Super Monk

Chapter 531

This man surnamed Zhang has no ability, but his mouth is very tight. Zhao Fugui asked for a long time, but he didn't ask anything. Zhao Fugui was not in a hurry. He threw the one surnamed Zhang to the captain of the criminal police, and then poured all the remaining gasoline into the heavy truck compartment.

"Boss Zhao, brother Zhao, grandfather Zhao, don't kill me, don't burn me, help me, help me!" Lao Li was still trapped in the cab of the heavy truck. Smelling the strong smell of gasoline, he felt that he had been doused with some gasoline. He was scared out of his wits and screamed in horror.

"Lao Li, we do business. I don't have anything to apologize for you, do I? Why do you want to harm me? " Zhao Fugui looked down from the cab of the heavy truck and asked coldly.

Several criminal policemen dragged away all the people around the heavy truck. Looking at Zhao Fugui, they didn't dare to persuade him. They were afraid that Zhao Fugui would burn the traitor Lao Li all the way. It's not like making a movie. Even the special forces of the military region may not be able to do it.

Several criminal policemen were stunned by Zhao Fugui's amazing fighting power. They were guessing Zhao Fugui's identity one after another and doubting whether he was an expert who had withdrawn from some secret army.

"Brother Zhao, it's all my fault. I'm bewitched by their bewitching. Please forgive me!" Lao Li's face was full of tears and snot. He slapped himself hard and cried miserably.

However, Zhao Fugui is not moved. Lao Li looks timid, but in fact he is extremely courageous. If he is not bold, he does not dare to get his sister-in-law. He also makes his sister-in-law pregnant, and does not dare to openly sell fake happy fruit. The fake happy apple of 500000 Jin is worth more than 100 million yuan. If he is caught, it will be enough for Lao Li to wash his buttocks and stay in prison for a lifetime .

"Lao Li, tell me the truth, who is behind the scenes trying to harm me?" Zhao Fugui back to the Criminal Police Captain Hook finger, criminal police captain a Leng, just reaction to lose a lighter. Zhao Fugui played lighter for a while and asked faintly.

"Brother Zhao, I really don't know. I'm a wholesaler of fruits. They give me low prices and large quantities. Besides, apples taste like happy fruits. I'm just intrigued to cooperate with them. I really don't know who's behind the scenes to harm you!" Lao Li cried in horror.

"Lao Li, you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin!" Zhao Fugui's face was cold, and a small flame came out of the lighter.

"Brother Zhao, don't say it. Once I went to work with the man surnamed Zhang and stayed in a hotel at night. I lived next door to him. That night, I was smoking on the balcony next door. I heard him calling next door. I didn't catch what he said, but I vaguely heard Zhang mention Jinpeng finance. Later, I quietly inquired about it. Jinpeng finance is a big company of Mordor. The background is too deep. I can only pretend I don't know and dare not ask anything! " Lao Li cried in horror.

"Jinpeng finance?" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed. He didn't expect that it was this company. This is the second time that Zhao Fugui heard the name of this company. He didn't expect that this company almost destroyed Xiaowan village without showing mountains and dew. This energy is not comparable to Li Jianbin and Qin Laohu.

"Brother Zhao, I really only know so much. Please forgive me!" Lao Li cried desperately.

"I don't need to kill you for this. Wash your ass and get ready for jail." Zhao Fugui takes Lao Li out of the cab of the heavy truck, then jumps down from the overturned heavy truck and throws the burning lighter behind him.

"Boom!" The fierce fire was burning wildly, and the three heavy trucks were completely engulfed by the burning flames in a flash. Three hundred thousand jin of happy apples were swallowed up by the fire. In addition to those that have been sold in the market, there are still a small number of small sales channels. The rest of the fake happy apples are all here and completely burned by the fire.

"Brother Zhao, let's go. Someone must have called the police in such a big fire. If they were stopped by the local police, it would be very troublesome. We don't have the power to enforce the law here, and you're not a policeman. We have to leave now! " Looking at the fire has been unable to reverse, criminal police captain quickly said to Zhao Fugui.

"Take both of them back to Rongcheng!" The fake happy Apple has been destroyed, and Zhao Fugui doesn't plan to stay here. His accounts with Jinpeng finance need to be calculated slowly. Now he doesn't know anything about Jinpeng finance and has no place to start revenge.

"Go Two criminal policemen dragged Lao Li and the man surnamed Zhang into the trunk, then drove away immediately, and got on the highway in less than half an hour.

Until this time, the police of Wengcheng had not arrived at the scene of the accident. By the time they arrived, the three heavy trucks had been burned into iron shelves.

In the evening, I drove on the highway for a whole night. Until noon the next day, two cars came back to Chengdu. Zhao Fugui didn't ask for the people, and Zhao Fugui didn't ask for the things on the law enforcement recorder.

"Give the things photographed in the law enforcement recorder to Director Chen. He knows what to do!" Zhao Fugui said to the criminal police captain.

"I know, brother Zhao!" The captain of the criminal police took things with him and soon arrived at the Municipal Bureau, giving all the things to Director Chen. Lao Li and Zhang took the confession. Director Chen took the things in the law enforcement recorder and went directly to Chengdu TV station.A day later, a hot news broke out on the evening news and website news of Chengdu TV. The news broadcast some hot pictures edited to the effect that the city's criminal police rushed to Wengcheng and cooperated with the local police to destroy the fake happy fruit, with a total quantity of more than 300000 Jin, and arrested two important people involved in the case.

As soon as this news was broadcast, it completely confirmed the fact that the fake happy apple appeared on the other side of the urn. All the major websites on the Internet scrambled to quote this news first, and completely restored the reputation of happy fruit.

Wengcheng police have suffered a dumb loss, and dare not make a public statement. The evidence of this matter has been confirmed. At this time, if you raise an objection to the statement of Chengdu police, it is to find something for yourself.

Xiaowan village got a blessing in disguise from this incident. First, it pulled the "rush forward" program team to the platform. Later, it got angry in the news, and the reputation of happy fruit was completely out.

However, although Xiaowan village is blessed with a blessing in disguise, Xiaowan village and Jinpeng finance are completely married. Jinpeng finance will definitely fight against Xiaowan village, and Zhao Fugui won't let these guys be so proud. No matter how deep his mother's background is, he has to be prepared to be killed if he wants to kill himself.

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