Super Monk

Chapter 540

"Lin Yuan, you are such a villain. Actually cheat us, let us think that Chairman Lin was cheated, you are the biggest liar. I'm the first to refuse to accept Lin's group in your hands! " Fu Lao glared at Lin Yuan angrily and cheered.

"Yes, Lin's group must not be handed over to a villain like you. Lin's group was founded by the chairman of the board of directors. It should be handed over to the eldest lady as well. " Changhai also said, "we absolutely support Lin Dong's decision!"

"Are you two old people crazy?" Lin Yuan's face changed greatly. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He looked at deputy director Ma like asking for help and said, "director Ma, don't pay attention to them. You must support me. When I control the Lin group, 5% of the original shares will be given to you right away! "

"Lin Yuan, before you take over Lin's group, you betray the group. I will never let the group fall into your hands!" Lin Hai said angrily.

Deputy director Ma's face changed several times in a row. After looking at Zhao Fugui, he ignored Lin Yuan and asked carefully, "Zhao Fugui, are you the miracle doctor Zhao Fugui, the boss of Xiaowan village?"

"What? Director Ma has also heard of my name? " Zhao Fugui sneered and asked faintly.

"It's Mr. Zhao. I'm sorry that I don't know Taishan! This matter has nothing to do with me. Don't listen to Lin Yuan! " Deputy director Ma's face changed greatly. With a smile, he quickly turned to Lin Yuan and said, "Lin Yuan, what are you talking about? Why did I ask you for shares? You dare to say that Mr. Zhao developed a fake medicine. It's really blind in your dog's eyes

"Director Ma, what do you mean? We had a good talk before we came here! " Lin Yuan's face showed a trace of panic and said quickly. If deputy director Ma does not support him, he will have nothing to threaten Lin Hai. Lin Hai will certainly kick him out of the Lin group.

"Who will talk to you? Don't slander me!" Director Ma threw away Lin Yuan and said to Zhao Fugui with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, I'm so sorry. I promise there won't be any obstacles when your new drug goes on the market. Well, I have something else to do, so I'll go first! "

Director Ma accompanied by smiling face, Zhao Fugui nodded, he hurried out of the villa, hurried to his car and left in a hurry.

Joking, who is Zhao Fugui? Other people don't know. Can director Ma not know? The great power of the Li family, the provincial capital, is the enemy of Zhao Fugui. How dare he fight against Zhao Fugui? It's like an old man hanging himself. He thinks his life is too long.

"I'm sorry, chairman. We are also bewitched by villains. We have been in Lin's group for so many years, and we have been following the chairman for so many years. I didn't expect that we would be bewitched by villains when we are old. Ah, we are really old. Mr. Lin hopes you will allow us to retire. With Mr. Zhao here, the group doesn't need us any more. Now it's the world of young people! " Chang Hai and Fu Lao said.

"I don't blame you for this. Who can go to work without making mistakes?" Lin Hai said.

"Thank you, chairman. You can rest assured that although we don't have many stocks, we firmly support your decision! If Mr. Zhao can come to Lin's group, we Lin's group can go further and more brilliant! " Changhai and Laofu said again.

Each of Changhai and Laofu has 3% of the original shares, which adds up to 6%. With their support, the original shares in Linhai's hands become 46%. As long as they are fighting for the support of two small shareholders or increasing their holdings in the stock market, the shares in Linhai's hands will exceed 50%, and the equity change plan will be implemented.

It can be said that with the support of two people, now no one can prevent Zhao Fugui from entering the board of directors of Lin group.

"Bah! Little man When Changhai and Fulao leave, they spit on Linyuan, and then leave the villa.

"Lin Yuan, what are you doing? Get out of here!" Lin Hai stares at the lonely Lin Yuan and shouts angrily.

"Get out of here. If Lin's group really falls into the hands of villains like you, it's ruined!" Zhao Fugui looked at Lin Yuan with disdain and said.

"You, you?" Lin Yuan stares at Zhao Fugui. He just comes back from the United States. His mind is not in the medical circle. He has never heard of Zhao Fugui's name. Lin Yuan can't understand why director Ma and Mr. Fu of Changhai changed their attitude as soon as they heard Zhao Fugui's name.

Lin Yuan trembled, pointed to Zhao Fugui, turned around and knelt down in front of Lin Hai with a "plop". He held Lin Hai's leg and begged, "Er Bo, it's all my obsession. Please forgive me this time. I will work hard in the company in the future and never do this kind of thing again

Without Lin Hai's support, how can his family's own industry and his dead salary in Lin's group be enough for him to squander, and how can he maintain his luxurious second generation life. Lin Yuan now knew that he was afraid. He held Lin Hai's leg and cried bitterly.

"Go away, don't be a disgrace here!" Lin Hai kicks Lin Yuan hard and shouts angrily. Lin Yuan still wanted to struggle. Two servants rushed over and dragged Lin Yuan to throw him out.

Poor Lin Yuan has been living a life of luxury, where two middle-aged maids are rivals, and they are directly thrown out of the villa.Lin Yuan was thrown out of the villa, unwilling to cry outside the villa for a while, until Lin Hai villa security called, villa security drove him out, he just stopped.

"Mr. Zhao, I make you laugh! Ah, unfortunately, it seems that our family style group structure can't keep up with the times! " Lin Hai sighed and said.

After today's event, Lin Hai was determined to kick the rest of the Lin family out of the board of directors, readjust the equity structure, and completely change the situation of family style small workshops.

In the future, Lin Hai only guarantees that the rest of the Lin family will have no worries about food and clothing. If they want to live a better life, it depends on their own efforts. Lin Hai has done his utmost to do so.

"Every family has its own difficult classics. Uncle Lin doesn't have to feel embarrassed!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, "before the conditions in accordance with Uncle Lin you said to do!"

"Well, we can get the finished product in three days. In recent days, we have completed all kinds of information and certificates. These drugs are registered as health care products. The procedures will be much simpler, and there is no need for clinical investigation! After the energy products are produced, we will arrange to go on the market immediately! " Lin Hai said.

"Well, uncle Lin, you are an expert. Just look at the arrangement!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said that just at this time, Zhao Fugui's mobile phone suddenly rang. When Zhao Fugui saw that it was Chen Yihan who called, he quickly connected the phone.

"Richness, it's not good. Chen Dadan has been taken away!" Chen Yihan said anxiously on the phone.

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