Super Monk

Chapter 4309

The rudiment of Daoguo? Zhao Fugui was shocked. He didn't expect that the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was close to completely condensing the Daoguo. However, Huang Quan didn't continue to talk about the Daoguo rudiment. He just mentioned a little bit. He must have a little knowledge of the Daoguo rudiment, not to mention Huang Quan. Even the real people on the other side didn't dare to say that he had a complete understanding of the Daoguo rudiment.

"The origin of life and death is a shortcut. It's also under the deepest eye of Shura blood sea, and it's also on the top of the 33rd heaven. There are few similar places in the whole three worlds, but the so-called shortcut is only close to one aspect of the road, which can't show the whole picture of the road. It's like a blind man feeling an elephant. Everyone may be in the origin of life and death What you see is not the same! "

"But in any case, the top layer of 33 Chong Tian is the place where the description of the main road is relatively complete, and that place is the most important place for all people on the other side!"

Is this the top secret of 33rd heaven? That's why the great people want to build a heaven to control the earth, so as to control the place of shortcut. Or the Buddha used these stone temples to measure Jiuyou before he became a Taoist.

"So, mastering all the mysteries of exploring these approaches is the premise of condensing the fruit of Tao?" Zhao Fugui asked suddenly.

Huang Quan was stunned and looked at Zhao Fugui in surprise. Only the ancestor of Shura showed a puzzled expression and didn't understand the connection.

"Daoyou are really smart. Isn't it obvious that you should stick to the main road? It's not very clear that the main road is the beginning of everything, and it's also the beginning of the fruit of the road. If you can control these shortcut places, it's easier to understand the mystery of the main road. It's just like exploring the truth of a matter. The more you know, the more information you have, the more you can get Close to the truth? "

"On the other hand, the more you know about the Jiuyou Avenue, the more you show the truth, and the more you deduce the avenue, the more complete the real world you can hold. Then the universe will be born in your body, the universe will be born in your body, the heaven will be born in your body, the avenue will be born in your body, and finally the fruit will be formed!"

"All the way to this step, we will finally reduce and seek space, get rid of all the postnatal things, and finally let the fruit of Tao take shape completely!" Huang Quan said slowly.

It turns out that this is the secret of those on the other side. Crossing the bitter sea to achieve the other side is only a preliminary condensation of their own Tao. It is only their own preliminary Tao, which is far from being close to the real road. It is just a blind person's understanding of the road.

But this is only the starting point, and then we have to measure the nine immortals, thoroughly understand the heaven, master the past and future, and understand all the mysteries between heaven and earth, so as to form the true prototype of Tao.

To put it simply, those on the other side start from mastering a few avenues at first, and finally get to know all the three thousand avenues thoroughly. Through these exposed avenues, they finally get their own "avenues".

This process is not easy. There are also places that the yellow spring doesn't understand or deliberately doesn't make it clear. Otherwise, the secrets of the three worlds are there. The people on the other side can take turns to sit in the manor and hold the secrets together. Why beat life and death, calculate countless things, and risk falling.

I'm afraid there are other secrets here.

"I didn't expect that the Taoist friends of huangquan should know the secret of those on the other side!" The first ancestor of Shura said with emotion.

"It's all from emperor Zhenwu. Obviously I can't know so much about it myself!" Huang Chuen said with a smile.

"In that case, Emperor Zhenwu is still in the origin of life and death?" Zhao Fugui asked directly.

"It's greedy. It's so far away from the main road that it's almost assimilated directly by the main road. It's in a strange state of immortality!" A strange smile suddenly appeared on Huang Quan's face and said, "when I return to the origin of life and death, I will recite him and combine him with his strange state, and then I will be able to take the crucial step."

"That's why I'm looking for two Taoist friends. With my current strength, I can't turn the world upside down, so I have to ask them to help me!"

As soon as the voice of huangquan falls, with its foot as the core, circles of red light sweep across the pure land and extend to infinity.

In an instant, Zhao Fugui felt that his perfect body was like a hot water bag that had been punctured. He was absorbed by the strange and ferocious power of this pure land. Moreover, the strange power was hard to cut off, and the blood mist was like water waves, spreading and rippling around.

Zhao Fugui's face changed slightly, and the recovered power could not catch up with the extracted power. Next to Zhao Fugui, the Shura ancestor's whole body also turned red, which was the killing breath of terror to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, Huang Quan laughs with pride and says, "how can the Buddha measure Jiuyou and let go of the origin of life and death? The nine stone temples on the Bank of huangquan River were built for this purpose!"

"I didn't understand the mystery of the yellow spring before, but after stepping into the origin of life and death, all this became clear. Do you think this pure land is really for the purpose of receiving the good souls in the center of Jiuyou? Not at all. Each of the stone temples is drawing on the power of the huangquan River, so as to connect the pure land corresponding to the nine stone temples and form the illusory huangquan river. This is the opportunity to turn the real huangquan River upside down and open the origin of life and death! ""When Huang Quan is here, there will be two new friends who have already died."

Huang Quan couldn't hide his ecstasy in his ill intentioned tone. He deliberately revealed his whereabouts and secrets in order to let the strong pursue them and restart the power of the pure land behind the nine temples.

But soon Huang Quan realized that it was not right, because no matter Zhao Fugui or the ancestor of Shura, they all had a calm expression, not the slightest panic, not the slightest anger, not the slightest consternation.

"Emperor Zhenwu is bound to be weakened in Jiuyou. Even if he has gone a long way in the main road, even if I am too old and full of decay now, in Jiuyou, even if my strength is still not as good as it, this Taoist friend around me is enough!"

The first ancestor of Shura's blood evil spirit was boiling. In the blood red blood evil spirit, the first ancestor of Shura pulled fiercely, as if he had torn something off his body. Then his whole body began to expand in an instant.

The whole body was dark, with nine huge heads, which showed different kinds of anger and murderous Qi. On the huge dark black body, there were huge scales, and on the huge body, there were dense arms, which were hundreds of thousands, and they looked incomparable.

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