Super Monk

Chapter 508

"It's OK. Someone just got into Wang Yanan's tent and didn't catch anyone, but he certainly didn't dare to do it! Let's get down to business! " Zhao Fugui got into the tent and zipped it up with his backhand.

An Xin blushed and bowed her head. She didn't agree or refuse, but if she didn't refuse, she would acquiesce. Zhao Fugui zipped up his tent and was about to continue to work. But at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew in the woods, and a dull thunder tore through the darkness in the sky.

The dark clouds soon covered the moon, the lightning lit up the forest, and the rain began to fall. The "crackling" raindrops soon hit the tent like small hailstones.

"It's terrible weather!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he watched a piece of rain slowly wet the tent, and a little bit of rain dripped down to the tent.

"No, the tent is not waterproof. I forgot to bring the Raincloth! The weather forecast clearly says that there will be no rain these two days! " The rain made the beautiful atmosphere in the tent disappear without a trace. Two people are always not hungry and thirsty to work in the rain. An Xinfei quickly takes off his pajamas and puts on his clothes. Zhao Fugui looks at a piece of spring covered tightly.

"I guess most people don't have a tarpaulin with them. Let's go down the mountain and spend the night in the bus! Or find a farmhouse to take a bath and then go to bed! " Zhao Fugui suddenly got a flash of inspiration and thought that the attention was pretty good.

"Go down the mountain first!" Anxin blushed and immediately understood what Zhao Fugui meant. She said shyly.

"Let's close the tent. Let's go down to the bus!" There were shouts outside the tent, too, and a flurry of complaints.

"You stay in the tent now. The rain in the tent is lighter. I'll go and help them close the tent first!" Zhao Fugui says a word to an Xin, and immediately goes out of the tent to help Wang Yanan and Tu Tu collect their tents.

"Hurry up, everyone. It's thundering. It's not safe in the woods. Take the tent down the mountain!" There was a panic outside the tent, and everyone began to rush to clean up the tent in the rain.

Zhao Fugui found that this shower of rain is very heavy, the weather in summer is really not sure, said it rained, but also under so much.

"Take your bags! Go to an Xin's tent and change Wang Yanan and Tu Tu ran out in panic. They didn't have time to change their pajamas. The rain soon drenched their pajamas. The two girls didn't wear underwear. Zhao Fugui yelled to them.

The fire in the camp was soon doused by the rain, and the dark clouds blocked the moon. The camp soon became dark, and only the occasional lightning could bring some light.

Someone flustered out a flashlight, light column chaos, it doesn't play much role, Zhao Fugui nimbly put up a tent, put it into the backpack, and then went to collect the second tent. Although Zhao Fugui's speed was very fast, when he put away the second tent, someone had already carried up the tent and hurried out of the forest, ready to leave the forest park and go down the mountain.

We all want to get out of the rain and wait for others. Zhao Fugui collected two tents, and then went to collect Anxin's tent. Several girls were in a hurry to pack up their things. Zhao Fugui soon put the tent away.

"Go, go down the mountain first!" People in the rain can't open their eyes. Zhao Fugui resists all three tent bags, pulls Anxin up, shouts at Wang Yanan and Tu Tu, and walks out of the woods.

Wang Yanan hesitates to take a look in the dark. At this time, she can see Ji Wei's position. Wang Yanan is pulled by Tu Tu, and three girls quickly follow Zhao Fugui and walk out of the woods.

In the twinkling of an eye, most of the people in the forest have already gone. Zhang Yuan and his girlfriend Xiaoxiao haven't put the tent away for a long time. Lin Hai doesn't know where to go and doesn't come to help. Zhang Yuan angrily kicks the tent and says, "Damn it, what broken tent, no more, let's go!"

Zhang Yuan angrily pulls Xiaoxiao out of the woods. Ji Wei's tent is in the innermost part of the woods. It's his first time to go camping. He's not skilled at collecting tents. When he puts them away, there are not many people in the woods.

Zhang Yuan put away his tent and saw that there were not many people in the forest. He hastened to leave the forest to catch up with others. But at this time, a shadow suddenly called to him, "help me!"

Ji Wei didn't quite know that the person who called him was water. Ji Wei looked back and saw a flash of lightning passing by. He vaguely saw that the person who called him seemed to be Lin Hai. But Lin Hai didn't know whether it was because of the rain or something. His skin was loose and looked like he was about to fall.

The lightning flashed, and the forest fell into darkness again. Ji Wei thought he was too scared to read it wrong. He hesitated for a moment, threw away his backpack and walked to the forest, ready to help him put the tent away.

"Don't fall behind, follow me!" The campers pull out a long line in the dark. Zhao Fugui, with a tent bag in one hand and an Xin in the other, walks quickly to the outside of the forest park.

In the forest park, it's dark and the lightning goes by. Everything around seems to be ferocious. After more than half an hour, Zhao Fugui and an Xin finally see the bus in the parking lot on the hillside.

"Who set the day? Don't you look at the weather forecast before you come?" There are many students in the bus who are trying to dry their clothes. Some students are dissatisfied and say."The weather forecast says there is no rain, who knows it will rain suddenly! My clothes are all wet. I'm sure I'll have bad luck tomorrow. What a trouble

"Why do you come here? I'm so cold that I want to live in a hotel. I'm not poor. Why do you stay with these poor people?" Zhang Yuan's dissatisfaction came from the outside of the bus, and then Zhao Fugui saw two shadows walking to the parking lot outside the parking lot.

"Let's go and find a farmhouse for a night, too!" Zhao Fugui saw Anxin, and several of their girls were all wet, a little worried.

"Good, good, cold!" Tu Tu said quickly.

"Wait a minute. Why hasn't Ji Wei come yet?" Wang Yanan looks around in the bus, but he doesn't see where Ji Wei's person is.

"Then wait for a while." Zhao Fugui does not shy away, hugs an Xin and gives her a little warmth with his body temperature. Anxin was a little embarrassed, but she didn't struggle.

Zhao Fugui waited for a while, but instead of waiting Ji Wei back, they waited Zhang Yuan and his girlfriend Xiaoxiao back. From afar, Zhao Fugui can hear Zhang Yuan's abusive voice.

"What the hell, such a big tourist attraction doesn't even have a hair on its own. Are they all dead and clean?" Zhang Yuan cursed and got on the bus with Xiaoxiao. His face was ugly and he said, "I'm so cold that I can only stay on this ghost bus. I can't even find a place to live. What the hell

"Everyone is in the bus. It's strange here. Let's stay in the bus!" Xiaoxiao looked around uneasily and said, "why hasn't Linhai come yet?"

"To hell with him!" Zhang Yuan scolded discontentedly and said.

"Lin Hai didn't come back, Ji Wei didn't come back, who else is not here, let's call a roll!" Wait for a long time did not see Ji Wei back, Wang Yanan can't help saying.

"Call the roll. If not, we'll go back to school overnight." Someone echoed.

Soon, the number of people was counted from the front of the bus. After a while, the number of people was counted clearly. There were three less people on the bus than when they got on the bus.

"Lin Hai is not here, Ji Wei is not here, Ma Lili is not here, three people are missing!" Someone exclaimed.

"Why do they walk so slowly? Isn't it a delay for us?" Someone dissatisfied said.

"We've been on the bus for half an hour. How can they be so slow? Is something wrong?"

"Did they go to farmhouse to find a place to live?"

"Living in a fart farmhouse, there's no one here?" Cried Zhang Yuan.

Zhao Fugui's face is a little dignified. He feels that something is wrong. Especially Lin Hai was not here before, and he didn't come back now, which makes Zhao Fugui feel that something is wrong.

"Brother Zhao, can you go to find Ji Wei? I'm so flustered. I'm afraid that something will happen to Ji Wei!" Wang Yanan said to Zhao Fugui with a praying face.

Anxin holds Zhao Fugui's hand tightly. She doesn't want Zhao Fugui to leave, but Ji Wei and them don't come back. Anxin is also worried about their accident.

"Three people are missing. We have to find them back to go or stay!" Zhao Fugui said slightly. He also wanted to find out what happened, hoping that his guess was wrong. Zhao Fugui nodded to Wang Yanan, and said aloud, "girls stay in the car, boys with flashlight, go with me to find the three of them back!"

"Look for a fart. The three of them can't even walk well. Let them die!" Zhang Yuan called impatiently.

"Zhang Yuan, how can you be so inhumane? After all, you still have some humanity when you have a classmate match?" Immediately there are students dissatisfied said.

"That's to say, it's OK to bear with you, but now you still say such sarcastic words when your classmates have an accident. It's really not a thing!"

"If he doesn't go, let's go by ourselves and have nothing to do with him!"

Zhang Yuan's face was a bit ugly when he saw that he had offended the public. If he really offended all his classmates, he would not be very easy to mix up in the next few years. Zhang Yuan's face was ugly for a while, and he said in a low voice, "OK, you go, I'll go too, and get them back!"

"Get the flashlight, boys will follow me!" Zhao Fugui shouts and whispers to Anxin, "no matter what you hear, don't get out of the car and wait for me to come back! Wang Yanan, your wolf spray is ready, and you find it wrong.

"Yes Anxin and Wang Yanan quickly nodded.

"Master, when we get down, you lock the car. We didn't come back. If anyone wants to get on the bus, don't open the door. Let him wait outside!" Before getting off, Zhao Fugui explained to the driver.

"Brother, is something wrong? Don't worry, I won't open the door until I see you! "

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