Super Monk

Chapter 466

The auction scene immediately quieted down, and most people's eyes were focused on Zheng zeru and his son. Zheng zeru and his son's face were ugly. After a while, they were gloomy and terrible. A few people's eyes are still staring at the picture of Fuji spring residence, but they still can't see the flaw with their eyesight.

"Even if there are words left by Zhang Daqian on the scroll, it can only prove that the scroll is left by Zhang Daqian. Fujichun jutu has gone through hundreds of years. I'm afraid the original scroll has already been damaged. What's so strange about changing a scroll! " Zheng zeru's face was gloomy. How could she reconcile to 180 million yuan? She was unwilling to explain.

"There is some truth in what Mr. Zheng said. Over the years, perhaps this painting once fell into the hands of Mr. Zhang Daqian. Mr. Zhang Daqian saw that the scroll was broken, and he made a scroll to replace it Zheng zeru's business is so big that naturally he has many friends. Now someone helps him.

"Hey, even if there is only one fake in nine out of ten antique collections, it's fake. Now, even if there are more than 30 million flaws in this painting, it can only prove that it is worth a premium! "

"Yes, if a collector is willing to gamble once, the painting can be worth about 30 million. However, if this little friend still has evidence to prove that there are problems with the painting, then a fake painting by Mr. Zhang Daqian will be worth millions at most according to the current market! "

The crowd of onlookers were talking, and the people who helped Zheng zeru were soon suppressed. Zheng zeru and his son look very ugly. Even if the painting is worth 30 million yuan, it will cost 150 million yuan. Although Zheng zeru is worth more than 10 billion yuan, he still has fixed assets and a lot of money from the company.

If he loses 150 million, he will spit blood. And it's not just about losing money. Zheng zeru's auction tonight will definitely become a joke in the circle.

"Ha ha, up to now, you still don't admit that it's a fake picture of Fuji spring? Well, I'll convince you. Come here with a knife! " Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

An auction beauty waiter immediately found a knife to come over, Zhao Fugui directly in fujichun jutu knife, Zheng zeru father and son face big change, but in front of so many people did not dare to stop.

Zhao Fugui gently scrapes a corner of the painting with a knife, and a shallow seal emerges from the painting. Everyone's eyes are focused on the seal, and no one notices that there is a very thin film scraped by Zhao Fugui.

"There is an ink seal. If there is a seal in ouzhizi's painting, it can not be hidden in the dark. It seems that this painting is not only different from the scroll, but also an imitation of the scroll itself!" A white haired old man sighed.

"That's right. I'm afraid this painting is really imitated by Mr. Zhang Daqian. I'm afraid it's only a million yuan at the current price!" Another said.

"One hundred and eighty million famous paintings have become imitations worth only one million. Today, it's really an eye opener!" Some of the onlookers looked at Zheng zeru's father and son and said with a smile.

"There are so many strange people around Mr. Wang. Although this little friend has never seen him before, his eyesight is amazing! In fact, it's hard to live up to his reputation. Compared with this little friend, Ma Mo really doesn't live up to his reputation! " There are also people surprised and incomparable looking at Zhao Fugui said.

"Impossible, impossible, experts have identified, how can it be false!" Zheng Xiaofei's face was very ugly. Then he grabbed the auction host's collar and yelled, "how dare you cheat me with fake goods?"

"Mr. Zheng, please calm down. Buying antiques depends on the buyer's eyesight. If the buyer takes the money to buy the genuine goods, it's a leak. The merchant will never recover the goods. In the same way, if buyers buy fake goods with the money of genuine goods, it is also the buyer's eyesight, which has been the case in antique shops since ancient times. The auction of our club is just a trading platform. It doesn't bear the problem of the authenticity of the auction products. Please calm down

Two auction security immediately rushed to Zheng Xiaofei control, the host calm and incomparable finishing his collar, said smilingly.

"Xiaofei, don't be impulsive!" Zheng zeru's face is unusually gloomy. The background of this club is amazing. It's not the Zheng family that they can provoke. It doesn't help to make trouble here. Zheng zeru took a cold look at Zhao Fugui and Wang Yuanming and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Wang has a good method. Xiaofei, let's go!"

"Cheap thing, you wait. If you can go home safely, I'll write my name upside down!" Zheng Xiaofei points to Zhao Fugui and shouts angrily.

If Zhao Fugui didn't reveal that the painting Zhang Daqian imitated was fake, he would still be a famous painting of 180 million yuan. If he sells it in a few years, the price might be doubled. However, once Zhao Fugui revealed that the painting was fake, it would never be sold.

Zheng Xiaofei doesn't think it's his eyesight to buy fake paintings. He thinks it's all Zhao Fugui's fault. It's Zhao Fugui who made him lose 180 million. 180 million is enough to buy 100 lives. He absolutely wants to revenge Zhao Fugui. Zheng Xiaofei follows Zheng zeru to the outside. Zheng Xiaofei holds the scroll and tears it off with great force.

"Ha ha, did I let you go?" At this time, Zhao Fugui randomly blocked in front of Zheng zeru's father and son and their security guards, and said faintly."Boy, don't be shameless. Don't think I can't move you with Wang Yuanming. I'm Zheng zeru. You can't afford it!" Zheng zeru narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at Zhao Fugui coldly.

"Get out of the way!" Zheng zeru's two bodyguards immediately came forward and reached out to subdue Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui gave a cold hum and kicked a security guard in the stomach. The security guard flew out and smashed a toughened glass cover that had not been taken away. The toughened glass cover smashed instantly, causing a scream, and the security guard was lying in the broken glass.

Another security guard reached out to take the electric shock device. As soon as he took the electric shock device out, Zhao Fugui held his hand and directly pressed the electric shock device on him. The security guard trembled wildly and frothed.

Zheng zeru and Zheng Xiaofei's face suddenly changed, especially Zheng Xiaofei's face showed a look of panic. His two security guards, who had transferred from special forces and received special training in the security company, usually had no problem fighting ten at a time, but they didn't even face to face in front of Zhao Fugui.

Zheng Xiaofei steps back in horror. What kind of monster is this big black man?

"Mr. Zheng, you are going to leave before you fulfill the agreement. Don't you ask us to be witnesses? You go like this, let everybody's face where to put? Or do you want me to do it myself? " Zhao Fugui light looking at Zheng zeru and Zheng Xiaofei pinch fingers said.

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