Super Monk

Chapter 4332

Guangchengzi said with a smile, "it's true. It's best for us to keep Jiuyou in a state of chaos and division. "

"No one wants to see another devil." Red sperm also agrees with Tao.

Manjusri's smile is shallow and his eyes are full of charm. Full of wisdom: "if you want to get rid of the last robbery, I'm afraid you have to break through the past experience. We can't just confine ourselves to the fairyland and the real world. When humanity dominates heaven, we have to control the nine secluded places. Only in this way can we be perfect. "

Therefore, if Jiuyou can't get out of the other side, you have to try to keep the balance of power of those people and not let one family dominate.

Zhao Fugui nodded slightly, his eyes like a deep pool, without any fluctuation: "therefore, when we take the list of gods from the devil emperor, we can't weaken his power, and we can't let those Jiuyou find opportunities to get the devil emperor's claw or other great benefits."

Guangchengzi pondered a little, immediately understood Zhao Fugui's meaning: "the younger martial brother of Zhangjiao wants to get the list of gods by trading?"

"Yes, since the list of gods has been banned and the demon emperor has retreated into Jiuyou, this thing will not work for him for a long time. We can exchange it for the benefits that will make him excited. On the one hand, it can avoid others fishing in troubled waters and looting. On the other hand, it can also make his power grow stronger. It is no longer the food of those old guys. It has certain resistance Force, stir the water of nine you more muddy, maintain until we need the time Zhao Fugui said in an indifferent tone, getting rid of all the emotional interference.

Yuxu palace fell into silent silence for a short time. They were thinking about something. Zhao Fugui didn't speak and waited quietly.

After a while, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun drew a smile from the corner of his mouth and said, "if there is any other choice, who wants to take the risk and fight? It's just that my Buddhist body has fallen, leaving only the pure land of wisdom, which can be exchanged. "

"This pure land is no longer of great use to me, but it is of great help to the devil emperor. He wants to educate the evil spirits of Jiuyou, lead them to fight against fate, get rid of their original limitations, and get the understanding of the spiritual light of nature and flesh and blood. Isn't it the same as Buddhism? With this pure land, evil spirits will have a place to escape the influence of Jiuyou and a place to breathe. Moreover, the pure land contains the light of wisdom, which helps to enlighten their wisdom and better fight against Jiuyou's destiny. "

Guangchengzi next to him took out a book post. Although it didn't unfold, the dignified kingly atmosphere was already diffused, which made people unconsciously have the impulse to bow their heads.

"This is the handwritten script written by the emperor of the previous generation. Observing it day and night can make those who practice the same kind of skills do half as much as they can. I believe that the Lord of Fengshen list will be very satisfied." Guangchengzi is still like that.

At the beginning, Zhao Heng was the one who left his own mark.

Zhao Fugui sat in the first place and nodded:

"thank you, elder martial brothers and sisters. I believe these two items should be able to move them back to the list of gods."

"But in addition, there are many things to consider. The most important thing is the attitude of the Qing emperor. He controls the hell with the nine spirits and Yuan saints. I don't know what he thinks about the heaven."

Speaking of this, he said: "elder martial brother Guangcheng, please go to Douli palace and ask Jinjiao or Yinjiao boy to go to the boundary of Fusang ancient tree, and directly consult Qingdi about this."

There is no better way to do this than the boy under the throne of the moral God!

Although he was kind to the emperor, he repeatedly asked for help and wasted a lot of time.

Guangchengzi immediately got up and said:

"I'm in charge of teaching."

After this dialogue, after Zhao Fugui's performance just now, those who thought he was not qualified, too young, and a little bit of a bad state, and I'm afraid it's hard to convince the public, really had the idea of sitting in front of the contemporary yuxu palace to teach.

Of course, there is also a reason for Hiroko's full cooperation.

When Zhao Fugui spoke again, everyone listened attentively:

"if we can get the tacit consent of the Qing emperor, there will be no waves in the canonization list. However, we can't ignore the attitude of the Qing emperor. If he wants to take away the canonization list, we can't compete with him. If his attitude is ambiguous, we must consider the blending of other forces, and they will never agree We'll watch as we complete our humanitarian mission. "

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun nodded first: "those ancient Buddhas and great bodhisattvas have completely returned. They are not only burning lanterns and Maitreya. As far as I know, the king Buddha of freedom and the general situation have awakened from their deep sleep. Even if the strong ones in the same realm have the damage of Lingshan, they will not be less than our yuxu palace."

"The great sages of the demon clan are almost back to the old view." Yuding Zhenren added flatly.

Red sperm also said: "Sanxiao island has a change, Yunxiao they come back from life, Lingbao pulse, the rest of the strong also have their own traces."

"All the remaining gods of Luo Jiao awakened them." Nezha bared his teeth and said, it seems that he accidentally suffered from the other party's loss, and his tone became heavy. "The head of the divine envoy was the Yuanda immortal of Wuzhuang town in the past!"

Is that him? Zhao Fugui was surprised, but he had a sense of expectation.

From the discovery of the relationship between ginseng fruit and flat peach, he knew that zhenyuanzi and Jinhuang must have a certain connection.

After discussing the matter for a while, Zhao Fugui kept his former state of deep indifference"How to do it, who can win it over and who can't avoid it, all depend on one premise, that is, the fundamental path of the world today."

"Today, I want to go out to the palace and ask him what kind of humanity he wants to be."

Guangchengzi came to travel to the west, set up dunguang, and arrived at the "douhu Palace" thirty-three days away.

As soon as the exotic flowers and plants and the fairy birds of Lingquan came into view, he saw the Golden Horn boy coming.

"Elder martial brother Guangcheng, I'm at your command." The Golden Horn boy grinned and arched his hand.

Guangchengzi was stunned. Then he turned to face Douli palace and saluted in a solemn place:

"thank you, martial uncle."

You can't hide it from Mr. Tao Te!

After the ceremony, he looked at the Golden Horn boy and said with a smile, "younger martial brother, please go to the boundary of Fusang ancient tree and ask the green emperor what he thinks about the list of gods."

Golden Horn boy hey a, also don't say much, immediately leave thirty-three days away.

Guangchengzi waited patiently for a long time, and finally saw him return with a smile and said, "elder martial brother Qingdi said you can do it as much as you can."

The Golden Horn and the silver horn are the children of the moral heaven, and the Qing emperor should be the younger generation of the moral heaven. It's time to call the elder martial brother of the Qing emperor.

So sure, there is no vague answer to let guangchengzi heart a joy, immediately bid farewell to the Golden Horn boy, returned to live in the infinite height of yuxu palace.

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