Super Monk

Chapter 4444

On the other side, time and space are no longer distances. When the magic Buddha's right hand is extended, his four fingers are bent, and he points out with his thumb that he is "absolutely holy and discards wisdom", he has already pressed into the yuxu palace, on the chaotic light and the Golden Lotus of the supreme Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun in front of Zhao Fugui's eyebrows.

With a flash of dark red and darkness, the Golden Lotus falls. It seems that Zhao Fugui is still affected by the success of he Mu's and Jiuli's "sneak attack" just now, but his reaction is slow. Until the chaotic light like the water curtain in front of the eaves splits, and the magic Buddha's "sage and wisdom" finger is about to hit his eyebrow, he reaches out his hands. With one hand, the sword is illusory, the purple electricity collapses, the life and death are endless, and the strange light rises, the purple platinum Huang, with three virtues, stands in the middle of the eyebrow and smashes at the evil body of the evil Buddha!

Seeing this situation, not only did the Buddha not feel annoyed, but he showed a sneer. His body suddenly broke up and turned into a series of twisted shadows. He came to Zhao Fugui from every corner in all directions, as if wrapping him in it.

Die for me!

Bang bang bang bang! All the collisions were completed at the same time in an instant, and they merged into a sound, the "ten thousand demons dancing together" of the Tathagata's inverse palm!

The golden flowers of merits and virtues are withered, the purple clouds are scattered, the purple lightning is exploded, like fireworks in full bloom, which sets off the evil body with fear of darkness and Zhao Fugui who is unable to sit on the cloud bed.

His bare hand, which is full of three treasures, intercepts many of the arms of the magic Buddha's fentuo Muyu. But the purple electric palm in the middle of the eyebrow can't stop the finger of the sage and the wisdom, and is hit in the middle of the eyebrow. He can only hold the magic Buddha's arm to prevent his fingers from going further, wringing the real spirit and spreading the light of the nature.

In this way, the power of abandoning the sage and wisdom surged through, turned into a red and black reverse ten thousand characters that swallowed and assimilated, and constantly penetrated into Zhao Fugui's Tao, just like the sharp teeth gnawed down one by one.

The magic Buddha wants to eat Zhao Fugui and achieve perfection!

Zhao Fugui's "Wuji", "Daoyi" and "Kaitian" three seals were successively made by the illusory gods of various orifices and acupoints. However, due to the restriction of himself and the influence of Haotian's blood, Zhao Fugui's "Wuji", "Daoyi" and "Kaitian" three seals were gently swayed by the standing ancient tree behind the magic Buddha and disappeared.

The magic Buddha was red with one eye and black with the other. He was crazy and ferocious. He tried his best to make Zhao Fugui's palms bend slowly and almost out of control.

I completely buried the past, present and future of Haotian God, leaving only a little vitality and memory. Relying on the Eastern Emperor's inheritance from daozun, I concealed the world from the sea and reposed the reincarnation of Taigu Leichi. It was like a real fall, in order to escape the fate of the last era of Taigu, to dominate the world again, to prove the Tao, and to be today!

As long as I devour you, achieve perfection, assimilate your realm and supernatural power, refine Jiuyou, and have the power of supporting mulberry ancient trees, when the end comes, I will be the strongest other side and the key to the next era!

If they don't help me, they will sink and die together!

As time goes by, I am a vengeful ghost who should have died long ago, but lived from Taigu to the present!

Decorate for many years, endure for many years, wait for many years, this time, who can save you!

"Zhending Tathagata" has a quiet look. His thumb and middle finger touch each other and carefree, sweeping towards the magic Buddha with pure Buddhist light. However, his pure white light bursts out and does not allow any impurities. He is shocked to see a huge mouth with 40 Buddha teeth open and swallow it.


A light gold fist suddenly strikes, and the pure white and shining terror mouth is blown away. The "Qingyuan Taoist king" runs *, showing the law of heaven and earth, fighting against the supreme real Buddha. But in front of the "Zhending Tathagata", there is another chaotic and crazy dark red hand, blocking his "universal life" palm.

The original world of Fusang ancient trees collapsed, blending with the overseas fairyland invaded by evil Qi. The Qing emperor sat down and resisted the counter attack from the source. He slowly pulled them out and had no time to care about them.

Many times ago, at the beginning of the world, the moral God and Amitabha were in a fierce battle. Outside the real world, the emperor of heaven, at the cost of the withering of the building trees ahead of time, combined with the sword of time, struggled to prevent the return of the Yuan Dynasty god from the western world. Relying on the suppression of the emperor's sword and the demon holy gun, the mountains and rivers were swaying and binding the world of Fengshen.

In the vacuum hometown, the bright moon is bright and bright, and there are two indifferent eyes. They quietly watch the magic Buddha slowly devour Zhao Fugui, but they seem to be able to pierce any intention of rescuing Zhao Fugui at any time.

In the pure land of Bodhi, zhundi Taoist, xuanming ghost emperor and Heitian emperor form an array, trying to involve Bodhi ancient Buddha with their own existence.

The ancient Bodhi Buddha is pure in body and does not behave. It seems that he has accepted the reality and calmly looks at the battle of life and death in yuxu palace.

All of a sudden, he smiles and looks at the Zhuo Ti, and says: "the devil Buddha betrays his nature and has many dark hands. If I cooperate with him, why don't I take more precautions?"

"What?" The zhunti Taoist blurted out and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Bodhi Buddha said: "after the completion of the three corpses, I will let you be independent one after another, bear my name and cause and effect. This is the only way for me to reduce and seek empty space.""It's not going to be easy. I've been preparing for an era before I almost reached the threshold. I'm going to try the end of the robbery, but I met Fengdu falling. Now I have to thank the friends of the demons, Buddhists and Taoists for completing it for me. Maybe I'll have a chance to find a leak next."

Looking at the instant changes in the expressions of zhunti Taoist, xuanming ghost emperor and Heitian emperor, he said leisurely:

"as for now, why should I save Yuanshi, Lingbao and the key of moral demonstration, and help them escape?"

Xia Hongyan gathered the future and put it into herself at the current node. Then she saw that there was a lot of light rising in the past, all of which were the marks left by Zhao Fugui who took her back to her time, forming a fulcrum and giving her a way to find.

Figure escape, upstream, Xia Hongyan completely isolated from the outside world, because she knows the only way to help is to get rid of the sea of suffering as soon as possible, to the other side!

He Mu and Jiu Li are controlled by the seven kill Taoist. Seeing that the devil and Buddha have the upper hand, they are constantly devouring and digesting their own master Tianzun. They are afraid again. They just want to escape from this world and survive.

Just as he was about to run away, an idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

Can we retreat in the past, and this time, is there any way out?

If the magic Buddha devours and assimilates the Zhangjiao Tianzun, it will not only achieve perfection, but also go further. After all, his previous strength is weakened because of the promotion of Zhangjiao Tianzun. When the time comes, where will he escape and where will he hide? Who is willing to offend the magic Buddha who has mastered the key to the next era?

This time, there is no way to retreat!

As soon as the thought became clear, the seven kill Taoist suddenly began to roll up his killing nature. His body turned into a black awn and became one with the hell sea sword.

"Either you die or I die!" The light of the sword stretched out. There was no ancients before and no comers after. It cut through time and space and cut to the magic Buddha.

The ancient Fusang tree behind the magic Buddha suddenly shook its branches and leaves, sprouted clear light, and resisted the sword light of the hell sea sword.

In silence, the light of the sword dissipated, and only a leaf fell from the ancient Fusang tree. Taoist Qisha's face was as white as snow, and his eyes were full of despair. He could not break the defense of the magic Buddha with a single sword.

magic Buddha made a wild laugh, and the palm of Zhao Fugui's brow reached an inch, absorbed and swallowed up more and more fiercely:

, "the key to the opening of the next era is the ancient tree of Fu sang, which is close to the treasure of the fruit of the road. It is the refinement of the old way. After absorbing the essence of the last epoch, it is not the real shore, but it is the same level of magic, and it can not break its defense at all. It's far better than the tree of the road that you haven't grown up yet. Qingdi has tried refining for many years, but he hasn't succeeded! "

"I can't fake the other side. I don't know who the other side will come to save you!"

The appearance of the magic Buddha is like madness, and the appearance of evil demons is revealed. The reincarnation seal flies out in front of the body. It is necessary to speed up the absorption of Zhao Fugui in order to reverse the time and change the trend.

Sun Wukong, the great sage of Qi Tian, and other people who hold the magic weapon of the other side such as the ground leaving firework flag, have all come to attack from afar, but they still can't help the mulberry trees.

The devil Buddha's laughter shakes their hearts and confuses their minds, but he doesn't pay any attention to them. In his eyes, there is only madness and ecstasy about to be completed. He stares at Zhao Fugui, remembering his ugly appearance when he completely died.

In order to hide the truth from the other side, I not only spread doubts, to make people think that Haotian was reincarnated into the Qing emperor, but also to make people think that it was the Eastern Emperor who survived, and I also made some actions that were close to self mutilation!

Today is the time to reap!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the finger in the middle of Zhao Fugui's eyebrow was stagnant, and the wrist held by the purple God seemed to fall into the shackles and encounter the seal!

Zhao Fugui, who had been looking at the magic Buddha with a calm expression, said with a smile:

"what if I had known it for a long time? I have known for a long time that you are Haotian God? "

What? The magic Buddha's eyes narrowed, the madness faded and the wisdom highlighted.

Zhao Fugui's head is limitless. Qingyun is radiant again. He has an extra arm in front of him. His fist opens instantly, revealing the Haotian blood that he Mu and Jiu Li attacked him just now.

The smile in Zhao Fugui's eyes is more obvious.

In the past, fox green hill once whispered to me a saying that "demon Christmas was born at the beginning of heaven and earth. After several centuries, it has never been extinct. It has seen a lot of people. It is not inferior to the Buddha in spiritual cultivation. How can it suddenly fall in love with Ananda in the last years of ancient times?" later, I learned that Ananda was the Buddha body of Thunder God. I felt that both sides were innate spirits, and they were both made by nature Match.

However, the real point is that "after several eras", without the same experience of the great powers, how can you let the demon Saint see it? It's not at the same level at all!

The fact that Lu Ya abandoned his original teacher made me suspicious.

When I found many things about Raytheon in those years, I became more and more confused. How can the demon Saint see you?

Only in those years, when the East emperor was oppressed by the flood and famine, it was difficult for him to achieve the other side, but daozun almost failed to prove the result of Tao. Finally, the demon clan came under his command, and Jiufeng never forgot the resurrection of Haotian God!

Of course, later I realized that you were the God of Haotian, and others also mentioned it.As for why you want to show weakness first and make yourself so embarrassed, the purpose is to let you fall into a state of assimilation and assimilation, into a state that can be contained by me, and you can't escape for a while!

As soon as he saw the gray blood awn, the devil Buddha felt extremely dangerous. However, Zhao Fugui was limitless in one hand, Taoist in the other hand, purple lightning in the other hand, and three treasures in the other hand. He was trapped by death!

A little invisible fire flashed, and the magic Buddha only felt that the ancient Fusang tree had been swung open, and a sharp object had pierced its own evil armor and penetrated into it.

He went away and saw a phoenix winged Black Gold spear stretched out in the demon emperor's hall, stabbing himself through many times and spaces!

This blow, the golden emperor and Bodhi Buddha failed to respond!

And the picture of mountains and rivers and the sword of the emperor also flew back long ago and circled around the hall of the demon emperor.

Why did the demon emperor give up to stop Yuanshi Tianzun? Is he not afraid of the reversal of the situation and the transcendence of Sanqing? The magic Buddha's body wriggles and contracts to resist the invisible fire.

In the demon emperor hall, the curtain layers suddenly separated. The demon emperor, who had not appeared in front of the world for a long time, stepped out. His face seemed to be a collection of the beauty of the world. It was hard to describe and describe. His breath was very strange. There was a bit of residue that did not belong to the demon saint!

Holding a phoenix winged Black Gold gun, her eyes were filled with hatred and resentment, and she said coldly:

"I give up myself and am willing to replace the demon queen with a little spiritual light to become the product of his reduction and emptiness, to accept his brand and past and future, and to wait for today!"

Magic Buddha's face changed greatly and blurted out:


The devil, the Phoenix!

Those who are unlucky, kill!

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