Super Monk

Chapter 503

"What kind of people do you choose, Lin Hai chose to be a bitch and a villain!" Wang Yanan said impolitely, then rubbed his hands and yelled, "then I'm impolite!"

Wang Yanan reached out and grabbed a duck leg and pulled it off. He couldn't wait to put it into his mouth and ate it.

"Nannan, don't you lose weight? And eat meat Tu Tu is surprised to say, she said while also eating up quickly. Li Yu, another of Anxin's roommates, didn't speak at all. She lowered her head and ate quickly.

"I'll cut it when I'm finished!" Wang Yanan said vaguely while eating.

"You eat slowly, I have enough here!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile. At the same time, he picked up some happy fruits and handed them to Anxin. Anxin also ate happy fruits for the first time. After tasting them, she suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"This kind of fruit is really delicious. I've never eaten such delicious fruit before!" Anxin widened her eyes and said in surprise. Then she explained to Zhao Fugui while eating, "it's said that Lin Hai's family's condition is not good or bad, but his family is in a small county. It's said that he thinks his hometown is too small and backward, so he doesn't want to go back. And Zhang Yuan's father is the head of a state-owned enterprise in Central China. Lin Hai wants to enter this enterprise after graduation, so he flatters Zhang Yuan so much! "

"At least, Chengdu University is also a kind of key university. If Lin Hai goes to school well and can find a good job with his own ability, why ask Zhang Yuan!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and disdained Lin Hai's choice.

"What he chooses, he has to bear it himself!" An Xin said.

Zhao Fugui brought ten jin of pickled vegetables, one of mandarin duck Fugui goose and native chicken, and four or five Jin of happy fruit. These things were enough for five or six strong boys to have a big meal. But after a gust of wind rolled up the clouds, Anxin and her girls ate almost everything.

Zhao Fugui himself just ate a small half full, most of the food fell into the stomach of an Xin and their four girls. Zhao Fugui was surprised to see these four slim girls. He could not imagine that they could eat so much.

"My God, I'm so full. I can't move any more." Wang Yanan couldn't eat any more, so he leaned back and fell on the blanket.

"I can't either!" Tu Tu and Li Yu are the same. They don't want to move after having enough to eat and drink.

"I'll put up a tent for you. You can sleep at noon." Zhao Fugui looked at a few girls who couldn't move, but shook his head and said.

"I'm going to wash my hands. There's a lot of oil on my hands!" An Xin takes a bottle of mineral water from her bag and wants to wash her hands. Anxin's stomach is so full that it's hard to wash her hands.

"I didn't bring mineral water. There isn't much mineral water. I'll take you to wash outside the woods. There seems to be a pool over there!" Zhao Fugui then helps Anxin walk out of the woods. Seeing Anxin's difficulty, Zhao Fugui simply hugs a princess from Anxin and directly hugs her.

There are many boys in the forest looking at Anxin and Zhao Fugui enviously. Anxin is a more beautiful department flower than the three major school flowers of Chengdu University, but she is usually very low-key, so she was not selected as the school flower. Many boys in the class like her, but they feel that they can't catch up with her. Now seeing an Xin so close to a strange man, a group of boys are envious and jealous.

"There is really a pool here!" An Xin is held by Zhao Fugui. When she comes out of the forest, she finds that there is a pool. The pool is about ten square meters in size. Some water is seeping out of the rock cracks. It must be the seeping water that forms a pool here.

"You wash it!" Zhao Fugui puts Anxin beside the pool. Anxin takes off her single shoe, and Bai Nennen reaches into the pool to play with the water with her small feet.

Zhao Guizi was forced to set up a tent for the four girls, but he just wanted to put up a nap for them.

There is no way, Zhao Fugui simply put up three tents, but the three tents are all single, if two girls with bigger skeleton can't sleep in one tent.

, "first, I'm big. I love to turn over at night. I live in my own tent. Don't sneak into my tent, or I'll use my anti wolf spray." Wang Yanan said, quickly climbed into his tent, immediately zipped up the tent.

Wang Yanan is indeed the tallest among the girls. She estimates that she is a little more than 1.7 meters. If she likes to turn over, she can only sleep alone.

"Xinxin, you can only sleep with your boyfriend. You don't want us to sleep with your boyfriend." Tu Tu blinks at an Xin and pulls Li Yu into another tent. Leaving Zhao Fugui and Anxin at a loss.

"Brother, I don't sleep at noon, or you can sleep!" Anxin doesn't dare to look at Zhao Fugui. She lowers her head and says with a red face.

"I don't have the habit of sleeping at noon. Go in and sleep. I'll pick up some firewood and find a place to light a fire at night." Zhao Fugui said, the day is so bright, so many people stare, Zhao Fugui how nice and Anxin sleep in a tent."Well, the bumpkin's luck is in the doghouse!" Zhang Yuan envies and envies Zhao Fugui, hoping to drive him away and replace him. Unfortunately, looking at the burly Zhao Fugui and looking at himself, Zhang Yuan knows that there is no such possibility at all. Zhang Yuan's face was ugly, and he roared, "Lin Hai, where are you dead? Come and help me set up my tent!"

"It's coming, it's coming!" Lin Hai trotted over and quickly helped Zhang Yuan set up a tent. Soon after, Zhang Yuan's luxurious double tent was set up. Without a word of thanks, Zhang Yuan put his arms around his girlfriend Xiaoxiao and got into the tent. After a while, a low moan came from the tent.

Lin Hai heard the sound, his face darkened, and then did not say a word, went back to the place where he set up the tent, and began to set up the tent by himself. Lin Hai is the monitor. He has a good relationship with many students, but no one comes to help him. Many students look at him with contempt.

In the woods, many people start to set up their tents after eating. In the afternoon, the tents in the woods are set up.

Zhao Fugui picked up a lot of firewood in and around the woods. He set up his tent and picked up firewood. The sun gradually sank below the horizon.

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