Super Monk

Chapter 4314

This primitive projection is indeed the initiator of the universe, the beginning of all things in the universe, and it has also defeated the other projections in the universe, eliminated them all, obtained the absolute control of the universe, and carried the heavy burden of the whole heaven and earth.

Countless information turned into a huge torrent of terror and directly poured into Zhao Fugui's mind. If it wasn't for Zhao Fugui's continuous operation, I'm afraid his head would explode directly and he could not bear the huge amount of extreme information. Even so, Zhao Fugui also spent a lot of effort to bring these information into his own control.

But just as he had contained the information, Zhao Fugui suddenly found that it was not right. The original projection was in a dark place, and the passage of time was like stagnation, almost completely sealed.

It seems that the original projection was locked in a small dark room. The original projection was locked in a small dark room in the yuxu palace ancient well leading to a closed universe. Zhao Fugui's face changed and he felt something unusual.

Is this someone from the other side who stealthily infiltrated here when the original God disappeared, and then sealed the original projection, ready to gradually infiltrate and control here, but because the original God disappeared, the huge power of the original projection was still easily sealed?

"Similar universes are isolated from the outside world and self-contained. In essence, they are close to the real world and are not so easy to penetrate and control. If so, these things have not been completed yet. If we can stop the other side's plot and untie the seal here, we may be able to see the real purpose of the other side's struggle like this!"

"If you want to land on the other side, you must also need to see some secrets of those on the other side!" Zhao Fugui pondered for a while, and already had an idea secretly, but the seal is not so easy to crack, because Zhao Fugui has tested it. Although the power of the seal is not very strong, it skillfully connects the whole world. Once he wants to break the seal, it will destroy the whole world, the whole universe.

The seal is really ingenious and hard to crack.

Zhao Fugui sat cross legged in the dark, the results of various causes began to work, and the huge streams of information began to be traced. He wanted to know when the seal appeared, but after a while, his brow wrinkled deeper.

This seal is actually rooted in the long river of time. It seems that it has appeared since the creation of heaven and earth. It will continue to the end of the universe. There is no beginning at all, and the universe will not end without extinction.

It seems that the big people here have thought of this for a long time. Maybe someone will trace the origin of this seal in the future, so he made some responses. Zhao Fugui changed the direction of his pursuit and began to look for the time node of special changes in the whole universe. When the original projection was sealed and the whole universe began to be stolen and controlled, the world would certainly appear Some unknown changes.

The details of the past of this universe began to appear in Zhao Fugui's mind one by one. Most of the past and future were very clear, but at a key node, strange variables appeared, which disturbed the time and brought about unknown changes.

The results of Zhao Fugui's various causes are fixed directly on the variable. The variable looks like a little light and directly shines into Zhao Fugui's eyes. Then the image of the universe immediately starts to enlarge, from the universe to the galaxy, from the galaxy to the star, and it is fixed on the star with variable number.

"There it is When Zhao Fugui observed the planet, he immediately revealed the consciousness of not carrying power, and directly let the consciousness begin to come to the planet.

Zhao Fugui felt a lot of changes and variables immediately when his consciousness was close to him, but the disturbed part could not be understood in detail. Zhao Fugui thought a little and found a Dharma body in a deep mountain. This dharma body is a Taoist who has been meditating for a long time, but he has been practicing Dharma. His body is not rotten and his strength is not complete yet Disappear.

When consciousness comes, it falls directly into the seated Taoist body.

It's drizzling, the world is dark, the long streets are like washing, and the sky is covered by dark clouds. A carriage slowly drives into the capital. The one sitting in the carriage is Taoist Yunguang, but now Taoist Yunguang has become the incarnation of Zhao Fugui.

The carriage slowly entered the capital and then stopped at the entrance of an alley.

At the same time, in the palace, a figure looked at the dark clouds in the sky, as if forming a gate to Jiuyou. He went straight into the inner palace, passed through many halls, and said in a heavy voice, "Your Majesty, the world has changed!"

In an ordinary yard, there are hidden guards inside and outside the yard. In the wing room, people are dressed as Taoists or civilians.

"The father and the emperor are determined to destroy the Tao, and the orphan king has to pretend to agree, otherwise he will be sent to the heaven prison immediately. Please leave the capital for a while, and stop fighting and avoid the limelight!" A noble man in his thirties said helplessly.

The Taoist in the room was just about to speak when they turned their heads and looked out. In the yard, they met a figure passing through the rain curtain and was walking slowly.

"Taoist Yun Guang?" When a Taoist with white hair and beard saw the visitor, he was shocked and exclaimed.

Taoist Yunguang? That's a senior of daomen. Many years ago, he had already escaped to the holy mountain and was no longer born. It's said that he had already become a monk. How could he suddenly appear at this critical moment today?The man who claimed to be the lonely King winked at the people around him. Then the people around him immediately backed him into the secret passage of the wing room, and the others welcomed him.

"But Taoist Yun Guang?" The old Taoist priest with white hair and whiskers quickly met him and asked.

"The Taoist priest watched the astronomical phenomena at night and found that our Taoist sect would be in great trouble, so he came here to help us!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Tao is old and weak, but what's the change, so it's not as good as before?" A Taoist with a dignified face looked at Zhao Fugui and asked. Naturally, he could see that the people in front of him were empty footed, as if they had no magic power.

"Li Daoyou, right? Homework you toss and turn, several times want to recommend yourself to the court, but finally stop in front of the door, is there such a thing? " Zhao Fugui looked at him and said with a smile.

"You, you, bullshit!" Li Zhongkun's face changed greatly, and he yelled with surprise and anger. At the same time, his heart was filled with fear. He really had a heart of hesitation last night, but this matter has never been mentioned with anyone. Can this Taoist know what he thinks in his heart?

Zhao Fugui just glanced a few times, and all the past of the people in the room appeared in his mind. Although it was difficult to spread the power, the power of the fruits could not be easily blocked.

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