Super Monk

Chapter 4304

In the distance, two figures appeared slowly. They were very fast on the plain, dragging a long blood light. They seemed to be chasing something, but soon the two blood lights slowed down and finally stopped completely.

"Damn it, I got away!"

What he was talking about was not a ghost, but a man who was very tall, muscular and full of old scars. This man was not a ghost, but he had a unique breath and was not a normal living person. He was an Asura, an Asura.

Ashura is one of the eight Buddhists. The eight Buddhists are divided into hell dragon, Yasha, qiandaba, Ashura, jinnara, mohoro, jialuluo and tianbutong. These eight Buddhists really exist in hell, but most of them do not live in the same level of Jiuyou hell, and belong to dizang, so they are not famous.

"There will be a spring in front of him soon. There is no Yinzhou ferry at this time, and it is far away from Liangjie bridge. He must not be able to cross the spring. Most of them are hidden nearby!"

It was a woman who was extraordinarily beautiful in appearance and exquisite in stature. She did not match the man who was extraordinarily ugly in appearance at all. But the Asuras were just like this. Men were extraordinarily ugly, but women were extraordinarily beautiful.

These two men are the strongmen of the Asura clan. They just had a fierce battle with the nearby demons. The battle was full of corpses. There were broken arms and limbs everywhere. But there was a key figure in the demons who left. They were tracking this key figure.

The people of the Asura family are very murderous. They chase after the important people and chase them all the way here.

"Yes, without Yinzhou and Liangjie bridge, even the ancestors can't cross the yellow spring. Let's look around!" Said the ugly man, gritting his teeth.

The huangquan River and the netherworld are among the top foreign bodies in the nine hell. The huangquan river is even more mysterious than the Wangchuan river. You can't fly over the huangquan river. You can only rely on ten two boundary bridges to connect the two sides. The nearest two boundary bridges here are also very far away. The monster can't escape there.

If you want to cross the huangquan River, in addition to crossing the two boundary bridges, you can only cross the huangquan River by using the Yin boat made of special materials. Otherwise, let alone ordinary creatures, even the strong people in the ordinary legend world will be washed away, and may turn into immortal monsters and sink in the huangquan river.

And even if there is a special magic power or magic weapon that can temporarily separate the erosion of the huangquan River, there are countless monsters in the huangquan river that will attack and entangle. Once they are dragged down, they are very likely to end up in the end of the huangquan river.

After they finished speaking, they soon began to search around. Not far away, the rushing sound of the huangquan river was clear and audible. Farther away, a mottled and collapsed Stone Temple appeared. Every time they saw the stone temple, they could feel a breath of peace and peace, which could calm their desire to kill.

Asuras are born to kill. Many times, their desire to kill will defeat reason and make them become monsters who only know how to kill. The lower Asuras are, the more reason they will have.

The stone temple is said to have existed since the appearance of Jiuyou. It is said that it existed for the purpose of sealing a certain evil spirit. The two people always stay away from the stone temple, and they don't know the origin of the stone temple.

However, this stone temple instinctively repelled the Asura people. If it had not been for this stone temple, they would have razed it to the ground.

"Go in and have a look and search here!" After a moment of silence, the ugly looking male Asura said.

"Well, be careful. It's a strange place. We can't be careless!" Asura, a beautiful looking woman, nodded and walked carefully to the stone temple.

The stone temple is extremely simple. There is no plaque on the temple door. There is only one Buddha statue in the middle of the temple door. The Buddha statue has no face and is dark red. It looks like it was smeared with blood. It's very strange. Even the two Asuras shiver when they see it.

But even if the Buddha is so strange, it still exudes a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, which is quite strange. I don't know whether the Buddha's appearance is just like this, or because it stands in Jiuyou, and has been contaminated by Jiuyou's evil spirit for a long time, it has become what it is now.

At this time, in front of the Buddha statue, there was a figure with both hands on his back. Looking at the faceless Buddha sitting on the top of the Buddha Hall, he didn't seem to notice the two Asuras entering.

Two Asuras were on guard, but the Taoist looked back. They seemed to have been enchanted, and they could not help walking to the Buddhist hall.

"What is that, a pool of pus?" The female a Xiu Luo sees that pool pus blood in the heart suddenly surprised, this pool pus blood seems to be before escape that evil spirit turns into.

"Have you ever seen this man during this time?" At this time, a blood light flashed in the eyes of the figure, and then a figure flashed in the eyes of the two Asuras.

"We have seen this man. A few days ago, he first entered the temple, then occasionally wandered around, and then disappeared!" Said the ugly looking male Asura."Does the reincarnation of the yellow spring really disappear nearby?" The figure standing in front of the Buddha frowned and asked.

"You are right. The reincarnation of the yellow spring really disappeared nearby!" Just at this time, a figure appeared from outside the stone temple. The figure had a strange breath, which was just a wisp of God of Zhao Fugui.

"Who is your excellency?" The figure in front of the faceless Buddha's face sank and asked, staring at Zhao Fugui's incarnation.

The figure in front of the faceless statue of Buddha said that he could be ranked in the top 100 in the nine hell. Even if he had never seen the big man in the nine hell, he had at least heard of him. But he had neither seen nor heard of him. He should have appeared outside the hell. So who is the incarnation of the big man?

"It doesn't matter where I come from. It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is where I am?" Zhao Fugui's incarnation looked at the stone temple and said, "if I'm not wrong, this should be the work of Lingshan Buddha!"

"Lingshan Buddha's handwriting?" The figure standing in front of the faceless Buddha showed a look of astonishment. It was obvious that he did not know this situation, because the stone temple was too long ago.

Zhao Fugui's incarnation reaches for a shot, and a light of fire falls on the oil lamp of the stone temple, which lights up the whole room in an instant.

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