Super Monk

Chapter 4287

"Run away!"

Without hesitation, all the envoys under Wu Sheng's mother turned around and ran away. Under the complete sword array, the vacuum hometown collapsed directly, and the sword light swept through. Several of the leading legendary envoys were hanged and disappeared like ordinary people, without any trace left.

The other envoys immediately turned around and ran away without hesitation. They did not hesitate at all.

On the other side, a series of four-color sword lights fall, and the ox demon king and Nezha are directly separated. In the sword light, the pagoda of merit and virtue is directly broken, and it turns into a dim demon holy gun again. The Peng demon king is covered with blood, half of the Jiao demon King's body disappears directly, and the ox demon king's horn is cut off, and his whole body is full of terrible wounds.

The immortal killing sword array is too strong. It's not the strongman in the legend world who can break through. I'm afraid the strongman in the legend world will die as many as he comes.

With a roar, the ox Demon King opened his mouth and swallowed it. He swallowed the Peng demon king, the Jiao demon king and the fox directly. He opened the world in his body and was ready to take them out of the sword array.


At infinity, a sword light fell. As soon as it fell, it swept up and chopped at Yuan Hong. It seemed that the sword light was not fast and powerful, but Yuan Hong's face changed greatly. Just after he turned around, he was hanged to pieces.

But not far away, a flash of blue light, Yuan Hong's figure appeared again, just smashed body is just a hair, Yuan Hong with that hair for death, escaped a life.

"Zhuxian sword array is complete!" Yuan Hong felt numb on his scalp and trembled all over in the sword formation, so he had no sense of security.

"I can't stay here any longer!"

With a roar, Yuan Hong's evil spirit expanded to the extreme, and a thick layer of evil spirit erupted. Yuan Hong's whole body turned into King Kong, which revealed the body of King Kong. He wanted to rely on the body of King Kong to the extreme, to break out of the immortal sword array.

On the other hand, Maitreya Buddha's aboveground Buddha Kingdom directly began to collapse, and the white lotus flowers were smashed. Maitreya Buddha could not care about the aboveground Buddha Kingdom at this time. In this dharma array, there are supreme Buddha and immortal killing sword array. Now it is not a question of whether the aboveground Buddha Kingdom can be established, but a question of whether it can escape from its origin.

However, the immortal killing sword array is complete, and the supreme real Buddha can't care to attack Maitreya any more. It directly releases infinite Buddha light, which is shrouded by pure Buddha light. It reveals the virtual shadow of demonized Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. These demonized Buddhas and Bodhisattvas directly form the Ten Thousand Buddhas array, so as to block the powerful sword light in the immortal killing sword array.

Maitreya Buddha also responded. The three relics on the top of Maitreya Buddha's head were shining. The three relics were transformed into three Buddhas. The three Buddhas were the three incarnations cut by Maitreya Buddha. The three Buddhas were ready to fight with Maitreya Buddha's body at the same time, playing chaos and supreme Buddha Dharma It's all around.

At the highest place in the universe, the man in black robe looked at the sword array of the emperor's kingdom with a smile and said, "although the Zhuxian sword array is the first killing array in all ages, now the main one is not the other side. At the same time, he can't push the sword array and the four sword forces. I'm afraid he can't even exert one tenth and one percent of the real power of the sword array!"

"Although this sword array is strong, I'm afraid it can't keep the people in it!"

"I'm afraid it's time for me to see the emperor's successor, too?"

The emperor's face was flat, and he didn't look back. He said faintly, "from ancient times to now, no matter which branch of the river of time, no matter what the future is, there are not many big people on the other side, but there are still some!"

"The body of Houtu is integrated with reincarnation seal. It turns into six reincarnations. The demon master Bo Xun's body is scattered in all directions. The emperor of heaven's death turns into a time knife. The demon Saint refines the demon spear based on his own Dharma body. There's a way for these fallen other people's death, but what about the emperor?"

The face of the black robed man suddenly changed. Fuxi, the early emperor, was also a strong man on the other side of the river, but it fell for unknown reasons, but there was no news about the other side's death. I'm afraid it's not normal at this time.

How can something so important on the other side disappear quietly? It's not normal, it's not possible.

It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands behind it, which makes many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas unconsciously ignore this matter. It seems that the person who made the move should be the big man behind the emperor.

Sure enough, the characters behind the emperor are not simple. The black robed people have already had a few guesses, but they are not sure who they are.

"It seems that I have the honor to see the death of a great man on the other side today!" The man in Black said with a smile.

This is absolutely something that can be met but not sought. After all, the other side's great figures are the real chess players in the world. If they don't get to the other side, they are not qualified to participate in the chess game at all. As for the death of the other side's great figures, it is even more rare. After all, from ancient times to today, there are not many fallen other side's great figures, not many living other side's great figures, and even fewer fallen other side's great figures.

Even if it is the end of the era, there may not be those who fall from the other side, so the other side's remains become extremely rare.

This era is the end of all eras, and the ultimate destination of all eras. Therefore, some other important people will fall one after another.The emperor stood at the infinite height, his eyes were deep. He slowly drew his sword, and bursts of strong breath were released from the emperor's sword. The emperor's sword was bright and faintly released infinite sword light. In the sword light, a huge figure appeared.

The emperor's death is hidden in the emperor's sword all the time, but at this moment, the real world is shaking, as if resisting the entrance of the great man's death on the other side. There is a sea of bitterness on the top of the emperor's death. The sea of bitterness is boiling and endless, and the people in black robes suddenly have some insight when they look at the emperor's death.

Emperor is not a normal death, I'm afraid it is an unnatural death, can let a big man on the other side to die unnaturally, who in the end can do this.

As soon as the emperor's hand was loosened, the sword fell directly into the emperor's hand. Then, with a flash of light gold, the emperor's death stepped into the immortal killing sword array.

At this time, the demon king was about to escape from the immortal sword array, and then his pupil reflected the figure of the emperor.

"Fuxi?" In an instant, the devil trembled in his heart and looked at the figure in front of him in disbelief. Then he realized in an instant that this was not Fuxi. This was Fuxi's death. Fuxi had already fallen.

"The other side of the great man's demise, the emperor actually prepared two hands so strong backhand!"

The devil's face changed greatly. He didn't hesitate to urge the prepared magic power. If he didn't escape at this time, he would have no chance to escape.

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