Super Monk

Chapter 4292

As time went by, the progress of the construction of fengshentai was accelerating. Nearly a month later, fengshentai began to enter the final stage. The whole fengshentai was 99 feet high, divided into nine layers, surrounded by altars symbolizing the five elements of yin and Yang.

All the nine layers of the altar are carved with statues of gods. At the bottom, there are heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, five elements, various local officials, mountain gods, land and so on. At the top, there are Gongcao Xiangguan, golden boy and jade girl, celestial servants and so on. Going up, you will soon be the main gods of each department, all the way to the five directions and five emperors of the second layer, and the incarnation of the highest level.

The array on this stage is heavy, and the power of humanity is transformed into dragons and phoenixes, which are constantly flying around the Fengshen platform. The power of humanity here has been strong to the extreme.

The emperor was dressed up, wearing a flat crown and a sword hanging from his waist. He stepped out step by step and walked to the altar. It seemed that the altar was almost finished.

When the emperor stepped on the altar, many people were ready to watch the ceremony. Among them, Zhao Fugui represented yuxu, and other people who knew and didn't know were also here.

After stepping on the fengshentai, the Emperor didn't immediately begin to seal the heaven. Instead, he paid homage and invited the emperor to the core of fengshentai.

The statue seems to have lost its vitality. It sits on the altar, and the space is constantly shaking. It seems that even the whole real world can't bear its existence. There is a feeling that it is about to collapse.

There are also established rituals and procedures for the emperor to seal the heaven. Although the previous generations have not succeeded in sealing the heaven, and the sealing of the heaven has gradually evolved into the worship of heaven, there are still some rituals and rules.

Soon, some rituals were over, and the emperor took out a sacrificial essay and began to recite. At this moment, on the altar, his voice seemed to follow the law. Every word represented the principle of law, and every word fell with the response of heaven and earth. Some changes gradually appeared on the emperor's face, which seemed to be expectation, excitement, and finally waiting for this day Relief.

To suppress the way of heaven with humanity has been the pursuit of emperors of all dynasties, and it is also what our ancestors have always wanted to do.

Even many immortals had such wild hope before they became gods, but people's position was never fixed, and there was no right or wrong. Before they became gods, they stood on the position of the human race, and wanted to suppress the way of heaven with humanity. But after they became gods, this idea soon changed, and they thought that immortals should be above mortals, and that the way of heaven should suppress the way of humanity It is one of the fundamental reasons for the ultimate failure of the emperors of all dynasties.

Now, it seems that the way of heaven is sealed by humanity, and finally there is a possibility of success.

Under the Fengshen platform, the light of the Dharma array lit up slightly, and then the emperor's body began to sink into the Fengshen platform, and its body began to dissipate. It turned into a boundless power and merged into the Fengshen platform. Then it spread to all directions and turned into a heavy force. When the power merged into the Fengshen platform, it seemed that all the cities of the whole emperor's kingdom were destroyed It began to change, and all human cities seemed to have a powerful Guardian force to bless the past.

Under the sky, the whole kingdom of the emperor is no longer the same.

After that, the emperor made three solemn bows to the newly existing position, and then went directly to the newly existing position.

He went to the position of the emperor's death, directly pulled out the emperor's sword, and the ceremony of sealing heaven officially began.

"At the beginning of the great way, there was no difference between heaven, earth and man. Later, the demons and gods disturbed the world. The way of heaven was used to suppress the way of humanity, which made the heaven and earth unclear and the road unclear. Now I'm building the platform of heaven, gathering hundreds of millions of human power to establish the God on behalf of heaven, so that the immortals and gods can return to their respective positions, go their own ways, and within the three realms, heaven, earth and man will not invade each other, so as to secure the three realms!"

As the emperor's words fall, the fengshentai shakes slowly, as if it has its own spirit. First, fengshentai emits its own light, then the clouds in the sky dissipate, and the lights light up, the stars appear in the sky, and the stars fall down. Finally, from the ninth floor of fengshentai, those Xianbing days will begin to wake up.

The city god of the land appeared one by one, as if there were City God of the land in every land and city in the kingdom of the emperor.

Every place is guarded by immortals. These immortals have become the guardians of the emperor's Kingdom, and are no longer superior.

In the sky, a vivid ink painting appeared. The ink painting fell down and merged into the Fengshen platform, as if it had become a piece of relief on the Fengshen platform.

With the integration of mountains, rivers, countries and lands into the fengshentai, all kinds of bright lights come on again, and then the statues of stars, stars and saints also begin to light up. Then the light continues to rise, and finally reaches the five directions and five emperors. Once the light rises to the place where the road incarnates, the road incarnation is lit, and the unification of heaven with humanity is completed.

But at this time, chaos appeared in the nine days, a huge vortex began to appear, and a pair of terrible eyes soon appeared in the vortex.

When these eyes appeared, Zhao Fugui immediately felt that he had seen them before. They were the eyes that had watched the fall of heaven when it fell.

At that time, these eyes were indifferent to the outside world, which made people feel chilly. Now the success of fengshentai is coming, and these eyes appear again.At the beginning of the fall in heaven, these eyes just looked at Zhao Fugui tightly, and Zhao Fugui's mind fell into chaos and almost collapsed.

But now the situation is not the same, Zhao Fugui regardless of strength or realm, has been more than at that time to enhance too much.

Those cold and terrible eyes are like the incarnation of the way of heaven. The way of heaven, which seems to be unchanging from ancient times, is getting rid of the interference of suppressing humanity.

However, it's just an instant annotation. The falling star lines in the sky begin to collapse and disappear, and the stars in the sky begin to hide. It seems that the whole fengshentai can't bear the unknown power, and the whole fengshentai begins to collapse.

"Boom boom!"

There were terrible explosions, the first explosion of the road incarnation on the top of fengshentai, followed by the statues of the five elders.

"It's coming after all!"

In the imperial city of the people's Kingdom, people are watching here. Finally, someone sighs and turns to leave.

On the fengshentai, it seems that the emperor was greatly influenced and forgot to make a move. However, Zhao Fugui was also interfered, and his move was slowed down. He failed to stop the collapse of fengshentai, and even the fruits were interfered.

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