Super Monk

Chapter 4301

The roots of ancient trees plunge into the sea of bitterness. Although the sea of bitterness is no longer turbulent, it does not subside. At this time, an ancient glass lamp appears in the sea of bitterness. The glass lamp shines all over the sea of bitterness, as if to open the way for all living beings and let them escape from the sea of bitterness.

In the twinkling of an eye, the glass lamp turned into a golden Buddha. The Golden Buddha looked at the green emperor, and the grand voice resounded through the world.

"The sea of bitterness is boundless, and it's time to look back."

The grand voice sounded, and the light of Buddha condensed into the sea of bitterness, just like an invisible huge palm holding the green emperor, trying to make the green emperor turn back.

"If you cross the bitter sea, you will get the road!" At this time, a little bit of jade color in Zhao Fugui's hand lights up, and then a handle of jade Ruyi appears. It directly crosses the sea of bitterness and falls to the green emperor. The jade Ruyi is the three treasures Ruyi.

The three treasures of Ruyi fly out and fall directly on the side of the Qing emperor, turning into a golden bridge on the other side. At that time, the moral heaven became the Tao, that is, using the three treasures of Ruyi to become the Golden Bridge on the other side, then walking on the Golden Bridge and climbing on the other side.

It seems that as long as you step across the Golden Bridge on the other side, you can step on the other side smoothly.

At the same time, in the past, now and in the future, everything will return to connectivity. In the pure land of glass, it will fly out of the past and merge with the green emperor. But at this time, a bodhi tree behind the king Buddha suddenly withers. With the withering of the bodhi tree, a kind of great fullness and nirvana appears, as if the king Buddha has been finally liberated.

The pharmacist Wang fo's body suddenly felt as if he had been disturbed and couldn't leave.

The pharmacist Wang Buddha is one of the most important incarnations of the Qing emperor. If the pharmacist Wang Buddha can't return, then the Qing emperor can't prove the other side, can't make his body perfect, and can't cross the sea of suffering.

The situation became stalemate, and the painful expression on the Qing emperor's face became more and more obvious, because it was still influenced by the book of seven arrows. Even if there was a monster in heaven, the influence of the book of seven arrows was not so easy to get rid of.

"The God of morality, the God of Lingbao, Amitabha, the ancient Buddha of lighting lamp, even the demon clan and the monster of heaven have been settled, but the God of Lingbao and the God of morality seem to have just left a idle game, and they don't intend to do it in person. On the contrary, all the other great figures have done it in person!"

"But Luo Jiao didn't do it this time? The unborn mother didn't plan to do it? " Zhao Fugui looked at the sky, frowning.

At the same time, with the most critical moment of the Qing emperor's sermon, it seems that no one has noticed that the magician on the altar has long disappeared.

For the magician, he seems to have given up the fengshentai which is close at hand, but after the magician disappeared, his figure appeared at the place where Lingshan fell.

"Only when the emperor granted the throne, can the Qing emperor's sermon attract everyone's attention and make those big people have no time to attend to him, so that I can do some other things conveniently!" The magician appeared in the falling place of Lingshan mountain and said to himself with a smile, "the birth of the demon Buddha is in front of us today!"

The magician took a deep breath and changed himself into a three faced Tathagata. As soon as the three faced Tathagata appeared, he reached out and grabbed the last seal in Lingshan.

But at this time, a dark red flying sword suddenly appeared. As soon as the flying sword appeared, it directly cut the three sides of the Tathagata that the magician turned into.

The sword of the netherworld, the sword of the netherworld, is the first to kill. The ancestor of the netherworld has made a move.

It's strange that the ancestor of Styx wanted to stop the Buddha from being released. I don't know the reason behind it.

"Sure enough, there are still big people to stop, but the ancestor of Styx is not enough!" The magician was not surprised. He laughed a little. Behind him, a huge figure with six feet and four wings suddenly appeared. The figure held the river. As soon as it appeared, it threw the huge river to the ancestor of Styx.


The huge river slammed into the sword of the underworld. When the sword of the underworld chopped on the river, the river was boiling and then withered, but the sword of the underworld was also blocked directly.

"Dijiang, why did you release the magic Buddha?" The master of the Styx river appeared and cried with an ugly face.

The ancestor of the Styx suppressed the sea of blood. He once did the work of the sea of blood attacking the heaven. But in fact, the strength of the ancestor of the Styx has not reached the other side. His strength lies in the legendary perfect environment of nature, but the sea of blood is its home, so it can often play a stronger strength.

"You know shit!" Dijiang directly and rudely replied that Dijiang was one of the twelve Witches of the Wu clan. It was said that all the twelve witches died in the war at that time. However, with the advent of the end of the robbery, some of the witches who had been arranged in advance began to wake up and return. Dijiang was one of the best among them, and Dijiang's strength was about to return to its peak.

Just before they spoke, the sky above Lingshan suddenly darkened, and a huge iron bar suddenly fell down. As soon as the iron bar appeared, it directly hit the magician's head.

Qi Tian Da Sheng's identity is special. He not only got the benefits of the moral God, but also revived and returned to the peak because he was tempered in the eight trigrams furnace for many years, which is the favor of the God. But Qi Tian Da Sheng was born in the demon family after all. Now the moral God and the demon family are hostile, so he chose two steps to help each other between the two dilemmas.Just because the two don't help each other, it's not attracted by fengshentai and Qingdi's sermon, but focuses on others. It finds out the first time the magician appears in the place where Lingshan falls, and hits directly.

The magician is under the huge golden cudgel. At this moment, it seems that heaven and earth collapse and the universe is destroyed. It seems that under this stick, everything will no longer exist.

Originally, there was only one master of the Styx River to stop him. Before the magician paid attention to him, one emperor river would be enough to stop him. Even if the emperor river was not his opponent, it would not be so difficult to stop him.

But an old ancestor of the Styx River, together with the great sage of Qi Tian, who is the best at fighting on the other side of the river, is not the same. If we only rely on Dijiang to block it, Dijiang will be defeated in the twinkling of an eye. Although Dijiang has the heart to fight to the death, it's hard to say whether it will really fight to the death.

"Damn it, how could it be like this? What's the festival between the master of the Styx River and the devil Buddha? He would run to stop him. If the master of the Styx River didn't come, only the great sage of Qi Tian came, how could Dijiang stop him for a while? It won't be as dangerous as it is now!"

The magician's face was ugly. With a roar, his three faced Tathagata body was full of golden light. He suddenly divided into three, turned into three golden Buddhas, and instantly formed an array of three talents. With a roar, he blocked the huge golden cudgel.

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