Super Monk

Chapter 446

"Today is the day of Zhu Yan's great joy. Let's talk about it later if there is anything else!" Zhao Fugui waved at will and said.

"Yes, yes, brother Zhao has been busy all day. If you have something to do, I'll talk about it later! Brother Zhao, please come inside, please come inside. Zhu Yan has specially reserved a box for our junior high school students. The wedding will start soon. Let's go and sit down! " Li Shuai said gallantly in front of him.

A group of people gathered around Zhao Fugui and went to the box. Zhu Yan specially left a box for her junior high school classmates. There were two tables in the box. When Zhu Yan called to invite, not many students agreed to come, so Zhu Yan only left a table for junior high school and a table for senior high school, a total of two tables, but looking at the current situation, I'm afraid she may not be able to sit down.

"Brother Zhao, you are a distinguished guest today!" The custom of Chengdu is that the seat opposite the door is the next seat, usually for the younger generation or the people with lower status. The seat facing the door is called the first seat, so the guests can see the person with the highest status at a glance.

Li Shuai usually takes the top seat, but now it's obviously not his turn. Zhao Fugui didn't care where to sit, but he had to sit in the first place.

As soon as Zhao Fugui sat down, others sat down one after another when they saw him sitting down. Jiang Caiyuan sat next to a female classmate, and no man dared to sit next to her. Li Shuai and Ma Jianhao, who had a better mix, sat next to Zhao Fugui in turn. Zhao Fugui thought, this situation is very different from the last reunion.

"Brother Zhao, last time we went to your Xiaowan village for investigation, the construction of Xiaowan village is really good, let alone Chengdu, even the whole central China province is absolutely the only good place!" Li Shuai poured a cup of tea for Zhao Fugui and handed it to Zhao Fugui with both hands.

"Just so so!" Zhao Fugui said casually that he had nothing to say about these snobbish classmates. Zhao Fugui looked around, but Zhang Cheng, who had a good relationship with him before, didn't come. He didn't know whether he had gone out to work or didn't have time to come here today.

At the gate of the hotel, two new couples, Zhu Xiong and Zhu Yan, are waiting to meet the guests at the gate. With the time approaching noon, more and more guests are coming. Soon, the hall is almost full, but there are still an endless stream of guests. The super luxurious wedding made many people who didn't plan to attend the wedding come here.

Zhu Xiong's parents quickly arranged for the hotel to increase the banquet position and open more tables. The wedding ceremony began soon after. A couple of sweethearts shed tears on the spot under the chairmanship of the emcee, but today is definitely a happy place for them.

When the ceremony is over 12 o'clock and the wedding banquet begins, an endless stream of waiters walk through the hotel, serving food, wine and drinks. The already full box is soon filled with two big tables.

"Xiao Yan, congratulations. Come on, I've got a big red envelope for you today!" Xiong Miaomiao drives over from Zhangji town with her Maserati and her boyfriend Liu Ming. Xiong Miaomiao deliberately reveals the LV bag he is carrying, takes out a red bag from it and hands it to Zhu Yan.

"Miaomiao, you're here too. Sit inside. There should be a seat in the box!" Zhu Yan a little embarrassed received the red envelope, pointed to the other side of the hall box said.

Zhu Yan didn't invite Xiong Miaomiao and Liu Ming today, but Liu Ming and Xiong Miaomiao didn't come because they saw Zhu Yan get married. Xiong Miaomiao and Liu Minggen didn't care about the news of Chengdu. Zhangji town is too remote, and they don't even have access to the Internet. They don't know the news here.

Xiong Miaomiao had to come to Zhu Yan's wedding because he had just bought Maserati's sports car and LV bag. He wanted to show off in front of his old classmates.

If you don't show off in front of these old classmates, how can these old classmates know how good Xiong Miaomiao is now, and how can they know how capable her boyfriend is.

"Here comes Miao Miao. Do you have a place?" Zhu Yan slightly straightened her stomach, took Xiong Miaomiao and Liu Ming to the outside of the box, but the position in the box was already full, and she couldn't even add the position.

But as soon as Xiong Miaomiao saw Zhao Fugui, he turned his lips with disdain. He deliberately took Maserati's car key and said with a sneer, "Oh, how, Miaomiao, this table is your senior high school classmate. It seems that everyone is not doing well. A farmer who covers land can sit on it!"

Most of Zhu Yan's junior high school and high school classmates don't know each other, but Zhao Fugui is an exception. He is Zhu Yan's junior high school classmate, and he has been in high school together for a year, so he basically knows Zhu Yan's junior high school and high school classmates.

"Miao Miao, today is Zhu Yan's happy day. Why do you say that? Not everyone is as happy as you are now. Open Maserati and carry LV bags!" Liu Ming deliberately said, and then his eyes turned around in the box and fell to the table of Zhu Yan's junior high school classmates. He frowned and said, "Miao Miao and I are here, let's take two places!"

Zhao Fugui frowned. His face was not very good-looking. Xiong Miaomiao and Liu Ming were just two pieces of rat dung. They couldn't do anything else. They were absolutely disgusting.

"Miaomiao, I can't. I'll go outside and find two places for you. All the students here are full!" Xiong Miaomiao see junior high school students that face is not very good-looking, quickly round said.They don't know Xiong Miaomiao and Liu Ming, but they can afford to drive Maserati's LV bag. The conditions are not bad. They don't need to offend others.

"Xiaoyan, all the students are sitting here. How can we sit elsewhere? How can we not get together after we haven't seen each other for so long?" Xiong Miaomiao said.

Xiong Miaomiao was not convinced when Zhao Fugui slapped him with a million dollars last time. She felt that Zhao Fugui must have made a little money to show off. Compared with her boyfriend Liu Ming, Zhao Fugui must be very far behind. This time, she must have avenged her last time.

Liu Ming's face sank and he stared at the two people at the junior high school table. The two people's faces were ugly. After hesitating for a moment, he stood up and said, "Mayor Liu, sit down, let's go out!"

Zhao Fugui is not familiar with these two junior high school students, but he still has a little impression of one of them. It seems that his hometown is also Zhangji Town, and he certainly dares not offend the current mayor Liu Ming.

"Well, you two have some eye power!" Liu Ming nodded with satisfaction and quickly pulled back the chair to let Xiong Miaomiao sit down.

"Do you know the two best?" Jiang Caiyuan asked Zhao Fugui in a low voice.

"Both of them are junior high school students. One is the mayor of Zhangji town. They have been excellent since childhood. Don't worry about them!" Zhao Fugui is too lazy to look at Xiong Miaomiao and Liu Ming. Today is Zhu Yan's wedding. Zhao Fugui wants to give some face. He is too lazy to talk nonsense with these two self righteous guys.

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