Super Monk

Chapter 444

"Here, here, let's see if my make-up is finished!" As soon as Zhu Yan heard that the motorcade was coming, he immediately got excited, looked in the mirror and asked.

"No makeup, beautiful, you are the most beautiful this year!" Jiang Caiyuan said with a smile.

A bride and four bridesmaids were in a group. In the square space under Zhu Yan's residential building, Knight 15 led the way, and 18 rolls Royces entered the square in turn. Fortunately, there is an old people's exercise center square downstairs in Zhuyan's community, otherwise such a large motorcade would not stop.

"You pick up the bride, I'll be there later! Beibei, don't run around. There are so many people today. Don't run away! " Zhao Fugui said a word to the bridegroom and Yan Beibei. Then he pushed the door open and went down. He switched to another channel with his walkie talkie and said, "the team has arrived. You start to prepare!"

"Roger, we're here!" A voice came from the walkie talkie and said, then I saw a big truck coming with red carpets. As soon as the car stopped, seven or eight staff members immediately began to rush for carpets in the square.

The carpet has been from the downstairs of Zhu Yan's home to the center of the square. It has been spread for hundreds of meters. The long carpet is just like a star show.

"The Zhu family really found a capable son-in-law this time. Look at the car and the red carpet. Who has been so beautiful in our community?" The outside of the square is full of people, some of them are residents in the community, some of them are people walking around, and some of them even park their cars outside the square to watch.

"But I heard that Zhu Yan's husband only works in an institution, not even a civil servant. He can't have such great ability!"

"He doesn't have that ability, but his friends are not sure. Have you seen that big black man? I've seen him, in Xiaowan village. Some time ago, our family went to Xiaowan village for a day and met him. He is the boss of Xiaowan village, Zhao Fugui. He has the ability. He must have hired all these cars! " A middle-aged man pointed to Zhao Fugui in the middle of the square.

"Xiaowan village happy farm Zhao Fugui? Wow, how awesome A young girl next to her took a picture of Zhao Fugui from a distance and immediately sent it to her circle of friends, saying, "boss Zhao is so awesome, 18 rolls Royces help my friend get married.".

"Damn, I know Zhao Fugui. My junior high school classmate, my family is poor, and I can't afford to go to school. I heard that I was moving bricks in the construction site two years ago, but now I'm so bullied?" Circle of friends immediately fried the pot, someone replied.

"He is now a farmer entrepreneur. He is one of the top ten outstanding young people in Central China. Do you know Zhao Fugui upstairs? Please introduce

"Delicate body, soft body, easy to push down, 36d long legs, for upstairs matchmaking, when it's done, I'll also introduce you a beauty!"

"Get out of the way, let me come, 36d, I like, I have a house and a car at home, ask my sister to hook up!"

The circle of friends was noisy. Zhao Fugui stood in the square directing. Seeing that the arrangement was almost finished, he turned and walked upstairs. Outside Zhu Yan's bedroom, the bridegroom Zhu Xiong has begun to sing love songs, and the procedure goes very smoothly.

Today, Zhu Xiong's ostentation calmed all the relatives of Zhu Yan's family. No one dares to make trouble. After he stuffed some red envelopes, the outside door opened smoothly.

"The singing is not bad. How about the groom's attitude towards our family in the future?" Zhu Xiong sang two love songs, and the people inside were finally satisfied, said one of Zhu Yan's best friends.

"Zhu Yan, if you marry me, I will treat you forever. What you said is right, what you said is wrong, just refer to the first one, marry me Zhu Xiong shouts to the bedroom.

"Well said, even if you pass, we will supervise you in the future and pick up the bride!" The door of the bedroom was opened and the bride was egged in.

"According to our custom, you have to carry the bride downstairs. If you can't carry it, ask the best man for help. The bride's feet can't fall to the ground before she gets on the wedding car!" Said one of Zhu Yan's bridesmaids.

"Back move, back move, my back move!" Zhu Xiong said quickly.

"Then why are you still in a daze? Carry the bride downstairs quickly!" Zhu Yan's best friend said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, yes!" Zhu Xiong quickly stepped forward, picked up Zhu Yan and walked out with her.

"The bride's gone, grab the bridesmaid!" A few friends yelled and rushed into the bedroom, grabbed a bridesmaid to hold and left, but no one dares to move Jiang Caiyuan. As soon as Zhao Fugui came in, he said hello to Jiang Caiyuan. Who dares to rob Jiang Caiyuan with Zhao Fugui.

"Everyone took you away. No one robbed you. It seems that you are too heavy!" In the twinkling of an eye, all the people in the bedroom were gone, leaving only Zhao Fugui and Jiang Caiyuan. Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm heavy. Can you hold me?" Jiang Caiyuan said with a smile.

I hope you don't take it too seriously Zhao Fugui steps forward with a smile and holds Jiang Caiyuan in her arms. Jiang Caiyuan exclaims. She is easily held by Zhao Fugui and walks downstairs.

Most of Zhu Yan's relatives are here, and there are dozens of people to see them off. Fortunately, there are enough cars in the motorcade, and 18 rolls Royces are easy to get rid of.Now it's popular to get married in Chengdu. Men and women's families treat guests together instead of separately. So this year's relatives of men and women will go to hotels, so there will be so many people.

When the bridegroom got into the carriage, he was waiting for the bride's voice.

"Wait, no bus to the hotel!" Zhao Fugui, holding Jiang Caiyuan, comes down from upstairs and shouts to Zhu Yan and Zhu Xiong from a distance. Zhu Yan and Zhu Xiong look at Zhao Fugui blankly, do not take the first car back, then how to go back. Zhao Fugui suddenly put Jiang Caiyuan on his shoulder. When Jiang Caiyuan exclaimed, Zhao Fugui pointed to the sky and said, "look up!"

Zhu Yan and Zhu Xiong subconsciously look up at the sky. A black spot appears in the sky from a distance. The sound of the helicopter propeller roars from a distance. Zhu Yan and Zhu Xiong see a helicopter flying slowly. There is a long banner hanging under the helicopter, "I wish Zhu Yan and Zhu Xiong a happy wedding and a happy hundred years together.".

The helicopter pulled the banner and landed slowly in the center of the square, at the end of the red carpet.

"Helicopter to the hotel!" Zhao Fugui smiles at Zhu Yan and Zhu Xiong, who are already stunned. Then he lowers his voice and says with a smile to Jiang Caiyuan, who is also stunned, "Caiyuan, now this human relationship is paid off!"

The propeller of the helicopter stopped slowly, and there were a group of people inside and outside the square who were shocked.

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