Super Monk

Chapter 4297

The magician is missing. If he really works for Lingbao Tianzun, it's very easy for him to avoid being found. Unless he wants to appear, it's very difficult to find him.

We can't worry about this matter. Zhao Fugui didn't leave after he proved the fruits of all the fruits. Instead, he stayed in the kingdom of the emperor and began to explore the future. If he wanted to enter the other land, he had to occupy a certain future, unify the past, the present and the future. If he didn't occupy a certain future, he couldn't set foot on the other land.

Moreover, the past is easy to go back, but the future is hard to find. For big people, this is just the opposite of ordinary people. In the eyes of ordinary people, the past is far away, and it exists in the memory. However, it is like a mirror, but it can't be found. How much of the past is a dream that ordinary people can't reach, but for big people, it's just the opposite.

The past is just a picture of time. It's not hard to go back in a moment, but it's hard to occupy the future. Because there are all kinds of infinite possibilities in the future, even the strong on the other side can't completely control them. In many cases, they can only follow the trend. The future is unpredictable and difficult to occupy. It's not so easy to control.

For ordinary people, as long as they work hard all the time, the future will be better than the present, the pursuit is not the same, and the difficulty of things is not the same.

Although the fruits of Zhao Fugui's evidence are legendary and perfect, they are still in the preliminary exploration of the other side realm. There is no experience in the other side realm. Every other side strong person has different evidence of the other side. The exploration of this realm can only rely on himself, not on others.

"Life is short, the road ahead is hard to find, but to be worthy of the heart, this will not fall!" Three months later, in the imperial city of the emperor's Kingdom, a grand voice sounded. Without knowing anyone, the emperor suddenly tried to seal heaven again.

With the grand voice of the emperor, a little bit of glory converges from the whole kingdom of the emperor. The power of humanity converges into a long river and flows into the body of the emperor. The way of heaven, the tunnel, and the humanity. What the emperor converges is the whole power of humanity. This flood of humanity converges in one place and then surges into the sky, boiling the whole real world.

With the advent of the great power of humanity, a shadow of the Ninth Heaven gradually condenses in the sky, and then under the Ninth Heaven, an image of fengshentai composed of the power of humanity gradually condenses.

"The emperor wants to set up a platform to seal heaven when he proves the perfection of nature. If he succeeds, he will become one of the strongest in the legendary realm of nature. But if he fails, he will never have a chance to step into the legendary realm again!" Zhao Fugui is aware of the change outside. His eyes are fixed and he says to himself.

With the appearance of the illusion of the Ninth Heaven, it seems that the shadow of the heavenly palace also appears. The towering heaven, the majestic heavenly soldiers, all the scenes look vivid, just like the real heaven.

Many people in the emperor's Kingdom watched this scene excitedly, but at this time, the sky suddenly darkened. On top of the shadow of the Ninth Heaven, a big hand of glass with golden light pressed down. This huge Buddha's palm was full of pure glass. This huge Buddha's palm seemed to cover everything in the whole sky.

Behind the palm of the Buddha, the deepest part of the universe is illuminated by a golden oil lamp, which is the magic weapon of the ancient Buddha.

This is the hand of the burning lamp ancient Buddha himself. He wants to prevent the legend of the emperor's witness from being complete and to grant amnesty to heaven and earth.

The important ministers under the emperor looked at this scene one by one in horror. When Luo Jiao, the great sage of the demon clan and Maitreya Buddha attacked the emperor's Kingdom, although there were strong men from the other side, they didn't make a direct attack like this.

The other side of the direct force to hand, this has been naked surface attitude.

Just as these imperial ministers had just turned their minds, a blue sword light seemed to fall from the nine sky, with an unparalleled posture, straight into the real world, and the strong breath directly strangled the huge golden Buddha hand. Behind the blue sword light, the other three colors of sword Qi also followed.

But it's not enough. There's no plan to kill the immortal sword. It's just the manipulation of the strong in the legendary realm. It's not enough to directly resist the other side's attack by borrowing the accompanying magic weapon.

The four immortals killing swords formed a preliminary sword array under the huge golden palm to resist the golden hand, but it was not the four immortals killing swords that really blocked the Golden Buddha hand.

Deep in the universe, a dark ancient seal was directly knocked down, which turned the world upside down and blasted on the huge golden fingered Buddha.

There are also various kinds of magic weapons, such as guangchengzi, Manjusri, Guangfa, Tianzun, Yuding immortal, red sperm, Daoxing Tianzun. The lighting ancient Buddha shows its attitude, and yuxu Palace also shows its attitude. Today, yuxu palace is the emperor who wants to die.

The mountain and river map falls on the territory of the emperor, covering and protecting everything. In the new year of all living beings, the power of mountains, rivers, waters and trees all gather together. This is the power of humanity, and this is the belief of humanity and the unity of all.

Zhuxian four swords and Fantian seal, the great wisdom sword blocked the huge palm of the ancient Buddha, the emperor was not moved, still doing his own thing.

On the golden Turtle Island, Yuan Hong, sitting on a rock, suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to be the great sage who once stood up to heaven and refused to be a god Buddha."Boom!"

A huge black iron bar tore the heaven and the earth, pierced the sky, delayed the time, and smashed the palace with incomparable power, trying to flatten it and kill the emperor.

I don't know when Yuan Hong's strength has returned to its peak, or even what secret method he used, so his strength has gone up to a higher level.

The emperor testifies to evil.

Yuan Hong's attack contains all his anger, all his reluctance, and all his grievances. If he wins the battle before his journey to the Buddha, he will accompany Jin Chan Zi to Lingshan to learn Buddhist scriptures, become a champion of the Buddha, win the other side, and even look forward to the other side.

But he lost after all, after losing, he seems to have been shrouded in the shadow of Qi Tian Da Sheng, no chance to turn over.

Now, he finally got a chance to change his life. So Yuan Hong went all out. It was Meishan's gamble on his own life.

At this moment, a bright lightning figure appeared in front of the huge stick, and the supreme Sabre cut the iron stick with an incomparable posture.

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