Super Monk

Chapter 4391

With a flash of purple light, Zhao Fugui's eyes returned to normal, and countless things flooded into his mind. He instantly understood the cause and effect. On the surface, he kept a leisurely smile and put up his fingers to fight against Ren Qiushui's subsequent exploration.

Next, we have to do our best to maintain this period of history, so as not to let the big people on the other side "detect" the abnormality.

I know you'll know, but I pretend not.


Time is like water, time changes, Ningxin city in Tianle 37 years.

The burenlou assassin who has just killed the leader of Tiandi gate, Lin Kang, is running to the window. He is not tall, short, strong or thin. He is indifferent to the public, but he is very sure of the result and has no doubt that he will miss.

All of a sudden, his pupils shrank, and the window in front of him opened silently. Outside, standing in the negative hand, was a handsome, deep-seated man in a blue shirt. His eyes were as deep as the sea, with a little bit of palpitating and enchanting purple awn. Then he raised his slender and powerful right hand and pressed it on his forehead.

"The immortal caresses my head and gives me longevity."

The low voice seems to be magical, and somehow it brings a few banter.


Traveling to the west, in ancient times, when thunder and fire struck each other, the heavens collapsed and scattered, and the heavenly court was about to fall.

Zhao Fugui's figure is looking up to the sky, to the dark red sky, to the terrible eyes full of confusion and indifference!

Strange eyes seem to be aware, irregular vortex slightly changed, as if looking over.

Just at a glance, Zhao Fugui's figure suddenly felt his heart beating wildly. Every thought and every thought was trying to be independent.

At this moment, a touch of purple appeared in his eyes, strange and mysterious, which was no less than the eyes of the monsters of heaven. All the confusion and madness disappeared.

The four eyes meet, the line of sight collides, but time begins to turn back, and the quiet river turns into a roaring sea of anger.


With the help of the concealment of the seven kill stele, rather than the unique swords and the emperor's sword, Zhao Fugui positioned the history related to himself in the real world, quietly planted the traces left by the past as the "signpost" to "illuminate" the boundless sea of suffering.

Inside the ruins of the Ming emperor, Taoist Qisha had a long sword on his knees and closed his eyes. He didn't seem to have any interest in what Zhao Fugui had done.

The long dark sword with no flower and no grain exudes almost unparalleled killing intention. It takes all living things around the seven kill Taoist one after another. Even the "past figure" in the illusory river around him has been killed one after another, leaving only corresponding traces. Every moment, the seven kill Taoist seems to be dying, and then returns with the help of the power of the dark sea sword.

Evil things are hard to grasp!

But they have other unique advantages, such as the filth, strangeness, mystery and concealment of the devil's claw.

Suddenly, the seven kill Taoist opened his eyes, full of boredom with the world, and whispered:

"he also explored the possibilities of occupying the future?"


On the East China Sea, there are countless islands.

Ji Xing returns to the place where he was born in a gorgeous building boat, surrounded by friends and companions, which shows his position in the sea.

"This island doesn't even have a name. It looks ordinary. I can't think of it, but it can bring out a few people like you." A friend said with a flattering smile.

Ji Xing looked at the dilapidated village and the mountain peak with only a small part left in front of him. He took off his cloak and threw it to his companion. He said, "wait a minute. I'll go to see my teacher first."

After that, without waiting for any answer, he strode up the mountain road to the depths of the mountains, where there was a thatched cottage with his tutor in seclusion.

After seeing Ji Xing's back disappear at the end of the road, the person who spoke just now sighed:

"I don't know who Ji Shao's master is. I'm afraid he is a member of the immortal class who can teach him such a hero?"

Someone immediately agreed: "the owners of the nearby 72 islands are respectful to Ji Shao. They often ask the old man how he is. Obviously they are in awe of the master behind him and dare not provoke him. It's the people in the immortal class. Their eyes are higher than the top. How can they be so?"

"Master Ji Shao is such a person, but he lives in seclusion on this island. No wonder we are ignorant."

"Yes, yes, but maybe he was famous in this sea area in his heyday?"


A sound of discussion floated into Ji Xing's keen ears, he smile, don't care.

Yes, if I had not met the master who lived in seclusion here, where would I have learned the amazing magic skill? I don't know where it is higher than the "spark Dafa" collected by most islanders!

Similarly, if there is no master, how can I get the respect of 72 islanders? I have been in danger since I set foot in the lake?

Before leaving the island, I always thought that Shifu was a down-to-earth warrior. I was frustrated at wandering in the world, so I lived here in seclusion and ignored the world. However, as I traveled in this sea area, my knowledge gradually increased, and my understanding of Shifu was renewed every day. He was so unfathomable, so high up in the mountains, whenever I thought that I had roughly understood his realm, strength and past identity Status, and will be new to overthrow those speculation bit by bit.At the end, I can only sigh that master is really like a dragon in the clouds. He can't see the end without knowing that he is very powerful.

Ji Xing soon saw the thatched cottage, which he couldn't even enter. Outside stood a black strong man, who was the leader of the nearby Zhouliu island. There were several great masters in this sea area.

"I'll take the gift. Take it off." Ji Xing heard master's familiar voice.

The owner of Zhouliu island was overjoyed. It seemed that Ji Xingzhi's teacher had given Tianda face to accept his gift. He saluted repeatedly and left happily. He did not forget to encourage Ji Xing.

Ji Xing strode to the front of the thatched cottage, bent over the ground, made three kowtows and nine bows, and said excitedly:

"the unworthy disciple visited the master."

The people in the thatched cottage were silent for a moment, and then sighed: "it's not bad. I've heard several island masters mention what you've done. Although you are arrogant and extravagant, you haven't abandoned your martial arts and didn't abandon your teaching."

"The master's words are often recalled by disciples, but they dare not or forget them!" Ji Xing doesn't know why. He is in a cold sweat and starts to speak in a hurry.

The voice of the people in the thatched cottage suddenly changed a little bit: "now that you have passed the test, I will officially include you in the gate wall today, and I will also tell you the status of my sect and the true identity of my teacher."

"Thank you, master!" Ji Xing was just like the owner of Zhouliu island. He was overjoyed and excited.

Squeak, Ji Xing heard the door open figure, looked up, the scene in the hut has appeared in his eyes.

The slightly skinny master seems to have not experienced the erosion of time, but still keeps a refined middle-aged appearance. He can vaguely see a few silver hairs and the fatigue of the corners of his eyes, and his realm is still not deep.

"My surname is mu. In the past hundred years, I have been walking in the East China Sea. The most famous nickname is" tianque sword. " Ji Xing's master said flatly.

What's the evening? Heaven lacks sword? Ji Xing was stunned, but he couldn't believe it.

This is the most famous sword immortal in the East China Sea decades ago. It is said that he has become a land immortal in the past, and he is actually his own master?

What a surprise!

In front of me, I live in seclusion on a small island. My simple life turns out to be he mu, who is "heaven without sword"!

He Mu ignored Ji Xing's reaction and said to himself, "I was born in yuxu palace in Kunlun mountain more than a hundred years ago. If you have come to visit your ancestors, you will be included in the gate wall. You will know your martial uncles and sisters in the future."

The name of the yuxu palace in Kunlun Mountain is still heard by Ji Xing for more than a hundred years. He vaguely knows that it is related to the universal knowledge symbol. It is a very prominent sect, which can be called the holy land of Taoism. But later, he did not know why it declined and disappeared in the long history.

I didn't expect that my master was born in yuxu palace of Kunlun mountain!

I didn't expect that I would get involved with this ancient Taoist Holy Land!

He stopped thinking, stood up solemnly and stepped into the cottage.

As he Mu stepped aside, he saw two statues dedicated to him. At the top of them were written "the first emperor of the jade Qing Dynasty", and at the bottom were "emperor zhaoluo of the Yuan Dynasty".

"The ancestor of our school is the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Your ancestor, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, is the second generation of disciples. Now he is in charge of teaching." He Mu solemnly and respectfully introduces a way.

Zhao Luo, emperor of the Yuan Dynasty? Ji Xing's mouth opens a little bit.

This title is no stranger to him. It is said that he is the first great power in the real world to prove his own legend in modern times. Later, he ascended to the realm of nature and became a great supernatural power, stirring up the world. The universal symbol is his handy work, which has been remembered by generations.

And the great master and his own place in the world I do not know how many heavy heaven and earth, for himself, suddenly have such a master is like a dream!

It's too beautiful to be true!

I thought that a master who was an immortal of the earth or heaven was already very good. It can be seen from the attitude of the previous owner of Zhouliu island. Such a powerful master is very respectful to Shizu's name and taboo!

"Shizu, isn't Shizu said to have fallen?" Ji Xing suddenly thought of it.

He Mu said indifferently: "Shizu didn't fall. If he came back, he would be shocked."

Ji Xing doesn't ask any more questions. He swallows his saliva and begins the ceremony of entrance according to he Mu's command.

When they both looked away from the statue of the Yuan emperor, a touch of purple appeared in the eyes of the clay puppet.

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