Super Monk

Chapter 537

"Zhinuo, you don't look so good recently!" Looking at Lin zhinuo's haggard appearance, Zhao Fugui confidently said, "I have told you before that the loss of one hundred million is nothing. I have a big business to cooperate with Lin's enterprise!"

Two people who came from Lin's enterprise in advance looked at each other and thought that it was a big blow. One hundred million yuan was enough to buy ten school flowers and change them every day. What's the loss? How many people can't make a hundred million in their lifetime.

"What big business? We don't sell fruit or do catering! " Lin zhinuo was teased by Zhao Fugui and finally showed a smile, said.

"If you want to sell fruit, I have no stock to supply you!" Zhao Fugui said, "let's wave out first

"You go out!" Lin zhinuo waved, two people of Lin's enterprise looked at each other, this just retreated from the office. Only Zhao Fugui, Lin zhinuo and Chen Yihan are left in the office.

"I have two kinds of products, one is longevity pill. I dare not say if I eat it for a long time. It's absolutely no problem to prolong my life for a few more years! The other is a combination of plasters. I hope that Lin's medicine can develop this plaster into a spray product. " Zhao Fugui said.

"Every year, all kinds of health care products claim that their products can prolong their life, such as brain gold and brain platinum, which are of no use at all! But I believe what Fugui said, your products will be useful! " Lin zhinuo thought about it and said, "what is the effect of the plaster? What makes a spray? "

"The effect of plaster is more magical!" Zhao Fugui took out the bag containing the earth in the stone chamber, then took out a knife and rowed it over his arm.

"Richness, what are you doing?" Chen Yihan and Lin zhinuo scream and grab Zhao Fugui's arm and watch him nervously.

"It's OK. I'm just doing an experiment to show you! Don't worry Zhao Fugui let the two women loose their hands, and then relaxed their arms, and forced the knife to scratch their arms. With Zhao Fugui's current physical quality, even if he doesn't gather strength, he can't cut a wound without exerting himself.

"It's bleeding!" Lin zhinuo and Chen Yihan anxiously look at Zhao Fugui's arm, and there is blood flowing out of his arm. Zhao Fugui is not in a hurry, gently took some soil to the arm, and then wipe the soil, Zhao Fugui's arm blood is no, the wound is no, even a scar is not left. Lin zhinuo and Chen Yihan showed an unbelievable look and said in surprise, "how is it possible?"

"It's not impossible. This kind of plaster has a very strong closing effect on the wound. Do you think there is a market for this drug? " Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

In fact, Zhao Fugui had a conjecture about the soil under the peach trees in the stone chamber. This kind of soil is likely to be a mysterious land left over from ancient times. I'm afraid only this mysterious land can produce peach trees that can produce longevity ghosts.

"How can there be no market? If it is really a spray preparation, the market is too big. It can not only enter family daily use, but also enter the hospital market. Many surgical operations and diseases with suture need to be used. Even the military industry is a potential market. Think about it. If soldiers are seriously injured on the battlefield, they would have lost their combat effectiveness, but if they use this product, they will be able to recover their combat effectiveness immediately. How helpful is this to the battlefield? " Lin zhinuo said excitedly.

"Yes, if this product is applied to the battlefield, it can even bring a revolution, especially battlefield first aid and special operations. Its value is immeasurable!" Chen Yihan also exclaimed.

"These two products, zhinuo, do you think you can recover the loss of 100 million yuan of Lin's medicine?" Zhao Fugui asked with a smile on his face.

"Let alone one hundred million, if these two products are put into the market, Lin's medicine may even become the largest pharmaceutical company in China in the next ten years!" Lin zhinuo said excitedly.

"I can authorize the R & D of these two products to Lin's medicine and put them on the market for sale. The specific contract will be discussed when you develop the finished products! But these products must be kept secret! " Zhao Fugui said.

"You can rest assured that Lin's medicine has its own research institute, and we will keep it absolutely confidential. What's more, we will also take out the product as soon as possible. Actually, making this kind of plaster is very simple, and there is no technical difficulty. " Lin zhinuo said excitedly.

"I've seen all the plasters. Next I'll show you longevity fruit!" Zhao Fugui opens the cabinet in his office and takes out the longevity ghost from it. There is a great difference between longevity ghost and ordinary ghost. In fact, longevity ghost is not a ghost at all. It has entity. It can be said that longevity peach is in the past. "This longevity fruit is actually a kind of herbal extract, but the quantity is very small, and it needs to be sold as a small pill."

Zhao Fugui's longevity ghosts add up to less than 100, and it is impossible to sell all of them to Lin's medicine. This kind of medicine is bound to be expensive and the supply is limited. But money for life, even if the price is high, there will be countless people willing.

"Fugui, is there any quantitative data for us to refer to?" Lin zhinuo looked at the longevity fruit carefully and asked after thinking about it."A longevous fruit can extend its life by ten years. There is no other data!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Ten years? For all? " Lin Zhi Nuo and Chen Yi Han stare big eyes to ask a way, if this kind of longevity fruit really has this kind of effect, simply compare that kind of plaster total even more magical.

"Basically, it's effective for all people, but it's not good for those who have serious diseases. This kind of longevity fruit can't cure diseases!" Zhao Fugui said.

"These two kinds of drugs are absolutely miracles in the medical field. You are so rich!" Lin zhinuo said excitedly that if these two drugs can be successfully launched, it will definitely make Lin's medicine become one of the leading domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, and it is not impossible to become the first in the industry in the future.

"Fugui, I will take these two samples to the laboratory tonight, and I will develop the terminal products as soon as possible!" Lin zhinuo said excitedly.

"OK, you can arrange these things by yourself!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Then I'll go back to the city first. I'll call you if I have any further information!" Lin zhinuo carefully put a longevity fruit and xirang into the bag. Then she nodded to Chen Yihan and walked out of the office with emotion. She went back to the city overnight.

"Richness, I didn't expect you to be so capable in medical treatment!" Chen Yihan also said with a sigh.

"In fact, I didn't make either of them. Their quantity is limited!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and took out two longevity ghosts from the cupboard. He took them to Chen Yihan and said, "take them with you and put them away. They will run away by themselves."

Chen Yihan stares at Zhao Fugui, full of emotion and disbelief. Two longevity fruits can add up to 20 years of longevity. This is a real treasure. Zhao Fugui is willing to give her two. Chen Yihan never expected Zhao Fugui to do so.

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