Super Monk

Chapter 501

The boy driving also looks very young, with long hair to the shoulder. In the co pilot's seat, the author is a young girl with purple hair. Her clothes are very sexy.

"Zhang Yuan, do you drive by yourself?" When Lin Hai saw the BMW sedan, he trotted over and said with a smile.

"Take the bus to lose more grades. Are all the people here? Hurry up and don't delay me!" Zhang Yuan honked the horn impatiently, chewed the gum in his mouth and spit it out to the side of Linhai.

"Here we are. Here we are. Let's go!" Lin Hai's face was stiff, and then he said with a smile.

"Let's get going. What are you doing?" Zhang Yuan said impatiently.

"Right away, right away!" Lin Hai accompanies smiling face and holds Zhang Yuan's BMW sedan car in one hand. He is about to turn around and leave, but his hand is touched lightly.

"Lin Hai, you can take Zhang Yuan's car, too!" The co pilot's girl avoided Zhang Yuan's sight, teased Lin Hai's hand and said with a smile.

Lin Hai was about to agree, but Zhang Yuan's face sank. He quickly shook his head and said, "no, no, I'll just take the bus!"

"Hum, hurry up!" Zhang Yuan snorted coldly. Lin Hai didn't dare to look at the girl in the co pilot's seat and ran to the bus. The bus starts soon and starts to go outside Chengdu.

Qingfeng mountain is about 60 kilometers away from the urban area of Chengdu. This mountain is not big or small. The local county government has built a forest park on the mountain, in which some farmhouses are built. Some tourists usually go there. In addition, some college students in Chengdu who prefer camping will also go there.

On the whole, Qingfengshan can attract some tourists in the peak tourist season. It is because of this that Anxin agrees to go there. If she has no popularity and is so remote, with the experience she was scared last time, Anxin will never go.

The bus is rented by the students themselves, so there is no guide and the driver drives by himself. There are more than 20 students on the bus. The number of boys and girls is almost the same. There are very few people with friends outside school on the bus. Zhao Fugui is an exception.

Zhao Fugui doesn't look like a college student, and no one knows him. There are tens of thousands of people in Chengdu University. Only a few people saw Zhao Fugui's duel with Ge Chao in the Stadium last time. Maybe someone can have an impression on his name. If they only look at people, no one on the bus knows him except Anxin.

Bus on the road forward, soon out of Chengdu, on the provincial road forward. At first, there were many people talking in the bus, but after a long time, some began to doze, some played with mobile phones, and the bus soon became quiet.

Starting at eight o'clock, most of them will get up at six or seven o'clock. Even Anxin and some of their girls start to doze off with their heads tilted. Anxin's head is resting on Zhao Fugui's shoulder, and Zhao Fugui is in a daze when he looks at the scenery outside the window. Lin Hai looks back at Zhao Fugui and an Xin, with a trace of jealousy and ruthlessness in his eyes.

After walking for more than half an hour, the bus turned onto an urban-rural highway. The road condition was very bad. There were potholes everywhere, and no one repaired it.

"It's a scenic spot. If we don't repair the road, who will come in the future?" A student complained discontentedly.

"That's right. Xiaowan village is so hot now, and it's so bad here. In the future, no one will come here except us poor students!" Another student also said.

"I said to go to Xiaowan village. You have to come here to see the road. It's killing you!" Another student said.

"Daqingshan in Xiaowan village is not allowed to spend the night on the mountain. I heard that even the mountain is not allowed to enter now. What's wrong with camping Bay barbecue? Can you afford to go to Xiaowan village with your living expenses of a thousand yuan a month? " Another student said sarcastically.

"I can't afford it, can you? How much more money do you spend on living than Lao Tzu in a month? I'm driving you crazy! "

"All right, all right, don't make any noise, the front is coming!" Linhai see two people want to quarrel, quickly said.

The two students snorted, looked at each other and closed their mouths. A big mountain appeared in front of the bus. It is estimated that the mountain is seven or eight hundred meters high. There is a small village at the foot of the mountain. To enter the mountain, you have to pass by the side of the small village.

"I came to this village last year. It was very busy. There was a market in the village. Now there are no people?" A girl lying in the window looking at a quiet village said.

"There was no village before. Look at the houses in the village. They are all simple houses built in disorder. A few years ago, it was very popular here. Many villagers selling local products gathered at the foot of the mountain. Now they can't do it. People must have scattered! "

Anxin looks at the village with a trace of worry in her eyes. There are few people in the village at the foot of the mountain. How many people can there be on the mountain?

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Aware of Anxin's uneasiness, Zhao Fugui quietly holds her hand and says.

The bus passed the small village and soon got on the Panshan highway. In the past, the county government did a lot of efforts to develop this place into a scenic spot, and the Panshan highway was directly built to the hillside. The people who turn around on the mountain road are dizzy. I don't know how long after that, the bus suddenly stops in a parking lot."Yes, the forest park is ahead. If you don't go to the bus, I'll wait for you here. Come back before noon tomorrow when you want to go back!" The bus driver stopped the bus and called back to the students.

"All right, everyone, take your own salute tent. We're off the bus!" Lin Hai also stood up and yelled in the bus.

Zhang Yuan took his girlfriend around the mountain and stopped beside the bus. Dissatisfied, he said, "except for a few merchants, there are not many people here!"

"And you have tents? Why didn't you remind me? I brought something to eat, nothing else! " Zhao Fugui didn't hear Zhang Yuan's complaint. He grabbed his head and said in embarrassment.

"It's OK for Xinxin to take the tent. You two should sleep together at night." Wang Yanan said with a smile.

"Nannan, what are you talking about! Brother, I sleep with Nannan at night. You can sleep in the tent! " Anxin said quickly.

"No, I'm not your boyfriend. Why do you sleep with me?" Wang Yanan said.

"All right, all right, don't delay. Get out of the car. Everyone is out of the car!" Lin Hai's face is not very pretty of urge a way.

"Authentic wild vegetables, wild mushrooms, rabbits and pheasants are cheap and delicious. Would you like to come to our store?" As soon as the people got out of the car, a middle-aged woman came quickly and said.

"We're campers. We have our own food!" Some students patted their bags and went directly to the forest park.

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