken at all.

Zhao Fugui has long predicted that this will be the case. Maitreya Buddha, after all, is half on the other side. Few people can compare with him in strength. Although Zhao Fugui has proved the fruits of all the fruits, there is still a little gap between Maitreya Buddha and Maitreya Buddha, not to mention Maitreya Buddha's borrowing of the land of Buddhism to promote the formation of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Not to mention that Lei Zufa can't break the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Even if Li Mu is here, he can't break the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Maitreya Buddha revealed his future Buddha Dharma and said with a smile, "if you are willing to give way, you can get the Buddha's throne one day when I enter Lingshan mountain. Under me, above all Buddhas!"

"The condition of Buddha's respect is too low. Master of yuxu palace, why ask for a mere Buddha's position?" Lei Zufa looked indifferent and said casually. Then the thunder fire burned in his eyes, clenched his fist again and hit him with a fierce fist.

"My Dharma, the beginning of all things, the end of all things

With Lei Zufa's blow, the earth fire, water and wind annihilate, and all things seem to end, leaving only a cold and dead silence. Then, in this dead silence, a little bud grows, as if to open the world again, and there is a new birth of all things.

This blow directly changed the essence of the law. With the change of the essence of the law, the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas began to shake, and the golden bodies of many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the array began to shake. Bursts of dim light appeared, and many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the array were in some confusion.

Maitreya frowned, and a relic on the top of his head was shining. The light of the relic was shining, and then the chaos in the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas was quickly smoothed. But at this time, a black light rushed out in the Buddhist kingdom. Instead of attacking Maitreya, the black light immediately bit the great Bodhisattva Fahualin who was trying to stabilize the array.

The great Bodhisattva of Fahualin is one of the two attendants of Maitreya Buddha. At this time, he is responsible for controlling the eyes of the great array in the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Under the attack of Lei Zufa Xiang, the great Bodhisattva of Fahualin tries his best to maintain the great array, but he is not prepared for a sudden attack from the Buddhist kingdom.

In a hurry, the great Bodhisattva of Fahualin was bitten on his shoulder by the shadow. Then the shadow shook his head fiercely, and even shook the position of the great Bodhisattva of Fahualin.

This sneak attack is Xiaotian dog. Xiaotian dog bites through many glass prohibitions and bites on the great Bodhisattva of Fahualin. After all, Xiaotian dog follows Erlang Zhenjun to show his holiness. Even the moon can be swallowed in one bite. It's an extraordinary beast. Without checking, the great Bodhisattva of Fahualin is seriously injured.

The key is that it was pulled away from the center of the grand array. The grand array of Ten Thousand Buddhas suddenly began to be in chaos. A golden Buddha began to dissipate, and the rich light of the Buddha began to fade.

Zhao Fugui attacked with all his strength for two times in succession. The purpose was to cover Xiaotian dog and create an opportunity for Xiaotian dog to attack. Now the opportunity appears, how can we let it go.

The supreme Sabre fell from the sky in an instant and directly cut open the dim array. Under the light of the sabre, Maitreya Buddha's land on the ground was exposed. In the blink of an eye, the sabre light fell and directly cut to the great Bodhisattva Fahualin in the Ten Thousand Buddhas array.

After being bitten by Xiaotian dog and chased by the supreme sabre, the great Bodhisattva Fahualin had no choice but to completely escape from the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but even so, he could not completely avoid the sabre light.

Maitreya sighed, reached out and nodded to the relic on the top. The light of the relic was shining, shining a light of pure glass. The light of the Buddha suddenly resisted the supreme sword.

The roaring dog takes the opportunity to roar. As soon as the images of black dogs appear in the sky, they immediately start to chase the Mantian Bodhisattva in the Ten Thousand Buddhas array. Many Bodhisattvas are far less powerful than the roaring dog. With this tearing, the array of Ten Thousand Buddhas is is in complete chaos.

If there are several great bodhisattvas and Buddhas, I'm afraid I don't know how many Bodhisattvas will die under the dog's mouth.

But anyway, now that the ten thousand Buddha array has been broken, the spread of the Buddhist kingdom on the ground has slowed down. Zhao Fugui has won enough time. Now it's up to the emperor's help.

After all, it is impossible to completely block Maitreya Buddha only by Zhao Fugui and xiaotiangou. Even Nezha can block many demons' great saints, he can't spare any effort to help Zhao Fugui and xiaotiangou. After all, those demons' great saints are not vegetarian.

"The great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas has been broken. Maitreya Buddha has been delayed. We can't wait any longer. We still have to rely on ourselves!" On the other hand, seeing that Nezha and the ox demon king Peng have already fought in the depths of the universe, the little fox gritted his teeth and offered up the demon's holy gun. He shook the demon's holy gun and threw it into the air. 、The magic gun flew into the sky, and then turned into a huge black tower. After leaving Lingshan, the power of the magic gun began to recover, and now it has almost recovered to the peak.

On the other hand, Luo Jiao seemed to see the opportunity and finally began to make full use of it. A legendary level Luo Jiao God envoy appeared. As soon as those Luo Jiao God envoys appeared, they immediately had the same breath. A slowly rotating whirlpool appeared in the mid air, which was deep and dark, as if communicating with the infinite world.

In the whirlpool, a huge white lotus is in full bloom. In the white lotus, there is a huge kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the hometown of vacuum. It seems that the envoys of Luo religion want vacuum hometown to come here directly.

Almost everywhere in the whole kingdom of the emperor is the fire of war. It seems that it has been completely in chaos. At this time, the ground of a city in the kingdom of the emperor suddenly split, and a huge Buddha's hand stretched out from it. The palm of the Buddha's hand spread out, and there was a big crack in the palm. In the big crack, there were many golden Giant Buddha's teeth, and the Giant Buddha's hand was broken When he appeared, he immediately bit the great Bodhisattva Fahualin.

As soon as he saw the Buddha's hand, the great Bodhisattva of Fahualin had a nameless anger. Even the aura of Lina's nature seemed to be confused and fell into the abyss.

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