Super Monk

Chapter 525

"Yes, this is Xiaowan village, where the most top fruits in China are grown. Today we will record this program here. In addition, because of the need of the program, we will divide everyone into four teams, but because of the schedule problem, the original invited star did not come, so we invited a local girl to participate in our program! " Said the director.

"Girl, I can't do that. I'm a married man. I'll be misunderstood! Chaoge can't either. Chaoge's status at home is low. If you are in a group with girls, you will have no status when you go back. Brother Chen can't either. If the one in brother Chen's family gets angry, brother Chen can only live in the toilet! " Wang Qielan said.

"Who says I'm in a low position at home? At least I can be ranked fourth at home, OK?" Super elder brother a face doesn't accept of say.

"Yes, the two children are in the top two, the empress is in the third place, you are in the fourth place, and your dog is in the fifth place. That's super brother's status, at least not at the bottom!" Wang Qielan nodded and said.

"The girl we invited is a beautiful woman. Of course, the beautiful woman will play a role with the beauty of our program! Come on, let's welcome our guests in this issue As soon as the director's voice fell, Chen Yihan walked over with a smile.

"Hello, brother Chao, Hello everyone!" Chen Yihan greets everyone with a smile and stands beside Liu Feifei. Liu Feifei is a beautiful woman, but Chen Yihan is the same. Standing together, they have their own merits.

"Wow!" Wang Qielan widened his eyes and uttered a scream. Chaoge opened his mouth with a dry cough.

"If you want to talk about the beauty of our show, it's none other than me. As far as my appearance is concerned, it's sun Honglei and Yan Wang in the extreme challenge." Super elder brother is duty bound to say.

"You'd better pull down your chin with your narrow eyes. I'm the one who has to bear the responsibility for your face." Morning elder brother unconvinced said.

"Be careful, go back and kneel on the washboard! Beauty, I'm not married today, join me, join me Wang Qielan yelled.

"You're not married today. What about your wife?"

"I got married yesterday and tomorrow. How about living in the moment?" Wang Qielan said.

"Well, don't quarrel. You can't let sister Chen fall into the hands of men like you. I'd better take on the responsibility of beauty." Liu Feifei said, holding Chen Yihan's arm.

"I don't agree!"

"I don't agree!"

"Well, the grouping has been determined. Liu Feifei and Miss Chen Yihan form a group, and others form a team freely. Our first link is hard-working fruit farmers. Each group picks 200 Jin of happy fruit, and the first one is to finish the next project first!" Said the director.

Soon people began to move to the orchard. When the program was broadcast, the camera would cut directly, and the picture would be very coherent, so there would be no useless scenes.

Eight people were divided into three groups: Liu Feifei and Chen Yihan, Chen Ge and Liu He, Chao Ge and Wang Qielan, and two others.

"It's not tiring for men and women to work together. I'm protesting solemnly to the director's group!" Before picking the happy fruit, Chao Ge Yi said.

"Brother Chao, you're wrong about that. For old drivers, it's hard for men and women to work together. It's exhausting!" Liu he said.

"Hehe, our program is suitable for all ages. There are many children watching it. Don't bring bad children!" Super brother said.

"Well, let's start, 200 Jin happy fruit!"

As soon as the director said that he began to pick fruit quickly, Chen Ge and his group Liu He picked a green pear, wiped it with their hands and ate it with a big "click".

"Hehe, what the hell are you doing? If you don't work, you know how to eat! " Morning elder brother discontented of say.

"You're kidding. It's a few hundred yuan a jin of happy fruit. It's so fresh growing in a tree. When can I eat it now?" Liu he he rolled his eyes and said.

"What you say seems to be reasonable, but I heard that some people say that there are pesticide residues in happy fruit. You dare to eat it without washing it?" Chen said.

"Do you think these fruits are pesticide treated? I don't believe it. Do you want to eat it? " Liu he said.

"Eat, I also don't believe, now some people have nothing to like black others, I see this fruit absolutely no problem!" Brother Chen also picked a fruit and ate it as soon as he wiped it with his hand. In a twinkling of an eye, they ate seven or eight green pears directly.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fugui nodded secretly. Last night's money was not wasted. With these scenes, half of the dirty water splashed on the happy fruit can be washed clean.

"Yummy, yummy! Morning, you pick the fruit quickly. I'll see how they are doing! " After eating the happy fruit, Liu hehe said a word to Chen Ge and ran away. He didn't go to see how other groups were doing. Instead, he went directly to the snack street and ate while shopping, which turned an outdoor entertainment program into a gourmet program.

Zhao Fugui's money was enough. Several stars worked hard not only to promote happy fruit, but also Xiaowan village.

Not only Chen Ge and Liu hehe, but also Chen Yihan and Liu Feifei, the two girls, peel and eat the grapes while picking them. By the way, they praised the happy grapes a lot.Chaoge and Wang Qielan were even more humble. They even went to the staff and grabbed two bags. They packed the bags full and wanted to take them home to their wives.

Zhao Fugui watched the program recording with the director, and was very satisfied with the recording effect. He even thought that if not, he might as well give the title of "desperate rush" to Wan Village food next year, and completely use the program for publicity. However, for a program as popular as "rush like crazy", the annual naming fee is at least 200 million yuan, which is quite a lot of money.

Liu he strolled around the snack street, but Chao Ge didn't pick any fruit any more. He went to destroy Chen GE's work. Regardless of the fact that he was married, Wang Qielan got together with the two girls to help him, and even made the two girls get the first place in the hard work of fruit growers.

However, unlike Zhao Fugui's imagination, the program is not continuously recorded. After one session, the recording stops to make up for the stars, coordinate, make arrangements, and have a rest. If there are any problems or areas that need attention in the previous session, they will come out to discuss.

A program is only broadcast for about an hour on TV, but most of the time, the audience will see the program recorded from morning to night, but they will not feel that there is any problem in the connection when they watch it.

By the time the first part of the program was recorded in the morning, the number of tourists in Xiaowan village had reached 30000, and there were still tourists coming. The stars of the program group not only brought great popularity, but also Zhao Fugui was very satisfied with the effect of the morning program.

Those who want to block happy fruit and even Xiaowan village behind the scenes will not think that Zhao Fugui is willing to spend so much money to save public opinion, and he has a lot of energy in the entertainment industry.

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