Super Monk

Chapter 512

An Xin called the police center directly. After receiving the call, the county police station heard that a group of college students were trapped in Qingfengshan and attacked. The county police station didn't dare to delay. It was a big event, so she called the city police center again. The police officer also scolded an Xin on the phone.

"They said that after receiving the rainstorm warning, they were afraid of debris flow, so they had already called the people on Qingfeng mountain to withdraw. Now we are the only ones left on Qingfeng mountain! " Anxin said after calling.

"It's useless to call the police now. I'm afraid the rescue will come tomorrow because of the heavy rain. We can only rely on ourselves tonight!" Zhao Fugui is not the slightest discouraged, a little thought on Anxin said, "you take a bath, don't catch cold, don't worry about things outside, I'll deal with it!"

Although there is no one in the scenic spot, the water and electricity are all good and can still be used. The students are not polite. They all find rooms on the second floor. Most of them live with girls, while boys live with boys. A few of them live with men and women, but most of them live with at least two people in one room.

"Yell when something happens, I'll be out there!" Before going out, Zhao Fugui told Anxin and Tudu that Anxin and Tudu lived in a standard room, two beds and four girls lived here.

"Brother, be careful!" Other girls are not aware of what they may be facing, but an Xin has the experience of the last barren village, vaguely guesses that this time, I'm afraid, is also unusual, some worried to Zhao Fugui said.

"The door is locked. Don't open it except when I call. The windows are closed. Close the curtains. Don't sleep too hard!" Zhao Fugui nodded, came out of the standard room and closed the door with his backhand.

There was no one in the corridor. Almost all the ten rooms on the second floor were occupied. Zhao Fugui went to Lin Kai's room and knocked on the door.

"Who?" As soon as Zhao Fugui knocked on the door, a nervous voice came from inside and asked.

"I, Zhao Fugui!" Zhao Fugui answers. Lin Kai looks in the cat's eye and confirms that it's Zhao Fugui before he opens the door. As soon as Zhao Fugui entered the room, he frowned and asked, "do you live alone?"

"Yes, who knows who the perverted murderer is? I'm afraid to live with others. I'll be turned into a human skin in the middle of the night! I'll close the door and the window. No one will open the door except you. It's safer! " Lin Kai said.

"You seem to believe me, so I'll tell you the truth!" Zhao Fugui nodded, took out the things in his clothes, spread them out on the bed and said, "who do you think this looks like?"

"Me, ouch!" Lin Kai's face turned blue when he saw the skin on the bed. Then he rushed into the toilet, held the toilet, and vomited. He vomited everything he could eat this afternoon. After a while, he came out of the bathroom with a pale face and said, "I'm sorry, I've seen the human skin in the movie, but I haven't seen it in reality. I think this human skin belongs to Lin Hai! "

"Can you recognize it?" Zhao Fugui asked in surprise. Human skin and human are two concepts. Once the skin is loose, it's a piece of skin. It's hard for people who are familiar with it to recognize it.

"I can't recognize it, but look at this skin's ear. There's a mole in Lin Hai's ear, so I think it's him. I don't know how Lin Jili and Ma Lihai have been killed! " Lin Kai said.

"Lin Hai is dead indeed!" Zhao Fugui said to himself.

"It should be the abnormal killer who killed Lin Hai first, then took advantage of the rainstorm and chaos, captured Ji Wei and Ma Lili, then smashed our bus and drove us here! I don't know what they want. As soon as it's daybreak, the rescue team arrives and the police close the mountain to search, where else can they hide? " Lin Kai said.

"Do you think that's possible?" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said slowly, "there is a thing, not a person. It may see us go up the mountain, or even follow us up the mountain. At night, or at some other time, it finds that Lin Hai is alone, and then it doesn't know how. It may eat him, turn him into a piece of skin, and then put on Lin Hai's skin to fake Lin Hai. "

"Then, before the rainstorm in the evening, it entered Malili's tent. I heard that Malili had a secret love for Linhai. This may be the reason why she broke into Malili's tent and Malili didn't scream. It ate Ma Lili in the tent, and when he wanted to eat Wang Yanan, he was driven out by Wang Yanan.

"After that, it began to rain, and the camp was in chaos. Everyone rushed down the mountain. Ji Wei slows down and falls behind. It may attack Ji Wei, or it may fake Lin Hai to ask for help from Ji Wei and leave him behind. Then it turns Ji Wei into a piece of skin in the same way! " Zhao Fugui said.

"But what appears in the pond is not Ji Wei's skin, but Lin Hai's skin, which means that the monster has taken off Lin Hai's skin and replaced Ji Wei's skin!" Linkey murmured, "Holmes said, get rid of all the impossibilities, and the one left is the truth. Such a complete skin, even without a trace of blood, is not what people can do. Maybe there are monsters! "

"There may be one or more monsters, and I can't guarantee that there are no monsters in our people. So we have to arrange some people to watch the night, not only to watch the outside, but also to watch the movement of each room, to see if there is anything unusual! " Zhao Fugui said."I'll go and find someone. I'll arrange a vigil in a group of two. I'll patrol in the corridor. If anything happens, we can hear it! Don't worry, brother Zhao. Go and take care of an Xin. We can't fight monsters. It's OK to watch the night! " Lin Kai said with a bright eye.

"Well, you'd better tell a different story about it, or it will frighten people. If something happens, make a big noise! " Zhao Fugui patted Lin Kai on the shoulder and said.

Zhao Fugui doesn't want to do the night watch. Most of the people here he doesn't know are easy to be attacked. If something happens, he will be led away. Who will protect an Xin? Zhao Fugui doesn't want to let an Xin have an accident for the sake of strangers. If he wants to live safely, these boys can make some contribution.

"You sleep, I'll watch at night!" After discussing with Lin Kai, Zhao Fugui returns to an Xin's room. Several girls lie in the quilt and their clothes are hung in the bathroom. Seeing Zhao Fugui appear, an Xin is relieved.

After calling the police, the rescue didn't arrive, and there was no call from the police. A group of students were trapped on the mountain. As long as there was no debris flow on the mountain, it must be safe to hide in the hotel. The officials had to wait until dawn and the rain stopped to arrange the rescue.

The night soon gets deeper. Lin Kai persuades several boys to arrange two people to watch the night. Every two people watch for two hours. After two hours, they change shifts.

Two boys nervously guarded the first class. At first, they were very alert and thought that they would never make mistakes. Moreover, the hotel was sealed, and even if there were enemies, they would not be able to enter. But as time goes on, the night gets deeper and deeper, and the vigilance of the two boys gets lower and lower. After all, they are not professional security personnel, but ordinary college students.

"Bang!" Just before the time of shift change, there was a light noise downstairs. The boy on the other side of the corridor, who was on the vigil, was very worried. He made a gesture to the boy on the other side of the corridor, and the boy came quickly.

"Go and have a look!" After a brief discussion, the two boys decided that if they yelled because of a strange noise and woke everyone up, if they were found to be in no danger afterwards, they would be considered cowards. They didn't want to be cowards. At least make sure there's a real danger.

The two carefully walked to the corner of the corridor, looked down, and saw a two or three-year-old boy walking downstairs.

"How could there be a child? Did people here forget to take their children with them when they evacuated? " A boy said.

"It's ugly. There's a shadow on the ground. It's not a ghost. It's really a child. Maybe it's really left behind!" Another boy looked at the child's back and said.

Two people stand in the upstairs, quietly called a few times, the children downstairs do not seem to hear, there is no response.

"Go down and take him up. It's thundering all the time. The child must be scared!" Without hesitation, the two boys walked downstairs slowly.

"Well, what's your name? What about your parents? " Two boys came down slowly and walked behind the boy. One of them asked.

The little figure suddenly stopped and turned slowly. The two boys were scared to see the child's ferocious face and sharp teeth. Two boys just wanted to scream. One was strangled by the people behind him, and the other was bitten by the child.

"Ji Wei!"

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