Super Monk

Chapter 510

"Brother Zhao, why don't you leave?" Some of the anxious students urged. Zhao Fugui is worried. Even if there is something strange hidden in the dark, it is impossible to attack all the students so soon. Zhao Fugui turns around and continues to walk to the bus.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Fugui carefully looked at the little boy with his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Let's get to know each other. My name is Lin Kai. I'm a Sherlock Holmes fan. I've been watching ten sins and psychological crimes recently." The little boy reaches out his hand and shakes hands with Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui takes the opportunity to pinch Lin Kai's skin. His skin is very compact and doesn't seem to have a problem. "Why, what are you doubting?"

"Nothing? What do you mean by that? " Zhao Fugui feels that Lin Kai doesn't look like a bad person, but he doesn't intend to share his guess with him.

"Just now I was at the pool. In fact, I was there when you went into the water. I saw things in the water. They have hair and limbs. They look like human skin!" Lin Kai said in a low voice.

"Your imagination is really rich. It's actually an inflatable doll. It was let out and thrown into the pool!" Zhao Fugui racked his brains to think about the reason and said.

"Brother Zhao, we all understand. I'll tell you the reason. Can you believe it? You can't have a beautiful girlfriend like Anxin, even a full simulation Fan Bingbing inflatable doll! " Lin Kai turned his lips and said, "brother Zhao, let's assume that it's a long skin. Who do you think are the three missing people?"

"No one. Who do you think can peel off a human skin in such a short time?" Zhao Fugui has to admit that Lin Kai still has some ideas. His idol is indeed Sherlock Holmes. However, in order not to cause panic, Zhao Fugui can not admit that it is a human skin, at least not now.

"Just because we can't do it doesn't mean others can't. Brother Zhao, have you seen the murder case of Jingnan University recently? The victim was a freshman, female, 18 years old, who went out for a walk at night because she was in a bad mood. Later, she disappeared. When she was found, her body was boiled, evenly cut into more than 2000 pieces and scattered all over Jingnan! " Lin Kai slowly tells a creepy story. "Later, according to the investigation of the police, the murderer did it overnight. The murderer has a very calm mind, a strong will and skillful technique. The key is that the police can't even confirm a suspect until now. Brother Zhao, if it didn't really happen, can you imagine that someone could do such a thing? "

"Are you telling the truth?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked, "it's creepy just to hear this case. Can someone really do it?"?

"Of course, it's true. You can find it just by searching the Internet. The case was very sensational at that time. The Ministry of public security supervised and the public security department assisted in the investigation, but nothing was found! What I mean is that what we can't do may not be impossible to others. You can't peel Ji Wei's skin from Lin Hai. Maybe others can't peel it. I think we've been targeted by a perverted killer! " Lin Kai said, "and now he has perfect conditions to handle the case. There is no one here except us. If we don't leave, I think he will continue to look for opportunities to commit crimes."

"We really have to get out of here, whether there's a psychopath killer or not!" Zhao Fugui said slowly. A group of people quickly went outside the bus. The door of the bus was closed. Zhao Fugui patted the window. The bus driver came to have a look, and then he opened the door with a lingering fear.

"You're back. Just now someone was wandering outside and didn't answer. I didn't dare to open the door. I didn't know who it was. It was strange!" The driver said, a little uneasy.

"Drive, let's go down the hill!" Zhao Fugui's face changed again and said immediately.

"It's not safe to take the winding mountain road in such a heavy rain!" The driver hesitated a little, but seeing Zhao Fugui's dignified face, he nodded and gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll slow down if it's too big!"

"Sit down, we're leaving!"

"Brother Zhao, where's Ji Wei?" Wang Yanan looks nervous and frightened. Seeing Zhao Fugui coming, he rushes over. He anxiously looks behind Zhao Fugui, but he doesn't see anyone.

"I can't find it. It's raining too much. Let's go down the mountain first and call the police tomorrow morning. Let the police come to find it!" Zhao Fugui sighed in his heart and said to Wang Yanan.

Such a heavy rain, in such a wild mountain, people are likely to have an accident as soon as they disappear. When Wang Yanan heard Zhao Fugui say so, his tears immediately fell like a broken kite.

Anxin quickly hugs Wang Yanan and asks Zhao Fugui with her eyes. Zhao Fugui shakes her head slightly. Anxin's eyes darken. She knows Zhao Fugui's ability. If Zhao Fugui says he can't find anyone, Ji Wei and others are likely to have an accident.

The bus began to retreat, then left the parking lot, the headlights lit up the rain, and began to walk slowly under the winding mountain road. This kind of weather also has a great restriction on Zhao Fugui's ability. He dare not release a large number of Yin soldiers easily. What happened last time in Daqingshan has proved that although Yin soldiers are protected by pagodas, they will still attract lightning attacks.

The Yin soldiers are not afraid of the sun, because although the sun is the enemy of ghosts, the power is scattered. Lightning is not only the enemy of ghosts, but also the energy is very cohesive. Once the lightning strikes, the power will burst out, and the pagoda will not protect the Yin soldiers. Perhaps because Zhao Fugui's strength is not strong enough, at least at present he can't use the pagoda to resist thunder and lightning to provide protection for the Yin soldiers.The atmosphere in the bus is very dignified. Some timid girls cry in a low voice. A group of students camped out, three of them were missing, others went to find them, and two of them came back incoherently. These things make carefree college students feel scared.

The rain is too heavy, and the lights don't shine at all. Far away, the speed of the bus is only about ten kilometers per hour, and it slowly goes down the mountain along the winding highway. The driver nervously looks at the front, this kind of environment carelessly is the end of the car crash.

Then there was a scream from the car, but it didn't last long.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Fugui immediately stood up and walked quickly to the front of the bus.

"It's a landslide. I can't get through it!" The bus driver looked at the front in horror and said.

Zhao Fugui looked at the front illuminated by the headlights, his face changed greatly. The mountain road did not collapse, but encountered a debris flow, which blocked the mountain road.

I can't get out of the car.

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