Super Monk

Chapter 522

"Let the security team keep order!" In recent days, Zhao Fugui's face finally showed a smile, immediately let Chen Yihan call the security team.

It's almost dark by this time, but all the tourists of Xiaowan village gather at the entrance of the village, and 5000 or 6000 tourists surround Xiaowan village.

The security team was all out, barely separated from the tourists and the stars of the program group. Liu Feifei gets out of the nanny's car and goes to Zhao Fugui to wave to tourists and media reporters. She uses this gesture to show her trust and support for Zhao Fugui and Xiaowan village.

"Feifei, Feifei, I love you. What I love most is you!" Some male tourists hissed and roared excitedly, hoping that their goddess could have a look at them.

"Feifei, Feifei, we will always support you!"

"Feifei, Feifei, sign for me, sign for me!"

"Wow, brother Chen is here, brother Chen, brother Chen, this way!"

"It's really the crew of" rush forward like hell "coming, Zhang He, Zhang He, Slut he!"

"Brother Chaoge, brother Chaoge, I lean on you. You're coming forward!"

The stars of the "rush forward" program step down from the car one by one and greet the tourists one after another. At present, the ratings of "rush forward" are the highest among similar programs. Zhao Fugui knows that they can come, and Liu Feifei must have used her own contacts.

These contacts are human feelings. In the future, cooperation will be paid back, which means that Liu Feifei sacrificed her great interests to help Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui wants to show his feelings.

"This time, the crew of" rush forward "will shoot in Xiaowan village for two days. Thank you for your support. Although it's a bit cloudy now, I hope you can go along with us and support Xiaowan village! I hope I can get your support when recording the program tomorrow! " Liu Feifei said to the tourists with a microphone.

Later, Zhao Fugui arranged for Liu Feifei and them to enter the farm kitchen first. The crew came all the way, and Zhao Fugui couldn't let them stay on the platform all the time.

"Xiaolian, tell the chef to give me all the skills to press the bottom of the box and make a good meal! The stars are in the upstairs private room, all the staff, and the media reporters, all according to the highest standard, take out the delicious food! " Zhao Fugui finds an opportunity to wave to Xiaolian and says quickly.

"I see, rich and noble!" Xiaolian also quickly nodded, and these big stars go so close, Xiaolian is nervous and excited.

"Zheng Yue, you go to eight five million cash checks and send them to me later!" After arranging dinner, Zhao Fugui said to Zheng Yue.

"Eight five million cash cheques are 40 million. What do you do with so much money? Would you like to discuss with Miss Chen? " Zheng Yue was surprised and asked in a low voice.

"Send me the check first, and then tell her that she won't object to my doing it!" Zhao Fugui said solemnly.

Tomorrow's program shooting is very important to the public opinion battle of Xiaowan village. Liu Feifei has made great efforts to invite the program team. Zhao Fugui can't be stingy. Tomorrow's affairs should not only be beautiful, but also let all the stars and program teams speak for Xiaowan village. This is a society where money is the most important. Except for Liu Feifei, other people will not help Xiaowan village to say good things for no reason, but money can give them a reason to say good things.

The price of an ordinary commercial performance of Liu Feifei is 2 million to 3 million, and the price of recording an issue of "rush forward desperately" is 3.5 million. The other stars in the program group are not as famous as Liu Feifei. They can only get 500000 yuan for the cheapest recording of a program. Besides Liu Feifei, the highest one is only 2 million yuan.

Five million is not enough. Zhao Fugui believes that the price is absolutely enough for them to say a few good words for Xiaowan village and happy fruit. Now Zhao Fugui needs these good words.

"Everyone, please come in!" Zhao Fugui took several stars and directors to the box upstairs, and other staff and media reporters were all arranged in the hall downstairs.

Zhao Fugui also arranged for people outside the box. A waitress from Xiaowan village stood at the door to make sure that no one would eavesdrop outside. This can only be done under the table, but not on the table.

The chef class of the small rural kitchen first served the box. Several chefs put all their efforts into serving the dishes. These dishes were all the best of the chefs and the best of Xiaowan village. After a while, a full table was set up.

"Try it, everyone!" When the dishes were almost full, Zhao Fugui began to greet the seven stars and the director of the program group.

"We all have a taste. We don't know the food in Xiaowan village outside. The first-class restaurants outside may not have the food here!" Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"Then I'm welcome. Wan village is famous for its delicious food. Some time ago, my cousin's colleagues brought some Wan Village stewed vegetables back. They were delicious, but too few. It's wonderful to be here today Zhang he couldn't help it for a long time. He picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of wild boar meat. Then he narrowed his eyes and stared round. He filled himself with a big bowl of vegetables and began to eat it."But I don't like meat. It's too high in fat. Eating too much will affect my body!" Wang Qielan moved his chopsticks, pulled the dish and said.

"I'm also working out recently, and I can't eat too much meat. I want to eat some fruit. Recently, the fruit here seems to have a bad reputation. I dare not eat it! " Chen said.

Liu Feifei used his own contacts to persuade the program team to come to Xiaowan village to record the program. Not everyone was willing to. When they said this, the atmosphere became dignified.

"If you don't eat meat, eat more vegetables! Boss Zhao, the food here is really first-class. It's really delicious! " Super brother ate a bite of food, quickly said.

Liu Feifei's brow slightly wrinkled, some worried look at Zhao Fugui, he is afraid that Zhao Fugui does not like Chen brother and Wang Qielan talk, do something to let everyone down.

This time, the program team came to support Xiaowan village's public opinion with the faces of a few stars. It's understandable that other people don't want to. After all, we all have no profit and can't get up early. The most important thing of the amusement park is interest, and the rest is fake. After all, except for Liu Feifei, several people have no friendship with Zhao Fugui.

At this time, Zheng Yue with a few checks in the envelope knocked on the door, Zhao Fugui took the envelope, one by one, sent one to everyone.

"With a little heart, there are a lot of things in Xiaowan village recently. I hope you can help me!" Zhao Fugui was not angry at all, and said with a smile.

Wang Qielan carelessly opened the envelope. In the past, he encountered a similar situation. Generally, those local tyrants meant to pack a hundred thousand and two hundred thousand. Wang Qielan thought that this time it was almost the same number, but he didn't expect that when he opened the envelope, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Boss Zhao, the food here is delicious. I've heard of it in Hong Kong province. I can't miss it this time. Come on, brother Chen, brother Chao, eat, eat Wang Qielan smilingly stuffed the envelope into his pocket and warmly served Chaoge and chenge dishes. He was just like Zhao Fugui who invited him to accompany the guests and warmly welcomed them to dinner.

Money can communicate with God, and it has never changed since ancient times.

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