Super Monk

Chapter 4316

"I'm a real person. How can I be hoodwinked by Li Zhongkun? Please follow me to see the depth of Yun Guang!" Li Zhongkun's face sank. He waved his sleeve and immediately rolled up his disciples and disappeared in the elegant room.

Li Zhongkun and his disciples arrived outside the courtyard. He saw the voice of Taoist Yunguang sitting by the bed, writing something carefully.

"The capital is full of troubles today. The old Taoist has the leisure to write things carelessly!" Li Zhongkun looked at the scene and was even more suspicious. He waited until late at night to see Yun Guang blow out the oil lamp and go to bed.

"Go and steal what he just wrote, and see what he wrote!" Li Zhongkun bestowed a Dharma on the disciple behind him. Then he asked the disciple to explore the reality. The disciple nodded and quietly opened the window, turned over and sneaked into the room and stole the book that Zhao Fugui had just written.

"Look, master

The disciple quickly presented the book, but when Li Zhongkun saw the big characters on the book, his brain was shocked and his whole body was dripping with cold sweat. On the cover of the book, there were four big characters: "biography of Li Zhongkun.".

Li Zhongkun's face was ugly, so he quickly opened the book. At the beginning, he wrote that Li Zhongkun, a native of Lan county, was born in the third year of Taikang.

The detailed eight characters of the birthday are not bad. Because of their age, even the records in the government are not very accurate. Only they know the exact time, but they are written exactly.

Li Zhongkun has never thought of divulging his exact eight characters of birth, because there are many secrets in daomen. Once he knows the eight characters of birth, he can cast them. Therefore, Li Zhongkun is very sensitive to protecting his eight characters of birth and never divulges them. Since he has not divulged them, how does Yunguang Laodao know?

Li Zhongkun calmed down and went on reading. Soon he found that everything in the book had been exactly the same since he was born. There was no mistake at all. Looking at the book, it was like rereading his own life. After a while, Li Zhongkun's hands trembled and his whole body was dripping with cold sweat.

It is impossible for his parents to know all the things in his life, even for himself, some things are too clear, but they are clearly written in the book. According to what he knows, I am afraid there is nothing wrong with these things. This is like a real biography, which records all the things clearly.

This is my life. Even if the ink in this book is not dry, it is just written clearly, not prepared in advance.

"How can it be, it can't be!" The book in Li Zhongkun's hand fell to the ground. He staggered back a few steps. His face was pale and his sweat was like rain. Even though he was a real man, he could not control his body.

"Master, what is recorded in this book?" The apprentice behind him only glanced at it and saw that the cover of the book was the biography of Li Zhongkun. He didn't dare to read it more for fear that he might find out his master's secret and die at that time.

"Nothing, don't say much!" Li Zhongkun calmed down, then bowed directly to the room and said, "I have eyes, I don't know Taishan. I offend you. Please don't blame me!"

Li Zhongkun bent down deeply and didn't straighten up. After a while, he heard an old voice in the room saying, "don't be polite, Mr. Li, come in!"

"Yes, master!" Li Zhongkun straightened up, straightened up his clothes, and then pushed the door in.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Zhongkun saw Yun Guang sitting cross legged on the bed, looking at him with a smile. Li Zhongkun was cold again in his heart, and quickly paid homage with a big gift.

"Young Taoist Li Zhongkun, meet Mr. Yun Guang!"

"Mr. Li, get up. It's a troubled time for me. You and I are both responsible. Don't be so polite!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Yes, real man!" Li Zhongkun nodded, looked respectful and closed the door. Then he sat down on the chair with half his buttocks nervous and carefully.

"I didn't expect that the elder had reached the realm of returning to nature. Even master Xu was not as good as he was then. I'm really lucky!" Li Zhongkun took a deep breath and said, "now daomen is hard. Please help us, please

The seal is mysterious. It's hard to think of a way from the inside, but it's different from the outside. You can still think of some ways from the outside, but you have to borrow external forces. Now that's what Zhao Fugui is doing.

"That's why I came down this time!" Zhao Fugui slightly forehead, light said.

"Master, now that Zheng Xuan has completely split his face with daomen, destroying Daoism and prospering Buddhism. His heart is vicious. I don't know how to deal with it?" Li Zhongkun asked.

Zheng Xuan is the son of heaven and the father of the sixth prince. After two years, he has reached the peak of power. At first, the Taoist school was suppressed, and many people in the Taoist school still have delusions. They think that this may be because Zheng xuanjue has gained the power of the Taoist school and needs to prune its branches and leaves, so as not to have a deep root and threaten the imperial power.But later they found out that Zheng xuangen didn't want to trim the branches and leaves, but wanted to dig the trees and cut the roots directly, destroying the foundation of daomen. This made the people in daomen realize the reality, and had to start to think of ways.

"Let's not talk about specific things for the time being. We'll talk about them when we get together in the future, but there's one thing we need to trouble Mr. Li to do now!" Zhao Fugui waved and said.

"Please tell me!" Li Zhongkun quickly stood up and said respectfully.

"I have something to prepare here. You should prepare and deliver it according to what is written on this paper." Zhao Fugui pointed to a piece of paper on the table and said.

Li Zhongkun picked up the paper and looked at it, but his face showed a strange look. What was written on the paper was Hunyuan wood, overcast wood, lightning wood and so on. Li Zhongkun was also familiar with these things. They were all used to survive the first thunderstorm. After that, it was a turn. He didn't know what Taoist Yunguang wanted these things for.

Li Zhongkun was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. Zhao Fugui looked at him and said with a smile, "I've been thinking about the essence of sorei robbery these years. Now I've got a little bit. I just want to verify it!"

"Yes, master, I see!" Li Zhongkun quickly nodded, and then tentatively asked, "master, it's difficult for me to have children for many years. I don't know if the master has a solution?"

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