Super Monk

Chapter 516

"Brother Zhao, in the first half of this year, I published a paper on genetic engineering in science magazine. Two months ago, I received an invitation for a special exam. Last week, Stanford University called me. They can offer me a full scholarship and a job in the Institute of biology!" From the Public Security Bureau, Anxin lowers her head and hesitates to say to Zhao Fugui.

"Stanford University? Full scholarship? The work of the Institute of biology? " Zhao Fugui was shocked by several distant and strange words.

Zhao Fugui knew that Anxin was a bully, but he didn't expect that she was such a bully. An Xin said this matter, not to mention just a sophomore, but some biology master's and doctoral students may not be able to get it. Obviously, Americans think Anxin is very talented in biology.

"They hope I can make a decision as soon as possible, because the number of places in the world is limited this time. If the number of people is full, they will not recruit!" Anxin summoned up courage to look up at Zhao Fugui and asked softly, "brother, do you want me to go or not?"

Zhao Fugui sees her expectation from Anxin's clear eyes. Anxin wants to go. This is her ideal, but she has reasons not to go.

For Zhao Xin, it's a matter of selfishness, but it's not up to him to go to the United States. What's more, if you leave China, you can stay away from danger. An Xin chooses this time to ask Zhao Fugui for advice, probably because recent events have made an Xin not want to stay in Rongcheng University.

"Will you come back after you go to America?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Of course, I'll be back!" Anxin said without hesitation.

"Let's go and learn something to relax by the way." Zhao Fugui said.

Leaving from the police station, Zhao Fugui doesn't let the city Bureau send an Xin back in a police car. He stops a car and takes an Xin back to school. Far away, the city Bureau Criminal Police Captain with a criminal police protection team, specially applied for two assault rifles and a few pistols, with a variety of equipment has arrived at Chengdu University.

In the school, an Xin's dormitory building is managed by a middle-aged man and woman, and the dormitory cleaning woman has also changed. The criminal police team has arranged an eight person team to enter the school to investigate the situation around an Xin.

On the other hand, the criminal police captain with a support team also stayed in Chengdu University, once something happened, he could support other criminal police at the first time. In addition, the special police team has also set up an emergency team. In case the criminal police can't solve the problem, the special police team will take over the task directly.

When Zhao Fugui sent Anxin to school, the team had already been deployed. Since Anxin was the target of Li Siyi and her ghost son, the Municipal Bureau set a trap to see if it could catch Li Siyi and her ghost son.

Seeing that the people here have been deployed, Zhao Fugui leaves two Yin soldiers and mandrill Dahei to protect an Xin. He instructs an Xin to be careful. If he thinks something is wrong, he will call him, and then he is ready to leave.

With criminal police and mandrill Dahei with two Yin soldiers here, Zhao Fugui is not too worried. It's really not good. Zhao Fugui can even let consciousness directly enter the body of Yin soldiers or mandrill Dahei in Xiaowan village. Even if Zhao Fugui is not around, as long as she doesn't encounter thunderstorms, Anxin's safety will not be a problem.

"Brother, when I come back, if you don't have a girlfriend, I'll be your girlfriend!" When Zhao Fugui comes downstairs and just comes out of the dormitory, Anxin stands upstairs and suddenly shouts to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui looks up and Anxin has covered her face and hid in the dormitory. Zhao Fugui smiles and shouts "yes" to the upstairs. Then he goes out of Chengdu University, takes his knight No. 15, and drives to Xiaowan village.

On the way back, Zhao Fugui called yanbeibei, but the phone didn't show up in the service area, and she didn't know whether she was still abroad or her mobile phone was turned off. Did not get through the phone, Zhao Fugui sent a text message to Yan Beibei, let her see the text message to call back.

The news of Qingfengshan is strictly blocked. After being brainwashed by the police, the students also keep quiet about the case. They think it can help the police solve the case as soon as possible. No one in Xiaowan village knows what happened in Qingfengshan. I'm afraid the tourist area on the other side of Qingfengshan will not be able to continue its business for a long time.

When Zhao Fugui returned to Xiaowan village, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Zhao Fugui and an Xinguang were in the police station for an hour or two.

Xiaowan village is still the same. The only change is that the orchard is not so busy. The number of people who come to buy happy fruit every day has dropped to thousands, which is several times lower than the number of thousands when the flow of people is the highest.

Chen Yihan asked the villagers to reduce the amount of fruit picked. Some fruits are preserved for a short time after picking. On the contrary, they can be preserved for a long time on fruit trees. Xiaowan village does not rent a freezer and has no place to store a large number of happy fruits.

"Fugui, people from CCB came here yesterday afternoon. They want to set up a spot in Xiaowan village to put some ATMs. What do you think?" Seeing Zhao Fugui coming back, Chen Yihan said while looking at a stack of financial statements.

"If the rent is 50 thousand years, let them come if they want to!" Zhao Fugui said casually.The cash flow of Xiaowan village is indeed a problem. It's a real trouble to send the money to the bank in the city every day. In addition, tourists in Xiaowan village also have a large demand for cash withdrawal. No one will bring a box of cash when they travel.

In addition, Zhao Fugui has already given preferential terms for the rent of 500000 yuan. The cash flow of Xiaowan village is at least several hundred million yuan a year, and the interest of several hundred million yuan in the bank is far more than 500000 yuan a year.

"Well, I'll inform Agricultural Bank of China, industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Construction Bank of China to set up a site. I've already talked with CCB about the money on our side. They send a escort car to take the money to the bank at five o'clock every afternoon. We don't have to run any more! " Chen Yihan nodded and said.

"OK, it will save us a lot of trouble, so that we won't have to run around every day!" Zhao Fugui nodded and followed Chen Yihan to Xiaowan village. As he was walking, the phone suddenly rang. Zhao Fugui took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Liu Feifei calling. "Hello, Feifei, it's me, Zhao Fugui!"

"Fugui, at about eight o'clock in the evening, you can see the mango table first. I've already made a deal here. Six Guardian channels will broadcast our ads in prime time! " Liu Feifei said excitedly.

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