Super Monk

Chapter 47

Zhao Fugui's face immediately sank. Ma Qianqian, a son of a bitch, even took the opportunity to trouble him. Zhao Fugui stared at Ma Qianqian and quickly turned his head to find a way.

"Village head, that's not right. Fugui opens a farm to earn money to build roads for the village. If you close the farm, where does Fugui get the money to build roads for the village? There are wolves coming down from the mountain. Let's organize a wolf fighting team to fight the wolves! " Li's husband said.

"Yes, yes, it's not rich. I have nothing to do. Just beat the wolf in the village! " Aunt Li on the bed also endured the pain and said to the village head.

As soon as Aunt Li and her husband and wife made their stand, other people in the village quickly began to help Zhao Fugui. They didn't agree to close Zhao Fugui's farm. What's more, Zhao Fugui of Daqingshan has already contracted, and it's natural for others to do the farm. Is it true that they won't let others do anything and let others lose money in vain? It doesn't make sense.

Seeing that all the villagers in the village supported him, Zhao Fugui immediately said, "I'll take care of all the medical expenses of Aunt Li. In addition, I don't have to worry about the wolf fighting in the village. I'll deal with it. Even I can fight the boar king, not to mention a few wolves. "

"I think it's OK to be rich. Village head, what else do you have to say?" Old man Li nodded and asked village head Ma Qianqian.

"Hum, you don't listen to me. When all the animals in big green hill come down the mountain, you will know it's too late to do harm to the village!" Ma Qianfu's face was ugly. He threw his sleeve and left angrily.

"If there is money in the village, it's better than if there's no one in the village. He has been the village head for so many years, but Xiaowan village is still so poor that his family has built a good house. Rich and noble, I support you to be the village head in the next election Li said immediately.

"Yes, yes, rich and powerful, and good for the villagers, I also support him to be the head of the village!" The villagers talked about it in succession, and they all supported Zhao Fugui's election as village head, which brought some changes to the village.

Ma Youqian angrily went home and kicked over the bucket in the yard, spilling the water from the well. The more Ma Qianqian thinks about it, the more angry he gets. No one in the village dared to talk to him like that before. As soon as Zhao Fugui came back, the villagers became arrogant.

"What's the matter? It's not easy for Xiaolian to come back with a bucket of water. Look what you've done Ma Qian's wife looked at the water in the courtyard and said.

When Xiao Lian heard the news, she came out and saw that the water she had just called back to wash clothes and vegetables was gone. Her eyes suddenly turned red. She bit her lip and went back to her room, buried her head in the quilt and cried.

"No, I can't just let it go. I have to show Zhao Fugui some strength. He wants to be the head of Xiaowan village. There's no way!" The more Ma Qianqian thinks about it, the more angry he is. He pushes out his motorcycle from the yard and is about to go out on it. The main road of Xiaowan village is crazy. There is a small road leading to Dawan village. You can get out from Dawan village.

"Rich, where are you going?" Ma's rich wife quickly chased him out and asked.

"Go to the city. Zhao Fugui is a son of a bitch. There are people in the village. If I go to the city to complain, I don't believe that no one can cure him! " Ma Qianqian yelled and blew the accelerator and rode away on his motorcycle.

In the bedroom, Xiaolian quietly wiped away her tears and walked out of the room. Ma Qianqian's wife is sweeping out the water in the yard. When she sees Xiaolian, she immediately says, "Xiaolian, the water is spilled. You can get a bucket of water when you go out!"

"Yes Xiaolian nodded and went out without stopping. Ma's rich wife doesn't care either. In the countryside, her husband's family is in good condition, and her daughter-in-law comes to do everything, washing clothes and dishes and working in the fields.

Xiaolian comes out of the house and goes to Zhao Fugui's house. She goes to the farm stove and meets Zhao Fugui, who is going to fight wolves in the mountains.

"Rich brother!" Xiaolian quickly pulled Zhao Fugui to the side and whispered, "my father-in-law just rode a motorcycle to the city. He said he was going to the city to sue you for illegal road construction. You should think of a way quickly!"

"If you have money, you can't see the village!" Zhao Fugui angrily scolded Ma Qianqian and said to Xiaolian, "Ma Qianqian and Ma Yong are not good things. Xiaolian, anyway, Ma Yong is not at home. If you can't, go back to your mother's house for a few days first, so as not to be bullied by the old bastard Ma Qianqian! "

When he saw Ma Qianqian peeping at Xiaolian's bath last time, Zhao Fugui felt that the old man didn't have a good heart. After a long time, he couldn't figure out how to bully Xiaolian.

"My mother said that the married daughter is the water splashed out, not for the Spring Festival, so she won't let me go back!" Xiaolian almost cried again.

"Xiaolian, don't cry, don't cry!" Zhao Fugui thought for a while and said, "I heard Miss Lin say that women should be independent, and economic independence is the first step. Well, my family's farm kitchen will be expanded soon. Then you can be a waiter. If you do well, I'll let you be the manager! "

"Well, thank you, brother Fugui. My mother-in-law is still at home. If I go back late, I have to say "I'll go back first!" Xiaolian carries a bucket and goes to the well in the village. Zhao Fugui originally wanted to help, but then he thinks that if he helps Xiaolian in broad daylight and is seen by others, he may not be able to say anything in the village. I'm afraid Xiaolian's life will be even worse by then.As soon as Xiaolian leaves, Zhao Fugui's face looks ugly. Ma Qianqian, an old man, has gone to the city to complain. It's a bit troublesome. Although the village meeting agreed to the road construction in Xiaowan village, the road construction procedures have not yet been completed, and the road construction does occupy part of the cultivated land.

The occupation of cultivated land is not small or big. There are many cultivated land destroyed and factories built in the city to attract investment. But that's the policy of the city, and no one dares to oppose it. It doesn't mean that Zhao Fugui, a common people, can do that. The key is that someone in the city has to do it.

But Zhao Fugui's eyes are black in the city. He doesn't know anyone. After thinking about it, Zhao Fugui decides to call Lao San. He seems to have something to do with him in the city.

"Hello, third, I'm Zhao Fugui!" As soon as Zhao Fugui thought of Lao San, he immediately called him.

"Brother Zhao, you said. Are you in town? Shall we get together? " Third connected the phone, heard is Zhao Fugui, immediately said.

"No, I'm still in the village. I have something to trouble you about!" Zhao Fugui told Laosan about the road construction, and Ma Qianqian also told Laosan about it.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry. I'll deal with this little matter. You can rest assured!" Old three said with a smile.

"Well, I'll ask you to do it. When you have time to come over after the road is repaired, I'll treat you to dinner!"

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