Super Monk

Chapter 4318

The imperial master of the dynasty is the seventh person who can create things in the void and travel in the netherworld. Since the fall of master Xu, he is really the first person in the world.

"Please be careful, master. The grand master is the first person in the world. He is a great master and can't be underestimated. It's better to wait until the master recovers to his peak and then make a fuss!"

The sixth prince said quickly.

Although Yun Guang lived through the first thunder robbery in front of them, the first thunder robbery and the seventh thunder robbery are totally different things. Yun Guang has become the backbone of many Taoists. The sixth Prince doesn't want Yun Guang to die.

Looking back on what happened just now, people think that Yun Guang should have only one turn of strength. However, judging from the fact that he can easily carry a turn of thunder robbery, he still has strength accumulation. He just doesn't know what went wrong, so that his realm is completely lost, his accomplishments are completely gone, and he is still trying to recover to the peak.

Li Zhongkun and others quickly nodded their heads and agreed with the sixth prince that the most important thing that Yun Guangzhen needs now is time. From the point of view that he can spend one thunder robbery between meetings, as long as he is given enough time, he will soon be able to spend seven thunder robberies and return to the peak.

Even if you can't go back to qizhuan, it's good to be liuzhuan real person. Judging from the current situation of daomen, liuzhuan real person is already one of the top strong men.

"You don't have to worry about it. It's just for a while. It's not hard. The mountain people have their own tricks. It's going to be OK!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

After that, Zhao Fugui went directly back to the room and ignored the people. Many Taoist and the sixth Prince looked at each other in the courtyard, and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Deep in the palace, in the heavily guarded imperial study, the emperor Ji Xuan stands by the window, looking at the rain curtain outside, not knowing what he is thinking.

Ji Xuan is nearly 70 years old, but he can't see any old style. There is a terrible power under the skin of his flesh and blood. He looks like he is in his early 30s. If he stands with the sixth prince, he will only make people think that he is two brothers, not father and son.

The grand master sat not far behind Ji Xuan. It was a royal chair. There was even a dragon Python carved on the chair. He leaned back on the chair and waited for the emperor to speak.

"Now Da Suo hasn't found a real thunder robber in daomen for three days?" I don't know how long later, Ji Xuan suddenly asked.

"Yes, someone may have leaked the news. Now the days have changed!" The Grand Master said.

Ji Xuan sighed and turned to look at the desk behind him. There was a glass lamp on the desk. The glass lamp emitted a faint light. It was supposed to be a normal halo, but it had a strange smell.

"The number of days has indeed changed. In that case, what does the venerable think of it now?" Ji Xuan turns his head slowly and looks at the other side of the study. There is still a person there.

The monk Ji said, "I don't think it's a big problem when I look at the end of the study

"What does the venerable mean?" Ji Xuan doubts of ask a way.

"Now let's wait and see what happens."

The rain was like clouds and dripping water was like silk. The grand master left in a soft sedan chair. There were a lot of people around him before and after his trip. The whole team moved forward slowly. It took a long time to leave Zhuque street. Many people in the street were moving forward slowly with their oil paper umbrellas open. At this moment, the Grand Master in the sedan chair suddenly opened his eyes.

At two o'clock, Lei mang appeared from the eyes of the grand master. Lei mang gathered in his eyes and reflected a figure. The figure came slowly and came here step by step, but many people in the team didn't notice it.

"It's Taoist Yun Guang!" Liu Wangye and his party, who were just passing by in the distance, were shocked when they saw the Taoist walking.

"But it's a turn!" The grand master looked at the man and sighed. He suddenly reached forward and grabbed him. Suddenly, a big hand composed of thunder suddenly stretched out and grabbed him.


But at this time, a thunder suddenly fell, directly engulfed the hand of thunder, isolated the feelings of the grand master, the thunder fell on Zhao Fugui, he seemed to feel nothing.

The master frowned, and then the second thunder suddenly fell. The color of this thunder was slightly darker than other thunder. The second thunder fell, and then the third and fourth thunder, whose color gradually changed.

"Two turns, three turns, four turns!" The sixth prince opened his eyes and looked at the scene inconceivably, one step at a time, one breath at a time. It was so terrible.

The grand master's face became gloomy gradually. At this moment, he felt that his momentum had been taken away. At the end, the clouds piled up in the sky like mountains, and silver snakes were flying. It seemed as if there had been a terrible thunderstorm directly on the ground.


In the end, a golden lightning suddenly falls, thunders in the rain and devours everything. Then a passage appears from the golden lightning. Zhao Fugui steps out slowly with a smile on his face.

"I have seven robberies now!"

The grand master's face sank, and he suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a dark lightning. The lightning, like a bow and arrow, instantly fell on Zhao Fugui, but Zhao Fugui's figure was like a dream bubble, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.At the same time, the accumulated clouds in the sky slowly disappeared, as if nothing had happened just now. It was hard for the grand master to see the extreme of his face. For a moment, he almost thought that he had just been affected by some kind of magic, and everything just happened was just an illusion.

How can there be a step-by-step robbery, a step-by-step turn can directly climb seven turns, fairy ah, no, not in the past, certainly not in the future.

Even he himself was promoted faster because of the glass lamp and the guidance of the venerable Ananda who came to the pure land. But even so, it took three months to accumulate the most profound thunder disaster. The sixth thunder disaster took half a year, and the seventh took more than two years.

Even so, he has made such a rapid progress, which is unprecedented. How can anyone be faster than himself, and the speed is so incredible.

The grand master's face was gloomy to the extreme. He stared at his eyes. Although the dark clouds had dispersed, the breath of thunder robbery still did not dissipate. This shows that what happened just now is true, not illusory. Step by step, what's the chance of winning against such a person?

Even if I accumulate more and spend more time in the seven turn realm, I can't stand the other side's irrationality. The master's face is already gloomy and is about to drip water. Maybe this is the variable.

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