Super Monk

Chapter 4435

When you think of Lingshan, Ananda betrays, reverses the great array, and Ten Thousand Buddhas fall together. Terror immediately drowns the great sages of the demon clan. Even kongxuan, the great Ming king of peacock, is hit hard in an instant. At this time, the demon saint is affected by the reversion of the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and at the same time, he has to fight against Amitabha Buddha or one of the ancient Bodhi Buddhas who "just arrived". It is difficult to protect himself, let alone protect the demons. The situation is temporary be placed in jeopardy.

At this juncture, the great sage of Qi Tian, who has always been brave and fierce, was seriously injured by the "Ten Thousand Buddhas falling together". However, relying on the physical strength of the eight or nine Xuangong, he still wanted to drum up his strength, wave the golden cudgel, break through the Lingshan mountain, rebuild the pure land, and create vitality for the rest of the great sages of the demon clan. At the same time, he saw the Bodhi ancient Buddha, his teacher, and heard that "there are many restrictions on the natural strong body, If you don't take this opportunity to understand reincarnation and seek the next life to prove the way of the other shore, you will feel the attraction of the great power of the golden body of the Holy Buddha.

However, to make this choice is to give up all the great sages of the demon clan and stand on the side of Buddhism. So he called "teacher" in a low voice, and immediately yelled out. Instead of cultivating the next life, he fought to the death to beat through the Lingshan mountain and nearly fell down. Fortunately, he was rescued by the moral God who intervened in this battle. He practiced all the time, and finally kept the peak state.

This kind of scene flashed into Zhao Fugui's mind. Although he had not personally "set foot" in the battle of Lingshan, he did not know how many ancient people were fighting at that time. Today, he knows many details, and the experience of Qi Tian Da Sheng can be deduced clearly.

Looking at the Buddha's golden body covered by the giant bodhi tree, Zhao Fugui has a new understanding of the sudden battle on the other side:

the ancient Bodhi Buddha has completed the three corpses, restored to the peak state, and is qualified to join the battle of the final plunder of the Tao and fruit. Without any interference in advance, the moral God seems unprepared, but he will get some four swords or array pictures to kill the immortals, And because he assimilated the golden body of the Buddha, completed the 89 incarnation, cut out the "Qingyuan Daojun", and further reduced the space, which can be called the biggest winner!

Amitabha Buddha can also get part of the four immortals killing swords or array pictures, and without hesitation, he can dissolve the cause and effect of the three corpses of Bodhi ancient Buddha in the past; the emperor of heaven gets a certain degree of relief, and accumulates cause and effect for some future schemes; the Qing emperor is expected to get one of the four immortals killing swords; he will get the golden body of the Buddha, and complete the eight or nine Xuangong, which is heavy on his back It is expected to go further under the condition of emphasizing cause and effect and ambition; the demon Buddha refined Jiuyou and reached the level of the ancients in one fell swoop, and even if it has its own strength to hold back, it will not be weaker than today's Bodhi ancient Buddha; the demon emperor did not gain, but also did not lose.

Apart from the two abnormal sides of the supreme real Buddha and the monster of the way of heaven, seven of the nine benefited, one of them was undamaged, only the king weakened a lot. But the four swords of killing immortals and the array map are things he will inevitably lose. In exchange for the benefits given by the devil Buddha or the cause and effect in the future, it will be equal, and even turn passivity into initiative.

There are no losers in this battle on the other side!

In the future, all kinds of tributaries are clearly reflected, and Zhao Fugui can only smile. Did Amitabha Buddha and the moral God see through the changes before they came to break the battle without hesitation, or did they have a tacit understanding with the ancient Bodhi Buddha?


In Jiuyou, a series of dark lightning cuts through all layers, bringing the collapse of void and the condensation of evil Qi. Those solid and towering mountains and those rigid and boundless land are like soft towels, rolled up, crazily wriggling, like digesting something or being digested.


Black and red have engulfed all the layers of Jiuyou, dispelling the origin of life and death, and the nearby places or relics such as Luofeng black prison and hell sea demon pool!


One eye stands out of thin air in different regions of Jiuyou, either evil or cold, or crazy or cruel, all rotating the reverse ten thousand characters, overlooking all the creatures in this world.


The long river of illusory time emerges, flows through Jiuyou, flows through countless years in the past, and gradually becomes red and black.

Red and black spread rapidly and went up against the current. They assimilated the modern times, controlled the middle ages and covered the ancient times. Until the beginning of the era, the Qing Dynasty rose and the turbidity fell, and Jiuyou was born.

After the birth of Jiuyou, the turbid Qi precipitated and the dark condensed, which connected the main road and formed the place of the near way, and gave birth to the first batch of evil spirits.

Deep in the black prison, there is ice, green and decaying. There are ghosts growing inside, breathing turbid air and breathing time. It is the first ghost in this era, the xuanming ghost emperor!

Even at the beginning of Jiuyou, you can see the wave light of withering doomsday and the ghost dance of cold silence.

At this time, the red and black color of time suddenly stirred up a violent whirlpool, disturbed Jiuyou time, poked out a finger full of depravity and madness, and pointed to the xuanming ghost emperor in the green ice.

The reverse ten thousand characters are formed on the fingertips, and they are transformed into many demons. They jointly perform the third form of the reverse palm of the Tathagata:

"absolutely holy and discard wisdom!"

At present, in different parts of the history, the xuanming ghost emperor is aware of his own danger. Regardless of life and death, he madly attacks and tries to avoid the black emperor. However, his realization is too late. In the palm clap of "absolute saints and forsaken wisdom", layers of barriers dissipate, and even his thinking is confused. He is pointed in the middle of his brow.The green and green green on the fingertips gathered together and turned into a simple and gentle Bodhi. It penetrated into the body of the xuanming ghost emperor, quickly drew branches and leaves, absorbed the natural aura, and radiated new wisdom.

"No..." At the present node, the xuanming ghost emperor screamed bitterly and looked up to heaven, but everything stopped suddenly. He became "others" from the beginning of his birth, and then suffered from eternal infection and improvement until today.

When he lowered his head, his eyes had lost the color of the past and became majestic, just like the Fengdu emperor.

Both of them are ghost emperors, and they are different masters of hell!

"Congratulations on your return." The black emperor smiles.

Xuanming ghost emperor gently nodded: "Taoist friends are polite!"


Jiuyou began to become transparent, and a huge mouth appeared at the bottom, which was so terrible that it couldn't be imagined. With the reverse ten thousand character Buddha as its teeth, it chewed the boundary, and pulled it into the entrance slowly and quickly.

At this time, the three "false shores" separated by the devil and Buddha gathered one after another, returned to a group of flesh and blood, and put into the mouth.

Seeing this situation, not only the great sage of Qi Tian and the seven kill Taoist immediately escaped from Jiuyou, but also the demon king, the black heaven emperor and the xuanming ghost emperor who were attached to Ananda did not hesitate to leave, and the evil spirits such as Yang Jian and jiuluan Tianzun were close behind.

If you stay in Jiuyou, you will be refined by the integration of magic and Buddha!

Click, illusory broken sound sounded, nine you was completely pulled, completely into the evil monster of the mouth, heaven and earth for it dim, as if something bad is about to happen.

In the Zhuxian sword array, "Taiqing Taoist", "Shangqing Taoist", Amitabha Buddha's body and Amitabha Buddha's body suppress one side of the sword array respectively, so that the moral God, "Yuqing Taoist", Amitabha Buddha's body and the green emperor break into the array eyes, and see the unborn mother holding the plain cloud flag and the sky axe floating in front of her. His back is as bright as the bright moon, casting the light of the Qing Dynasty Hui, cover the face.

Seeing the arrival of the four people from the other side, he suddenly quietly saluted, escaped from the array eyes and returned to his hometown without any hesitation or posturing.

In silence, the immortal sword array disintegrated, and the four immortal swords turned into red, green, black and white light, flying in the air.

Amitabha put his hands together and recited a low voice of compassion. The red and black light converged, turned into an ancient sword, and fell into his palm. The moral God threw a bright circle, caught the green immortal killing sword, and waved his robe to put away the array picture of the end.

Bai Guang tried to escape. He was entangled by purple Qi and held by the Qing emperor. He saw that the sword cut off the future and ran through the past. One by one, the Dao patterns were transformed into seal characters with different shapes and the same meaning:

"kill the immortal!"



Jiuyou disappears, and the huge mouth turned into a whirlpool, alternating red and black, interweaved into one, and then the center is a little longer, and quickly becomes the magic Buddha Ananda with a leisurely smile.

The breath of the magic Buddha Ananda is obscure and ancient. It is like the oldest evil that has existed before heaven and earth. It is full of shadows and seems to run through countless eras, bringing about the merging of the tributaries of the long river of time.

Looking at Zhao Fugui in yuxu palace, he smiles, sprays his mouth, and sees the black waterfall flying. From it, a brand new Jiuyou is born, which is a part of the magic Buddha. In it, evil demons and ghosts take shape again, including the transmission and creation of the ancestor of Asura!

At this time, he saw a cyan Golden Buddha flying into the yuxu palace. The glass was clear, and the disaster did not grind, and the life did not die. It was extremely powerful and connected with the past and the present.

"Holy Buddha..." The magic Buddha's eyes suddenly sank and became cold.

The eyes of the supreme Buddha, who just got rid of the true Tathagata and zhunti Taoists, were full of greed and resentment.

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