Super Monk

Chapter 4351

"Sure enough..." As soon as he saw the projection of the magic Buddha, Zhao Fugui immediately sighed.

His two enemies formed an alliance!

At that time, the universe of yuxu palace Gujing has been confirmed. With the status of yuxu high-level, the ancient Buddha of lighting lamp helped the magic Buddha to complete the sneaking and arrangement!

At this moment, Zhao Fugui looks like feeling, but in fact, all kinds of ideas have long been rejected or suppressed. His heart is like a mirror, reflecting thousands of things. Once he sees the opportunity, he will immediately take the lead, open up the situation with the momentum of thunder, and create the opportunity to escape!

I don't know how many thousands of years of the perfection of nature. The ancient Buddha of burning lamp, who can reach the other side only because of the lack of fruit, stands at the top of the great powers. He is not the first one to enter into the perfection of nature. What's more, he also joined hands with the magic Buddha Ananda. Even though this ancient man is suppressed in Lingshan, he can only feel a little, and can't be ignored. In addition, the nine heaven Xuannu Liu Luo was waiting here ahead of time to talk about the secret. He didn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy. In such a situation, he had rich experience in winning more than one game, and he didn't dare to be arrogant.

The golden body of the ancient Buddha dengdeng is clear, and the light of wisdom flows. Standing there quietly, not empty, not empty, not thinking, not thinking, Zhao Fugui is hard to lock, not to mention seeing the opportunity to attack. His heart sank slightly, and he is more and more shocked by what dengdeng said just now.

As the cause of all the fruits, the subtle connection with the magic Buddha Ananda is two-way, which is traced back by the lamp. Only when it is close can it be realized that there is a gap between the two sides in the way of cause and effect. Even though the "cause of all the fruits" is strong and there are a few miraculous things on the other side, it is still far from the accumulation of years and the eternal understanding, and the foundation is shallow!

Burning lamp's face is always wearing a kind smile, as if ignoring Zhao Fugui, the enemy of "fighting for the road, never dying", his eyes turned to Jiutian Xuannu: "Amitabha Buddha, benefactor Zhao is predestined to our Buddhism, I should cross it, please don't interfere in tanyue."

Nine days Xuannv's elegant and beautiful face did not see any difference. She said with a smile, "the ancient Buddha is not the emperor of heaven, nor the emperor of man. Do I abide by your orders or not?"

The implication seems to be that I always have to take a reason to convince me, rather than being strong.

Zhao Fugui didn't interrupt, but he was still working on the causes of the results. His ideas were constantly colliding, deducing the magic calculation of yuxu, waiting for the opportunity to take the hand.

The ancient Buddha dengdeng said calmly: "benefactor Zhao is one of the people who should be robbed. If he can't cross it this time, he may not have another chance. Does tanyue want to watch him escape from the sea of suffering, climb to the other side, and become another founder of heaven? At that time, his way of limitless chaos will be perfect. Even if the emperor of heaven really has a chance to come back, it's hard to win him."

Liu Luo's face changed slightly:

"what are you talking about?"

The ancient Buddha dengdeng was full of Zen and said with a smile:

"the heaven fell, the fairyland was destroyed, and the era was not over. I really can't think of a second reason except that the emperor Tiandi didn't die completely. I believe that everyone knows this very well. It's only because there were different arrangements at that time that they tacitly agreed to extend the doomsday to the present."

"At that time, both ZIWEIXING master and Doumu Yuanjun fell, while Jiutian Raytheon was protected by Buddha. You survived with the protection of emperor Tiandi. You were hidden in the ancient starry sky. You didn't come back one after another until renhuanglongtai forged a sword. Finally, you helped him jump out of the chessboard and achieve the other side. Isn't there any secret in it?"

This kind of great secret, he said it without any waves!

Liuluo's expression had already recovered as usual, and he said with a smile: "the fairyland has not been completely destroyed. Isn't this the second reason why the era is not over? If the emperor of heaven really had a back hand on us, I'm afraid that the great man would have come to us and controlled us in the palm of his hand. As for whether the headmaster Zhao is going to have a great difficulty in making us jump out of the chessboard in the future, I don't care at present, because if you let the ancient Buddha succeed and extract the "cause of all the fruits", I'm afraid that you will become an ancestor on the spot and come to the other side! "

"One is something that is illusory and full of variables, and the other is the horror that can be witnessed immediately. How do you say I choose, ancient Buddha?"

In her voice, there was a flash of light in her hand, and there was a fire colored immortal sword, on which there were three fuzzy lines:

"Red Emperor sword!"

As for the story of the ancient xuanbing, it's not known how many times the ancient xuanbing was a powerful goddess, but how many times she was sent from heaven.

Burning the lamp, the ancient Buddha's expression became solemn. He chanted a Buddha's name and said, "Amitabha Buddha, tanyue, since you help the layman, don't blame me for being so angry."

He has 24 rounds of perfect Buddha light on his head, which looks like the bright moon after another. There is a bright figure in it. He is wearing a Taoist robe, with an ancient and strange face. He holds an exquisite gold Pagoda in one hand and a jade ruler in the other. He says with a smile:

"let the old Taoist meet his old friend for a while."

This is the "past Dharma body" cut by burning the lamp into Buddhism after many years of cultivation, which is similar to Maitreya's condensation of "past relic", even more than three points.

At this time, Zhao Fugui suddenly said:

"at the beginning, the teacher began to" reduce and seek space ", but he clearly said that" the cause of all the fruits "was not yours, which provoked you to hold a grudge, so you went into Buddhism. But don't think about it. The teacher always protects his weaknesses. If you can bear it, he will not leave it to you, but will find someone else instead?""When you practice for ages, haven't you figured out the real problem of yourself?"

His voice is like thunder, combined with Yuan's heart, straight to the burning lamp's heart!

Zhao Fugui heard guangchengzi and other senior brothers and sisters talk about the case in front of him. Later, Yuanshi Tianzun's idea and the possible problems of lighting the lamp were all his conjectures. He asked at the critical moment, pointing to the most concerned things of lighting the lamp, so as to disturb his perfect Buddhist heart and create the first meeting!

As soon as he finished, Zhao Fugui's right hand was full of powerful and gorgeous purple sabres, which penetrated the void.

However, the lamp burning ancient Buddha was still peaceful and peaceful, and said with a smile:

"no matter what the problem is, you will be clear if you take it!"

His mind is as empty as it is empty, and it does not move at all!

The Golden Buddha's twenty-four rounds of perfect Buddha light immediately flew out of six rounds, turned into a dribbling clear bead, blooming with colorful hair, just like the Pearl of dinghaishen.

After the Fengshen war, all the twenty-four dinghaizhu fell on the lamp. Later, because he wanted to build the thirty-three heaven, he contributed after he stepped into the perfect realm of creation. When the heaven fell and the heavens scattered, he took back several more.

The six beads, which are full of five colors, seem to have turned into a six sided world. Some of them interpret the world of mortals, some of them are wild animals and animals, some of them dance wonderfully, sometimes they see five failures, some of them are in groups of Shura, they fight endlessly, some of them are hungry, their necks are like thread, they are full of pain, some of them are gloomy, they are full of ghosts, they are full of fire, they are full of oil pot and grinding plate, and so on Terror, the lamp actually to six sea beads refining out of their own "six Samsara"!

The rest of the Buddha's light, even into a piece, highlights the pure land across hundreds of millions of disasters, the ancient glass lamp rises, blooming a calm and penetrating black and white light, shining on Zhao Fugui.

In the face of Zhao Fugui's cutting knife, the ancient Buddha, burning lamp, motionless as a mountain, pointed his hand and said solemnly:

"Er Dang enters the world way!"

Black and white flow, light is empty, cause and effect is involved, six dinghaizhu slowly rotate, Zhao Fugui's forward knife light immediately disintegrates, only feel that the condensation of the illusory road is stained by the red world, his Dharma body is gradually becoming common, it seems that before long, he will become a mortal, let others butcher.

Is this the horror that the way of cause and effect is only one step short of producing illusory results?

Zhao Fugui suppresses his body with his sabre, and clouds fly out of his head like a tide of chaos. It sets off a glass lamp that can't be described by color. It's different from the lamp behind his head, but it's less ancient and more transcendent.

While trying to resist the transformation of the common customs, he also pointed his hand and said solemnly:

"if the causes of the fruits change, everything follows each other!"

As the initial cause, once there is a change, the follow-up result must correspond to the change!

This is the supernatural power of the cause of all fruits after entering the realm of creation!

As soon as Zhao Fugui's voice fell, the golden body of the lamp burning Buddha was more mottled, with bits of glass falling down. It was like a fake and shoddy thing on the brush, and even the "past Taoist body" in the fight with the nine heaven Xuannv also felt turbid.

He was "the cause of all fruits" and began to transform into a mortal!

When the same as a mortal, in the face of born strong power of the lamp, he will be able to occupy the absolute upper hand with rich experience!

Zhao Fugui and the ancient Buddha dengdeng fell into a tug of war on the cause and effect path. Although they fell behind, they did not show any bitterness at all.

Even if you fail, you will fail together!

All of a sudden, the ancient Buddha with a peaceful expression flew out a small dark seal behind his head, full of mysterious and powerful state. Turning slightly, the six samsara of dinghaizhu speeded up the evolution.


Reincarnation seal of magic Buddha!

The speed of Zhao Fugui's transformation to fan is accelerating, while the ancient Buddha of burning lamp still keeps the previous changes!

Just as Zhao Fugui was about to gasify the three Qing Dynasties, Jiutian Xuannv suddenly said with a smile, "can you tell me why I light the lamp here, ancient Buddha?"

It's definitely not just lighting!

The burning lamp Buddha's heart moved, his eyes turned to the depth of nothingness, and then saw many bright and terrible ancient stars from far to near, forming a bucket shape, which was once born in the fairyland of "Beidou"!

At this time, Beidou seems like a Luan car, which comes at a high speed without the driver. The pure white light on the car rises, forming a boundless Sacred Canopy.

Under the canopy, the road is as ethereal as the light of water, which makes a figure looming inside. The strong breath sweeps all over the place, making the ancient Buddha tremble slightly, remembering a familiar scene:

the emperor of heaven is on a tour!

This is the emperor's tour!

Laluan, Kowloon, Beidou, Xingjun, Tiandi!

At this moment, there is no Jiulong pull car, nor Xingjun control, just "Beidou" galloping, high canopy, seems to really carry a figure, lonely, lonely, strong, mysterious.

Liu Luo's smile was restrained and he said solemnly:"Isn't the ancient Buddha the successor of Emperor Wen Tian? That's it

For the first time, the face of dengdeng ancient Buddha changed. In front of the Big Dipper approaching, there was no chance of hesitation. Without even thinking about it, he gave up Zhao Fugui and fled in the opposite direction with the "past daomenshen". The reincarnation seal also disappeared into nothingness.

Seeing this, Liu Luo immediately voiced Zhao Fugui:

"go! I'm afraid it's too late! "

Is this fake? Zhao Fugui looked at this lonely tour of the nihility of the "Beidou luanjia", looking at the cross pressure I figure.

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